Ventilation check. Cleaning the ventilation shaft in the apartment

Nobody pays attention to ventilation if it is functioning properly. As a rule, exhaust openings are installed in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet. Air flows arise due to the temperature difference inside the building and outside. At the same time, an influx of fresh air is required, necessary for ventilation of the premises.

In case of malfunctions, a ventilation check is necessary.

ventilation check


Cooking is done in this room and gas combustion products and specific odors constantly appear. If a malfunction occurs in the hood, they spread to all rooms and remain there for a long time. In addition, soot resulting from the combustion of gas will be deposited on all surfaces. Most of it remains in the kitchen.


Violation of ventilation in the bathroom leads to an increase in humidity. In the corners, on the walls and ceiling, dark spots of mold appear, which is harmful to health.

High humidity is immediately felt by a person, and in this case a ventilation check is necessary.


When the hood in the toilet becomes clogged, being in it becomes unpleasant, and the smells from the bathrooms spread throughout all the rooms of the apartment.

How to check for traction in a simple way

Ventilation is checked periodically as soon as dust appears on the grilles. To do this, they are removed and washed from dirt. After the grilles are installed back and the transom opens or a window leaf in the kitchen or in the room nearby. If the check is done in the bathroom or toilet, the doors are left open to create an airflow. To check the efficiency of the hood, a sheet of paper is applied to the ventilation grill . He should be "attracted" to her, which is a signal of the presence of traction. A piece of toilet paper should be independently held on a grid. In another way, you can check for draft by deflecting the flame of a lighter or candle. The procedure is repeated in all areas. Cleaning the ventilation is required if the sheet is not pulled to the grate.

ventilation cleaning

You need to know that in hot weather the draft in the ventilation duct worsens and it is useless to check it. It depends on the temperature difference between the room and the outside. In this case, forced ventilation is turned on.

How to organize ventilation in the apartment

The lack of fresh air in the apartment can also be the reason for its poor circulation. This became especially noticeable with the replacement of windows with plastic, which are distinguished by their tightness. In this case, residents need to resolve this issue on their own. Ventilation is improved as follows:

  • frequent airing of rooms;
  • microventilation of plastic windows ;
  • air conditioner installation;
  • the use of supply valves;
  • the use of forced-air and forced ventilation.

The reason for the lack of traction may be the unauthorized redevelopment of the apartment of residents living upstairs, or when the system is overloaded from an enterprise built on the ground floor, for example, a store or cafe. It even requires a ventilation check, because odors appear in the apartment. In both cases, you must seek help from the Housing Office.

Rules for cleaning the ventilation ducts

Do-it-yourself ventilation cleaning is prohibited, since the mine is serviced by specialists of the management company on the roof or on technical floors. She is usually treated with complaints of lack of traction. When calling specialists, the neighbors should be warned about this, since when cleaning the mine through the ventilation openings in the apartment dust can fall.

When an independent ventilation check is performed, it is only allowed to clean the channel leading from the apartment to the main shaft. To do this, perform the following operations.

  1. Move furniture, cover the floor and close the wall at the work site.
  2. Remove, clean and if necessary replace the grill.
  3. Wearing gloves on your hands, carefully remove debris from the ventilation duct and pull out the remainder with a vacuum cleaner. It is better to remove trash with a tool such as a spatula so as not to be injured by sharp fragments.
  4. Reinstall the grill and check for traction by opening a window.

Additional ventilation device

When the ventilation at home is working properly, but there is not enough fresh air, the following measures are required to improve the microclimate.

  1. Plastic windows are tight, but it is advisable to purchase window systems with micro-ventilation.
  2. Fresh air can be supplied with valves, grilles, filters, air heaters and forced-air blowers.
  3. Partially help out the conditioner, refreshing and draining air.
  4. Install a ventilation system.

Choosing a way to ventilate the premises, you should determine its effectiveness and which devices are already working. A preliminary check should be made of exhaust ventilation and the need for the installation of additional equipment to improve the quality of its work should be identified.

exhaust ventilation test

No matter how efficient the hood is, an influx of fresh air is needed. For this, valves are installed behind the batteries. The diameter of the holes facing the street is 6-10 cm. A plug is installed in them, which can have manual or automatic control. The incoming air can be cleaned using filter elements installed in the valves.

Ventilation is classified according to the following criteria:

  • forced or natural air moves in the rooms;
  • exhaust or supply type of device;
  • what service is provided: local or general house;
  • the presence of channels for air transmission;
  • typesetting or monoblock design.

The choice of type of ventilation depends on the area and purpose of the premises, the number of equipment and people in it, the type of their activity. In all cases, preference is given to natural extraction, since this is the most economical option.

How to check ventilation systems

Ventilation systems are inspected, which can be emergency or planned. Checking their operation is carried out using an anemometer. It is introduced into the ventilation duct, while ensuring the flow of air into the room.

check ventilation systems

In the branches of the shaft, the air speed should not be lower than 3 m / s.

The measurement results should be recorded.

ventilation test certificate

They are recorded by devices, and then an act of checking ventilation is drawn up. It should contain data on how efficiently the system works and whether it complies with design standards.


Checking ventilation in an apartment is a simple operation that must be done to maintain an optimal microclimate.

check ventilation in the apartment

In case of violations in her work, it is necessary to know what the landlord can do and in what cases he should contact the management company.


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