Best Changers Platform: reviews

The Internet has thousands of different job advertisements and earnings. But only a fraction of them are real ways to make money. The rest are fraudulent schemes to lure money or work in which they do not pay. In the article, we will consider a platform called Best Changers, on whether it is realistic to make money on it.


The platform is called Best Changers, but you should not pay attention to the name. She has many names. From reviews of the site Best Changers and the like, you can read about a dozen names, for example, CHANGERS ONLINE, simpleprofit.

This is because fraudulent sites do not exist for a long time. The names of the platforms change with enviable regularity, but their essence remains the same.

It should also be noted that the name of the Best Changers platform is consonant with the real exchange Bestchange. The schemes explaining how to make money on Bestchange and on Best Changers are similar. Both there and there is an exchange of electronic monetary units.

Best changers homepage

Currency Exchange at Bestchange

Bestchange is an online exchanger on the site of which you can change any electronic currency. On the first page you can immediately see all the exchange rates, compare and choose the most suitable for the exchange. They work on the principle of a conventional exchanger. If you have a certain amount of electronic currency, then it can be exchanged for another.

In addition, there is an affiliate program. How to make money on an affiliate program in Bestchange? Very simple: by registering in the program, for each person involved, you can get $ 0.65.

Bestchange Reviews

The company has existed on the market for more than 10 years, over the years it managed to earn the trust of its users. There is no doubt in her honesty.

There are both positive and negative reviews on the Web. A big plus of Bestchange is that they leave all the negative reviews on exchangers on their site, without hiding anything. Make a list of reliable and unreliable exchange sites.

How to make money on Bestchange exchange ? Reviews say that the control panel is very convenient, everyone can understand it. In addition, the rates of various currencies are very clearly shown. Making money on the exchange, choosing the best option, is not difficult.

If with Bestchange everything is less or less clear, then with Best Changers - no.

Best Changers Website

Going to the main page of the platform, it is not possible to draw a conclusion about their activities. The only thing that is understandable is that everything will be fast and profitable, as the creators assure. Most likely, they will quickly and profitably fraud the money.

On the main page you can also see life-affirming, motivating quotes, but there are no licenses, agreements, contacts.

The description of the platform indicates that it has been working since 2016. From reviews of Best and other similar projects, it is clear that indeed, around 2016, money began to be lured here. What are they doing? By exchanging electronic monetary units at very competitive rates, since the majority of online exchange services are connected to the Best Changers system.

making money on the internet

Types of earnings

You can earn in several ways:

  • By exchanging electronic units from one wallet to another.
  • By exchanging electronic means of payment from one wallet to another, while receiving a commission.
  • By purchasing “Trading packages”, you will earn automatically.
  • Inviting new people (the so-called affiliate program).

As you can see from the description, the terms are familiar, but the process itself is completely incomprehensible. How to make money on Best Changers and whether it is possible, we will learn further.

Earnings Online

Registration on the platform

To start work on the site, you have to suffer. You need to fill in the following fields: email address, first name, last name, country of residence, phone number, password, gender, date of birth. If there are no problems with this, then, among other things, you need to specify the account number of the sponsor, which is so easy to find.

You will also have to accept the rules of use, which are impossible to read anywhere. They are simply not there.

From reviews of Best Changers it becomes known that the sponsor number, as well as information about the project itself, can be found:

  • By email from well-wishers who want to help make money.
  • On third-party sites related to Best Changers. Usually these are small capture pages that offer great earnings without investment, effort, etc. There will certainly be a link to the main site for money laundering or an email address that you can contact to get information about earnings.
  • From the video. Some scammers make videos to attract new people.
  • Just on the Internet. On the forums you can find messages about working in the exchanger.
  • From job advertisements. Unfortunately, Best Changers ads can be seen on Avito, in Yandex.
Currency exchange

Fraud scheme

After analyzing reviews about Best Changers, scammers began to work more through third-party sites with email and try to attract new people through emails. What does it look like:

  1. You send a letter to the email address indicated on the site that you are interested in cooperation and earning.
  2. A reply letter comes up with the usual questions. For example, how much are you willing to devote time to remote work, who do you work with, what is your main activity, have you worked remotely before, etc.
  3. In the second letter, fraudsters begin to actively paint in all colors the opportunities that open up with the start of cooperation with Best Changers. The job is to exchange funds between electronic systems. the first time you need to use it is not your own money, but the money of a person already allegedly working in Best Changers. The phrases standard for such divorces are given: “I have no time to work myself”, “I am gathering a team”, “I give an opportunity to earn money”. What do the cheated peck? The letter says that you can earn $ 280 without risking anything.
  4. If a person agrees to cooperation, the following letter arrives, in which there is a link to the site and the sponsor number. The sender also asks to send his account number, which will be available after registration.
  5. The sender credits sponsorship money to the account and gives instructions for work. Of course, nothing special needs to be done. Just press the buttons and watch how the score increases. And if in detail: there are several wallets on the control panel, in one of them the amount sent by the sponsor will be displayed. By clicking on the wallet, you will see possible exchange options with other wallets. If the exchange rate is more than 1, then we make the exchange, if less, then no. This should be done until the amount on the account grows to the necessary sponsor.
  6. Having earned the first hundreds of dollars, smelling money, the newly baked employee finds himself in a difficult situation. The fun begins. To withdraw earned funds, you need to pay a lot of money - $ 150. There is also an explanation why to pay. This is necessary to verify the account and these $ 150 will be in the account, so they can also be withdrawn.
Money laundering

What is the essence of divorce

Initially, scammers rub into trust by asking common questions.

The so-called employer sends sponsorship money to the account. It is impossible to withdraw or do something else with them, except for exchange. You are assured that you can get earned in excess of this money. No costs are required for this, everything is clean and transparent. At the initial stage, no one will say that you will need to pay a certain amount for the possibility of withdrawal.

One exchange between wallets brings profits from 1 to 9 dollars, so it will take more than one hour to work (click on the buttons). As they say in reviews about Best Changers, it will take 2-3 hours to reach the required amount. This is done to create the visibility and importance of the work.

The whole point of divorce comes down to luring money. There can be several reasons to pay $ 150: this is account verification, its registration, its activation, and more. They try to convince that this money will not go anywhere, they will also appear on the account and they can be immediately withdrawn. But in reality no one will give them out. Immediately you need to wonder why you can not use the money earned?

After payment, $ 150 will be allowed to withdraw only 10% per month of the amount deposited, that is, $ 150 can be returned in 10 months. About earned, you can not remember. But the probability of returning the money spent is negligible. Such platforms close very quickly.

But the divorce does not end there. To speed up the withdrawal of funds, a proposal will be received to purchase one of the “trading packages”, worth $ 250, 500, 1000. They will vow to assure that after its acquisition everything can be immediately withdrawn. Those who agree to pay the package will be offered to open a foreign card, to attract more people through an affiliate program. The Best Changers affiliate program, as well as earnings on it, depends on the “trading package”. But essentially, it’s just brain dusting. The reasons for not paying the money can be as many as you like, it all depends on how much a person is willing to be deceived.

Money fraud scheme

What should alert you?

Any fraudulent scheme has a number of signs by which it can be concluded that they pay or not:

  1. The promise of easy money, high income at low cost.
  2. The site Best Changers indicated that the platform has been operating since 2016. However, if you check the information on the site, you will notice that it exists for several months. Attendance depresses him, as a large number of people study the site (several hundred a day).
  3. Use of well-known terms.
  4. Earnings are simple steps. The calculation is made on the fact that a person does not fully understand the topic of earnings, does not understand how he is actually implemented.
  5. You can work only with a sponsor. How then did the sponsors come to the platform?
  6. The accrual of virtual money that cannot be withdrawn or spent.
  7. Luring money under any pretext.
  8. After the demands of payment of money, work ceases, it will no longer be possible to earn even virtual money.
Stealing money


There are a lot of reviews about the Best Changers platform, all of them are negative. There are a lot of people affected by the hands of scammers. But advertising of such sites flickers constantly, and they continue to multiply. On the Internet, you can find dozens of sites like Best Changers. They are all created like a carbon copy, they have one fraud scheme. Before transferring money, read the reviews, they will tell you a lot.


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