Taoist tea: composition. Potency Tea

Sexual issues can destroy even the strongest couple. The deterioration of sexual desire causes complexes in both men and women. And the lack of regular sexual relationships can lead to health problems. Fortunately, Taoist tea can solve all these problems. The composition of this drink includes only natural ingredients that contribute to the normalization of sexual function, allowing you to get rid of the existing problem.

The story of the appearance of Taoist tea

Taoist tea composition

How and when did Taoist tea appear? This drink appeared in ancient China at the time of the founding of Taoist sexual practices. This is a system of special exercises and sex techniques created within the framework of Taoism. Then the secret of Taoist tea was revealed, which increases sexual desire in both men and women.

There is currently a growing interest in Taoist sexual practices. Improved techniques and exercises appear based on the ancients. Along with this, Taoist tea is gaining popularity.

It will protect yourself from complex psychological and physical problems, as well as significantly improve the quality of sexual relations.

The Benefits of Taoist Tea

taoist tea Price

This potency drink has the same properties as Viagra and other similar preparations. However, compared to pharmaceuticals, Taoist tea is 100% natural. In doing so, it helps increase arousal and erection.

In most cases, problems of an intimate nature appear due to ordinary everyday problems. Unfortunately, not all people realize this, which is why manufacturers of various medications for potency increase their profits daily. It should be understood that the tablets act for their intended purpose, but instead of relaxing and increasing arousal, a person very often gets a painful erection and stress on organs, in particular the liver, which can lead to serious health problems. You can avoid all these troubles thanks to such a tool as Taoist tea. The composition of this drink allows you to naturally get rid of the problem and get the desired result.

Natural remedy for potency

how to make taoist tea

Taoist tea is a modern and at the same time ancient means to improve potency. The composition of this drink contains exclusively natural ingredients that relax the body, bringing the hormonal system in order.

Men say that Taoist tea, the price of which is much lower than medications, is no worse than expensive erection products. It is noteworthy that women can drink it. Moreover, for them, there are practically no worthy alternative means to increase arousal. Tea is able to decorate sex life with new colors. The drink has already become an indispensable tool for many men and women.

The effect of tea on the body

Taoist tea for potency

What does Taoist tea look like? It consists of the following herbs: fennel, elecampane, bird highlander and some other herbs. These natural components interact with each other, enhancing the effect. Thanks to these herbs, Taoist tea acts comprehensively on the body. As a result, the drink calms the nervous system, tired of everyday problems and working days. After preparing the body, tea acts on the hormonal system. In men, it normalizes the level of the hormone testosterone, in women - estrogen. If a couple drinks a cup of Taoist tea before sex, nothing can stop their arousal.

Problems Taoist Tea Solves

The quality of sexual relations can be affected by many factors, such as stress, problems at work, improper lifestyle, taking medications, hypothermia or overheating, overweight, bad habits, prolonged lack of sexual contact and others.

Nothing sets up sex like Taoist tea. Its composition is selected in such a way that only one cup of tea before sexual intercourse allows you to tune in proximity both physically and psychologically.

The drink solves sexual problems of various kinds. It helps to relax and get excited, forget about extraneous thoughts that distract from the partner. Tea is useful for erectile dysfunction and low duration of sexual intercourse. Women who cannot achieve orgasm should definitely try Taoist tea.

Instructions for use of this tool are quite simple, and the drink begins to act in 5-10 minutes. He is able to strengthen and prolong an erection, replacing Viagra and other expensive drugs. In women, tea causes an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area, improving sensations. Many women claim that after this tea their orgasms intensified and their number increased. After a cup of tea, the body is completely distracted from unnecessary thoughts and allows you to focus on a partner.

The benefits of Taoist tea

What are the benefits of Taoist tea? The composition of this product is safe and as correct as possible, if we consider this means for erection from a biological point of view.

Synthetic and chemical drugs can only have a physical effect: they pump blood closer to the genitals, while they do not affect the mind. Tea acts first on the psychological state of a person. It allows a person to relax and get rid of unpleasant thoughts, preparing the body for sexual contact. As a result, it not only positively affects the whole organism as a whole, but also acts harmoniously.

Collecting rare herbs is all that Taoist tea consists of. Composition minimizes the risk of side effects. Chemicals have enough: these are flushing of the face, painful erection, and many other negative symptoms.

Tea components work in a complex, exerting an exciting effect on both partners at once. Women have nothing to compare the effectiveness of Taoist tea with, as the pharmaceutical industry today is not able to offer a wide range of similar products. And those that are on sale often do not meet the individual characteristics of the body.

Tea Usage Instructions

Taoist tea instruction

Brew the drink only according to the instructions. Fortunately, the Taoist tea recipe is quite simple. To prepare it, you need to take a teapot and prepare it in the traditional way (thoroughly wash and rinse with boiling water).

Then you need to prepare a decoction at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of tea per 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting tea should not be diluted with water. Therefore, if a couple plans to drink a cup of tea before intercourse (this is how you can achieve the maximum result), the drink must be brewed at the rate of: 2 teaspoons per 400 ml of boiling water.

How to make Taoist tea? Pouring herbs with boiling water, you should insist them for 10 minutes, after which the tea will be ready for use. It is allowed to drink tea in the morning and in the evening, but in this case the infusion should be made not so strong. To do this, increase the amount of water by about 2 times. The course of use of such tea should be no more than 2 months, then a break should be taken.

Where to buy Taoist tea

Taoist tea recipe

Since this product is a certified product that has passed clinical trials, many pharmacies offer customers to buy Taoist tea. The price due to the fact that this product is quite new in the domestic market can reach several thousand rubles. After all, not all pharmacies managed to purchase this product. In the online store you can buy tea at 40-50% cheaper, but you should choose only trusted sellers to be sure of the quality and authenticity of the composition.

Clinical Trials of Tea

Before going to pharmacies and stores, tea was clinically tested. The study involved volunteers: women and men. Before having sex, they drank a cup of Taoist tea.

The results impressed scientists. In 94% of women, increased sexual arousal was observed after 5-10 minutes after drinking tea.

what does taoist tea look like

They claimed that the sensations of the sexual act were much stronger and brighter. 54% of the women surveyed had repeated orgasm during sex, despite the fact that this had not happened before.

97% of men surveyed improved excitability. Men claim that after tea they were able to escape from extraneous thoughts and stress. About 30% of men reported a strong erection. The duration of the sexual process has increased by about 3 times. 10% of men got rid of premature ejaculation.

In general, 99% of the subjects reported that they would adopt Taoist tea for potency. The drink refers to ordinary food products that do not cause side effects. It is approved for sale and sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.

The look of sexologists

Experts in the field of sexual psychology insist that ignoring factors that adversely affect sexual life entails sad consequences: impotence, hormonal imbalance, decreased erection and arousal. This is just a small list of male sexual issues. Women lose the opportunity to get an orgasm and get excited, which also leads to a number of problems, both psychological and physical.

Sexologists oppose surgical intervention as a treatment for impotence. They also oppose chemical stimulants, which have many side effects. A cup of Taoist tea 5 minutes before sex helps normalize intimate life.

Experts say a good result after taking this tea. The product can be used in combination with other methods of restoring an erection, while most patients return to a normal sex life, forgetting about problems with potency.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B820/

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