What is the use of rye flour kvass

Today, kvass from rye flour is the most nutritious and healing drink, because it has not only good taste, but also helps to cure many diseases. Even in ancient times in Russia, such a drink was used to treat vitamin deficiency, since it contains not only useful trace elements, lactic acid and amino acids, but also a large number of vitamins.

Kvass positively affects the work of all systems of the human body, contributes to the destruction of viruses, thereby enhancing immunity, regulates metabolic processes. At the same time, kvass from rye flour acquires all its useful properties during fermentation. However, a lot of controversy arises on this subject, since many argue that the drink receives all the properties due to its constituent components. The healing properties of rye have long been known. In its composition, it contains B vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. A decoction of its ears was used in the treatment of respiratory, skin, urogenital system, gastrointestinal tract, and also with their help normalized metabolic processes in the body. Yeast was used to treat various inflammations and infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and blood formation. And now it is proved that they have a therapeutic effect in diabetes mellitus, disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, skin diseases and many others. In addition, all the components that make up the yeast, easily digestible by the human body.

At the same time, kvass from rye flour is recommended to be consumed before taking main food. In this case, it contributes to the normalization of acidity, blood pressure, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, perfectly improves mood and quickly eliminates fatigue.

However, kvass has some contraindications. So, you must carefully use it for those who have problems with digestion, as well as those who suffer from cirrhosis, urolithiasis and hypertension.

Kvass is used both as a standalone drink and as part of other dishes.

In order to be able to make a drink at home, below is a simple recipe for kvass from rye flour.

To make kvass, you need half a glass of sugar, half a kilogram of rye flour, eight liters of water, twenty grams of yeast.

Yeast must be diluted in water and left for some time to increase their volume. Flour is poured with boiling water and knead the dough of medium density. The dough should cool down. Then it is filled with warm water, sugar and yeast are added. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a warm place for fermentation for one day. Over time, the broth must be filtered and put in a cold place for several days, after which it will be possible to use a tasty and healthy drink.

Thus, kvass helps to restore cerebral circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, increase potency. Kvass from rye flour relieves chest pain resulting from pneumonia, treats dysbiosis, helps decompose and remove dead cells from the body, strengthens teeth, treats peptic ulcer disease, and also helps to reduce weight.

To date, a large number of varieties of kvass are known. So, it can be sour, sweet, fruity, raisin or okroshny, white or red, etc. However, kvass from rye can be of great benefit, since such a drink is not only a preventative against many diseases, but also a cure for them . Therefore, when the question arises, what to cook from rye flour, do not think long and make kvass from it, thereby providing your body with many useful substances, vitamins and amino acids.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6901/

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