A detailed recipe for meat dumplings

Almost every resident of our country knows the recipe for meat dumplings with meat . After all, these little β€œears” are a traditional Russian dish that no one can refuse. It is worth noting that such products are made quite easily. In addition, they can be prepared for future use and boiled directly for dinner.

meat dumplings recipe

Step-by-step recipe for homemade meat dumplings

Necessary components for the base:

  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • white wheat flour - from 1 kg (add to the density of the base);
  • drinking water - 1/3 cup;
  • small iodized salt - a couple of pinches.

Cooking basics

The traditional recipe for meat dumplings involves the use of egg dough. To create it, you need to break large chicken eggs into a bowl, and then beat them with a fork, pour in small iodized salt, pour in drinking water and add wheat flour. Mix the base to a steep state, otherwise the meat products will fall apart during the heat treatment. It is recommended to wrap the finished dough in cling film and leave it in this position while preparing aromatic minced meat.

The meat dumplings recipe requires only low-fat filling. To do this, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • low-fat beef, veal or pork (by personal desire) - 600 g;
  • large onions - 3 heads;
  • ground allspice, medium-sized salt - add at your own discretion.

Minced meat

homemade meat dumplings recipe
Before you start sculpting neat dumplings, you should prepare a fragrant filling. To do this, wash a non-greasy, pulpy piece of meat, and then chop it and chop together with onions in a meat grinder. After that, all the components need to be mixed, seasoning them with salt and ground pepper.

Product Formation

In order to make semi-finished products with your own hands, thinly roll the egg dough with a rolling pin, and then cut it into circles (with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters), using a glass or glass of the appropriate size for this. Next, in the center of each piece of the base, you need to put 1 dessert spoon of minced meat and pinch the edges. Spread the formed semi-finished products preferably on a cutting board or some other sheet, pre-sprinkled with wheat flour.

Heat treatment

The meat dumplings recipe recommends using slightly salted water for boiling semi-finished products. Before putting all formed products into it, the liquid should be brought to a boil. Homemade dumplings should be prepared no more than 15-23 minutes, otherwise they will boil and turn out to be tasteless.

How to present the dish to the table

It is advisable to serve meat dumplings for dinner hot along with sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise, horseradish and other aromatic ingredients.

dumplings with cabbage and meat

Helpful information

Surprisingly, dumplings with cabbage and meat are no less popular with housewives than the classic "ears". To prepare such a filling, the presented vegetable should be finely chopped, and then lightly stew and fry in sunflower oil. Next, you need to pour the cabbage into ordinary minced meat and mix well.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8191/

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