City Polyclinic №106 (Moscow): reviews

Moscow clinics are considered one of the best. Perhaps due to the fact that the capital has the most specialists, or maybe this is simply an erroneous opinion imposed by stereotypes. This can only be understood by the example of a specific institution, having examined all its aspects.

Moscow City Polyclinic № 106

This institution is located in the South-Western administrative district and is a branch (No. 5) of the city polyclinic No. 22. This institution is designed to serve residents of the capital, provides assistance and services in several areas of medicine: therapy, surgery, dentistry, outpatient and inpatient care and others .

Clinic 106

Clinic number 106 address: Moscow city, Vavilova street, building 71.

The nearest metro stops are Profsoyuznaya (at a distance of 890 m) and Novye Cheryomushki (about 1000 m).

The clinic accepts citizens daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays, on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The traumatology center operates around the clock.

Departments of a medical institution

As for the structural division of the polyclinic No. 106 itself, it should be said that it is a full-fledged institution, because the following departments work here:

Children's Clinic 106

  • therapeutic (2 departments);
  • traumatology and orthopedics;
  • functional diagnostics ;
  • Dentistry
  • rehabilitation treatment;
  • physiotherapy department.

In addition, there are rooms:

  • X-ray
  • medical prevention;
  • endoscopy;
  • cardiological;
  • teenage;
  • ophthalmic;
  • acupuncture;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • surgical;
  • neurological;
  • barotherapy;
  • urological;
  • district speech therapist.

For the convenience of patients, Polyclinic No. 106 has a pharmacy, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a day hospital (includes 10 patients who are treated by neurological doctors, therapists and surgeons).

You can also conduct the following examinations at the doctor's prescription: dopplerography, ECG, M-ECHO, FVD, ultrasound, RVG, REG, EEG.

Patient Admission Conditions and Address Binding

It should be understood that in the Moscow polyclinic No. 106, as in all others, there are generally accepted rules.

Polyclinic 106 doctors schedule

People who have reached the age of 15 years, having a residence permit at addresses that are tied to this institution, can go to doctors.

Address binding to clinic number 106 is indicated below.

In the Lomonosov district, this institution includes houses along the streets:

  • Architect Vlasov;
  • Vavilova;
  • Panferova;
  • Garibaldi.

In the Academic region, the attached addresses are houses along the following streets:

  • Vavilova;
  • Fersman;
  • Gubkin;
  • Trade union;
  • Willow Grandma's
  • Prospect Nakhimovsky;
  • Kedrova;
  • Krzhizhanovsky.

An appointment with a doctor (with the exception of acute pain) must be done in advance (in a way convenient for the patient) so that the nurses can prepare medical records.

Appointment to the doctors

Recently, an electronic medical record has been introduced at the state level. Clinic number 106 was no exception, and therefore, in order to get an appointment with the right specialist, you should make an appointment with him in advance. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Call the Citywide Call Center.
  2. Call directly to the telephone number of the clinic number 106.
  3. Use an online appointment with a doctor through the state service portal.
  4. On the spot in the clinic, contact the "Nursing Post".
  5. Use an electronic terminal, also called "infomat".

In any case, before making an appointment with the doctors, you first need to familiarize yourself with the schedule of doctors in the clinic number 106 in order to avoid unpleasant situations. On any issue regarding the work of a certain specialist, patients can consult by phone, which was discussed above.

106 clinic reviews

Doctors Clinic

Due to the fact that the clinic number 106 has a versatile specifics, a large number of doctors work here. Among them, there are those who have gained considerable experience, and there are young, very young specialists who have recently graduated from higher educational institutions, but at the same time doing their job no worse than senior colleagues.

As for the administrative staff (heads of structural departments), the following doctors work here (information for 2017):

  • Turkina Tamara Alekseevna;
  • Nedorezova Natalia Mikhailovna;
  • Chernoklinova Valentina Sergeevna;
  • Pakulina Elena Alexandrovna;
  • Zhanna Sergeevna Avramenko;
  • Shleptsova Marina Pavlovna;
  • Bubnov Leonid Timofeevich;
  • Sokolov Vladimir Nikolaevich ;
  • Galina Viktorovna Musarova;
  • Nurkas Marta Robertovna;
  • Norenko Elena Sergeevna.

Of the doctors noted by patients, we can distinguish such specialists:

  • Mukhina Marina Evgenievna;
  • Korginov E.V .;
  • Silkin Victor Ivanovich;
  • Sotskova Natalia Grigoryevna;
  • Novikov K.P .;
  • Stepanyan R. O .;
  • Tsiveleva I.A. and others.
    106 city polyclinic

Reviews for the branch number 5 of the clinic number 22

There is never a consensus among patients about clinics. Someone was lucky to get to an experienced doctor, and someone had to see a young doctor, undergo a lot of additional examinations (because the doctor tried to play it safe in determining the diagnosis or method of treatment). About Polyclinic No. 106, there are various reviews: from thanks to the complained complaints.

People thank the doctors for putting them on their feet, helping to quickly identify and cure the disease, and showed a friendly and caring attitude. Negatives are expressed in the direction of doctors who prescribe unnecessary tests, do not devote adequate time to examining and examining the patient, and refuse to issue referrals to highly specialized city hospitals (and they themselves cannot help). Also, dissatisfaction is expressed about the attitude towards patients, irregular working hours (with a clear schedule).

An individual opinion is formed only after the patient visits this institution. It is important to take into account the following advice: if the patient was at the reception, he had questions about the attitude / examination method / prescription of drugs, then the ideal option would be to contact the head of the department or consult with another specialist of the clinic number 106 or a private clinic (optional).

Children's Clinic number 106 in Moscow

The capital also has a children's institution with the same name. It is located at: Prospect 40 years of October, building. 25.

The nearest metro stations: Lyublino, Volzhskaya, Kuzminki.

Children's Clinic № 106 provides services:

  • reception of pediatricians;
  • reception of neuropathologists;
  • nephrologist;
  • ENT doctor;
  • optometrist;
  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon
  • traumatologist and orthopedist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.
    106 clinic entry to the doctor

Necessary procedures and measures are also being taken to:

  • audiology - otorhinolaryngology;
  • conducting ultrasound;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises and massage;
  • collection and research of clinical and biochemical analyzes.

The clinic has a day hospital for those who do not need to be under round-the-clock supervision of doctors during treatment.

Parent feedback about the institution

Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative reviews about this clinic. But they are not even connected with the doctors themselves and their work, but with its organization. Either they make changes to the doctors' schedule and do not warn about it in advance, it is impossible to get through to the registry, or they are recording more people than the doctor can actually accept.

Otherwise, almost everyone is satisfied with the specialists, therefore they recommend the children's clinic No. 106 to their friends.


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