Allergy to dust and dust mites: symptoms, treatment

Allergies to dust and ticks, which are most often found there, are one of the pressing problems of man. No matter how pure it may be in your home, the disease can manifest itself in any case, and at any time of the year. An allergy to a house dust mite happens even because of its small amount. As a rule, this ailment is very bad for children.

In this case, the cleaning process for such people should not only take place every day using a simple damp cloth, but special means should be used to destroy these parasites. If you are allergic to a house dust mite , a photo of which can be seen in the article, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

dust mite allergy
But, unfortunately, you can see ticks only under a microscope.

Everyone who suffers from this disease and the people around him, relatives, needs to know how allergies to dust and ticks affect the person himself, and what to do in this case. Of course, everyone should be informed about the treatment of this disease.

What is house dust?

It consists of small microparticles, which include various kinds of waste products of people and pets.

So, in house dust there are hairs, fabric from furniture, parts from clothes, animal hair, dead skin epithelium. Any component can cause individual intolerance. Most often, allergies to house dust mites are most often observed.

It is present wherever possible, and feeds on skin epithelium. A favorite place for these parasites is bedding, pillows and upholstery from a soft sofa, chairs.

What is a tick dangerous?

If a person has an individual intolerance to a parasite, then a runny nose and constant sneezing occur. In addition, if you do not take the antihistamine on time, there may be swelling of the mucous membrane, passing into suffocation. More commonly, severe itching and skin rash are observed. For allergies to dust and ticks, the signs are just that.

house dust mite allergy

Of course, these manifestations in themselves are very unpleasant, but the consequences of untimely treatment can be terrible and sad. Changes of a dysfunctional nature occurring in the body lead to various kinds of diseases.

With frequent runny nose, polyps can form in the nose, and inflammation of the mucous membranes will lead to asthma, which is a very difficult disease.

Therefore, an allergy to a house dust mite in a child is considered a kind of leap or transition to the fact that his body begins to work incorrectly. As soon as the first symptoms of individual intolerance appear, you should proceed to immediate treatment, otherwise the development of other more dangerous diseases will go.

Causes of Allergies

Many factors affect the appearance of this ailment. They are divided into three groups: external, immunological and psychophysical. The first is the presence of this parasite in the very living area of ​​a person. Usually dust and dirt accumulate there, in secluded places, where the mistress rarely looks and cleans up.

dust mite allergy signs

For example, on the shelves where books stand, a damp rag rarely gets. Dust accumulates here for a very long time. Soft toys are also a source of individual intolerance. They should be washed and properly looked after. Pillows, which are already many years old that have passed on to us from grandparents, most often remain as they were before. And they should often be processed. Clothing that has not been worn for so long and shoes that have not been touched for several years can be allergic to dust and mites.

Immunological signs of individual intolerance

The human body protection system is designed to protect it from all kinds of harmful microorganisms and bacteria. As a rule, with this form, the main reason is a sharp decrease in immunity. A situation arises when a person ceases to pay attention to his health.

allergy to house dust mite photo

Very often a breakdown is observed in the spring season. And some people are allergic to pollen. Due to this factor, a decrease in immunity occurs.

Psychophysical causes of an allergic reaction

This condition of any of the people has a certain value in the resistance to various diseases. Allergies to dust and ticks are no exception. A person who has recently experienced stress or is emotionally depressed will suffer this disease worse. At this point, his immune system controls the process extremely poorly. For example, there were situations when a person seems to be allergic to dust and mites, the signs all correspond, but in the room in which he is located there are no such parasites.

This happens because of strong emotions. Usually, people who are poorly related to any item, even after thorough cleaning, have individual intolerance to it. In this situation, with allergies to dust and ticks, symptoms are not treatable by antihistamines. Here, the main emphasis should be on examining the central nervous system.

What allergens are there?

The main source of individual intolerance is a tick, but in addition to it, there are other pathogens of this disease. An allergy can be to the hair of your pets: not only cats and dogs, but also hamsters. It seems that the remains of cockroaches that are almost invisible to the eye can make even a large person fall asleep and become covered with a rash.

If an allergy to dust and ticks in a child appears suddenly, think about it, you probably changed something or brought it into the house not so long ago. For example, a regular down pillow can cause this disease.

In books, namely in the dust that forms on them, small microorganisms live, causing constant sneezing and runny nose.

dust allergy to ticks how to treat

If there is dampness in the apartment you live in, do not hesitate that mold will soon appear. Many people get individual intolerance to it.

House dust mite allergy: disease symptoms

Many types of individual intolerance are very similar to each other. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease is difficult. A thorough examination will be required.

house dust mite allergy symptoms

Here are a number of signs characteristic of individual dust intolerance:

  • Runny nose, this phenomenon can be very long, sneezing also joins it. A large amount of mucus accumulates in the nose.
  • Eyes turn red, profuse lacrimation is observed. If no measures are taken in this situation, conjunctivitis develops.
  • Mucosal inflammation. Due to the fact that such a phenomenon occurs in the respiratory tract, a cough is formed.
  • Edema of the bronchi, leading to suffocation or Quincke's edema.

How is the diagnosis of the disease?

For a correct diagnosis, the specialist directs the patient to a special examination. As a rule, in this situation, samples are taken for an allergen. But before this process, the doctor asks a number of questions to the patient, finds out where and under what conditions there are signs of individual intolerance.

Then the specialist makes a conclusion based on the patient’s history and test results. After all, complex therapy and treatment are prescribed.

How is an allergen removed?

In general, it is impossible to make the dust mite disappear. But other allergens are removed.

allergy to a house dust mite in a child

What actions are needed for this? For example, with individual intolerance to down, you should get rid of all such pillows and purchase with synthetic filler. If your child is allergic to animal hair, you will have to sacrifice them, give them to your very good friends or relatives. And the shelves in which books and magazines are located should be closed with glass. In the apartment with mold do the processing.

Among other things, do not forget that good cleaning using special tools is a must.

Allergy to dust, ticks: how to treat?

There are several methods of complex therapy for getting rid of individual intolerance. Medicines are usually prescribed or folk remedies are used. In addition, in this situation, immunotherapy is also used. The last way to treat the disease is that the same allergen is introduced into the human body, but in a very small dosage. Gradually increase it.

This method is very effective, because the body gets used to dust, ticks, and in the future does not react so sharply to irritants.

What does traditional medicine offer for individual intolerance?

For most people with this ailment, the question arises: if allergic to dust and mites, how to treat? What to do in this situation? In the patient's body there is histamine. It is he who is responsible for allergen outbreaks. In order to suppress it, antihistamines are prescribed by a specialist.

As a rule, the patient becomes inhibited and drowsy from this medicine. This phenomenon is explained by the side effect of the medication. Sometimes the doctor offers the patient other methods of treatment for an allergic reaction.

What are the popular methods?

One of the effective methods for individual intolerance is rinsing the nose with an aqueous solution, which contains salt and soda. The procedure should be done every 3 hours. A saline solution in the absence of soda will also help.

You can also do simple inhalation with water vapor. They very well remove swelling of the mucous membranes. This procedure is similar to a bath. Here the patient should inhale the vapors.

When treating folk methods using medicinal plants, one must be careful and careful, since the decoction may not be suitable for a person, then an attack will occur. In this case, it is advised to drink a small amount of the drink, and if after a certain amount of reaction time does not follow, then take it.

Air conditioning at home is also a great treatment. With its help, air is ionized by negatively charged particles.

In addition to all of the above methods, it is necessary to follow a diet, which, as a rule, is prescribed by a specialist. A person should exclude chocolate and coffee, as well as corn, from his diet.

What is disinfection and what is it for?

This procedure is very necessary for this disease. So, with an allergy to house dust mites, treatment will be more effective if disinfection is carried out. To do this, some places and things are subjected to heat treatment. For example, if you iron all clothes on both sides with an iron, then the dust mite will die. Pillows, blankets are processed by special means, sometimes they are taken to dry cleaning. In some cases, you can use the services of disinfectants.

How to carry out prophylaxis?

In order to not have health problems, and allergies to dust you are not overcome, it is worth following a few simple tips. The living room, apartment should be aired as often as possible.

Thorough cleaning should be done preferably daily. You should use not only a vacuum cleaner, but also a damp cloth with special detergents.

Bed sheets need to be changed once a week, not monthly. Then the risk of getting an allergy will be less.

There should not be any carpets and carpet in the house. They are the source of carriers of all parasites and harmful microorganisms.

If mold suddenly appears on your wall or ceiling in your apartment, get rid of it immediately. Special tools are sold to combat them. It is known that children who live in a house with mold and fungus are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. Take care of family health and yourself in advance. And then you do not have to be treated for allergies to a dust mite.


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