Selfie addiction disease. Selfie - bad habit or disease?

The world is technically evolving rapidly rapidly, and this fact leaves its imprint on its inhabitants. Since it is people who are the engines of progress and the initiators, respond to them. Since ancient times, scientists and geniuses of the past have been looking for ways to capture the image in simpler ways than drawing. And this is not surprising, because we are always looking for easy ways to solve our problems. One of the consequences was "selfie disease."

selfie disease

Self-dependence of different layers of the Earth’s population

If you look superficially at a photograph, then its purpose is to capture in a certain period of time the area that the camera lens captures. For humans, this image can serve as a key for memories of the past. Namely, they give rise to deep feelings of sadness and joy in people, evoke emotions, take your breath away and play with imagination. As for the development of photography as a whole for art and culture, this is a huge leap forward for many areas of science and technology. From the photograph you can find a person, place, objects, missing ever. In the modern world, photography has become an integral part of human life. Social networks are filled with millions of photos, mostly taken on their own. This phenomenon already has its own name - selfie. An illness of the 21st century has captured the whole world. She touched not only students and adolescents, as newspapers and magazines narrate, but also the more adult category of people. Presidents, the Pope, the Queen of England, famous actresses and actors, singers and singers - absolutely everyone can be seen on the social network on a selfie.

Most striking is the fact that even serious people with significant social status take selfies. For example, the self-portrait of Barack Obama at the funeral in a cheerful mood caused a lot of disagreement. And the photo of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Medvedev, in the elevator generally typed in “Twitter” more than three hundred thousand tweets. While the bulk of people are delighted with such open actions on the part of the government, scientists are seriously puzzled by the problem of the 21st century, which has already received the name “selfie disease”.

illness do selfie

What is a selfie?

Selfie translates from English as "self" or "self." This is a photograph taken on the camera of a mobile phone, tablet. The image has characteristic features, for example, reflected reflection in the mirror. The word "selfie" became popular for the first time in early 2000, and then in 2010.

selfie disease called

Selfie story

The first selfies were taken on a Kodak Brownie camera from Kodak. They were made using a tripod, standing in front of the mirror, or at arm's length. The second option was more complicated. It is known that one of the first selfies was taken by Princess Romanova at the age of thirteen. She was the first teenager to take such a photo for her friend. Now the "selfies" are doing everything, and the question arises: is selfie a disease or entertainment? Indeed, many of people take photos of themselves daily and upload them to a social network. As for the origin of the word "selfie", it came to us from Australia. In 2002, such a term was first used on ABC.

Selfies - simple innocent entertainment?

The desire to photograph yourself to some extent does not carry any unpleasant consequences. This is a manifestation of love for your appearance, a desire to please others, which is characteristic of almost all women. But daily photographs of food, legs, yourself with alcoholic drinks, and other intimate moments of personal life, flaunted to society - this is uncontrolled behavior, entailing not at all innocent consequences.

This behavior is especially scary on the part of very still children from 13 years old. Teenagers on social networks did not seem to be raised by their parents at all. Self-image can be an innocent entertainment only when photos are rarely taken and do not have an erotic connotation and other sociological deviations. Society, having its own culture and spiritual values, goes down with such thoughtless behavior. By flaunting their genitals, adolescents doom the future of our family to the lack of moral and ethical standards in society.

selfie disease research

Selfies - a mental illness?

American scientists have come to the conclusion that self-portraits from a mobile phone, which are regularly posted on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and other lesser-known resources, are attention-grabbing and a mental disorder. Selfie disease spread throughout the world and affected people of different age categories. People who are in constant search of vivid photographs are going a little crazy, and some die for the sake of an extreme shot. It’s a real illness to take a selfie daily.

Varieties of selfies

Scientists have identified three degrees of such a mental disorder:

  • Occasional: characterized by the presence of no more than three photos daily without uploading to social networks. Such a disorder can still be controlled, and it is subject to treatment by willpower and awareness of their actions.
  • Acute: a person takes more than three pictures a day and is sure to share them in online resources. A high degree of mental disorder - the person photographing himself does not control his actions.
  • Chronic: the most difficult case, absolutely not controlled by humans. More than ten photos are published daily with publication on social networks. A man is photographed anywhere! This is the most vivid evidence that there is a selfie disease. What is it called in medicine? Actually, it was in honor of the photo that they called it themselves, although here social networks play a secondary role, which are also a kind of addiction.

The manifestation of selfies in society

In society, there are already dozens of poses for photographing yourself, and now they have a name. Selfie disease continues to spread in society, despite the statements of scientists about the danger and the conduct of television programs on this topic. Here are the most fashionable selfie poses of 2015:

  1. Photo in the elevator. Favorite selfie option of many celebrities, including politicians. One of the most popular was the photo of Dmitry Medvedev in the elevator of the Office of the Russian Federation. This frame scored about two hundred thousand ratings on Instagram.
  2. Lips duck. The most common selfie for women. A photo of himself with lips gathered by a bow, now, probably, the leader of a selfie.
  3. Groofy is a group photo that is gaining fast popularity among young people. One of the most popular is considered to be the American goofy at the Oscars. Especially for such pictures, Chinese manufacturers have increased the capabilities of cameras of mobile phones and tablets.

    selfie mental illness

    1. Fitness selfie. The photo was taken with a mirror in the gym. Very popular selfies for both girls and men. At the peak of fame Justin Bieber fitness selfie with a slim physique and a lovely smile.
    2. Relfi. Self-photograph with his soulmate: very touching, but intrusive and boastful, causes a negative among the majority. But there are exceptions, for example, Angelina Jolie selfie with Brad Pitt.
    3. Photos in the toilet. Very common - literally every second girl has such a photo in the arsenal. And celebrities also take pictures of themselves on the toilet.
    4. Belfi. Self portrait with bulging buttocks. Naturally, only girls make such nonsense. But men of this kind of selfie give high marks.
    5. Selfies. Self-portraits involving animals.
    6. Photo of the legs. Pictures of the lower part of the legs in shoes are often predominant.
    7. Self portrait in the bathroom.
    8. Extreme selfie. It is this species that is alarming. A program was broadcast on television about the disease of the selfie, in which the most popular extreme selfie enthusiasts were interviewed. This kind of self-image is taken at the moment of danger and risk to human life, for example, when at altitude, with aggressive animals, during a disaster, in space, in flight, etc.

    selfie sickness or entertainment

    Extreme selfie - the most dangerous manifestation of the disease

    In an effort to discourage the audience, extreme people break records of their rivals in terms of danger and other indicators of selfies. In Russia, Kirill Oreshkin became the most popular selfie player. He constantly conquers more and more new heights, taking pictures on the roofs of high-rise buildings. This kind of selfie already has its victims. Extreme self-portrait is a terrible and at the same time incredibly impressive sight. But the fact that a person, having just tried to take pictures in unusual conditions and posted on social networks, is no longer able to stop, is a fact.

    about selfie disease transmission

    Selfie Disease: Research

    There are many disagreements between scientists around the world about a kind of harmless photographing of themselves. But the best minds paid attention to him, not only because of the popularity of the word and the picture itself in society, but because of the appearance of victims among teenagers who want to take an extreme photo. Research has led to the conclusion that selfies are a manifestation of exhibitionism and egocentrism. People who have a passion for constantly photographing themselves, and after being put on public display, have clearly mental disorders and low self-esteem.

    With each passing day, people suffering from addiction to selfies are becoming more and more.


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