How to close the joint between the bathroom and the tiles: mounting foam, silicone sealant. Repair in the bathroom

After repairs in the bathroom, the question inevitably arises of how to close the gap between the plumbing and the coating on the wall. After all, if you do not take any action, water will get here every time you bathe. She will flock over the bathroom. As a result, after a very short period of time, you can expect the formation of fungus behind the bath. And this, as you know, is not the best neighbor.

To avoid health problems and the destruction of finishing materials, you need to find out how to repair the joint between the bathroom and the tiles . There are many options. Which one to choose depends on several factors. In order to carry out such work qualitatively, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main features of its implementation before starting it.

Why is there such a problem?

Many owners carry out repairs in the bathroom on their own. This can significantly save the family budget. However, not having sufficient experience in carrying out such work, novice masters can make a number of mistakes. Because of this, the bathtub does not fit snugly against the surface of the wall.

Even during repair work by professionals, the gap between plumbing and ceramic coating will be small, but sufficient for water to penetrate. To be safe, installers most often close the joint in various ways.

How to close the joint between the bathroom and the tiles

A wide gap is obtained if the tiles were laid before installing the bath. Also, uneven walls, improper plumbing sizes can lead to the formation of a wide gap. But even with a good installation of the bath, the joint should be repaired using one of the methods listed below.

The oldest way

Studying how to close the joint between the bathroom and the tile , several ways to solve this issue should be considered. The oldest is the use of cement mortar. To give it moisture resistance, the surface of the seam was covered with a special tool.

Repair in the bathroom

Before the procedure, the surface of the bathtub and wall must be thoroughly cleaned of various contaminants, degreased. So that cement does not fall behind the bath, the bottom gap is closed with any convenient improvised means.

Work surfaces are wetted with water. So the solution will be better set. The joint is poured with a solution. Cement should be viscous enough to evenly lie on the surface. After complete drying, the cement joint can be painted or glued with a special tape.

Modern ways

Modern repairs in the bathroom are carried out using more advanced materials. They extend the life of plumbing and decoration. Cement mortar is now used very rarely.

To perform the work quickly and efficiently, you can use waterproof sealant, mounting foam or grout. These materials are simply applied to the work surface. They are easy to correct if necessary, until the material has dried.

The gap between the bathroom and the tiles

Also on sale is a wide selection of different ribbons and skirting boards. They securely close the joints. To improve the result, some masters take a combined approach. In this case, you can be sure that water does not leak under the bathtub, will not accumulate in the seams between the bathtub and the wall.

Grout application

When deciding how to cover the joint between the bathroom and the tiles , you should first pay attention to the grout. It is a durable, waterproof material. Its advantage is a large number of shades. This allows you to perfectly match the color of the seam to existing interior elements.

How to cover the joint between the bathroom and the tiles

The most popular, in spite of everything, remains a white grout. The bath most often has this color. Grouting is used when the gap to be coated is negligible. This substance does not require special skills from the master. Everything happens simply and quickly. The seam will be moisture resistant and will retain its original shade for a long time.

Grout is applied with a spatula. Then the layer is treated with a special tool from the accumulation of dirt on the material. However, if the gap is quite large, this method will not work.

Polyurethane foam

If the gap is no more than 1-2 cm, craftsmen often use materials such as waterproof mounting foam for the bathroom . This is a pretty good way. Foam with moisture-resistant components will be durable and will reliably protect the bathroom floor from getting water on it.

But when using such a tool, accuracy is required. Otherwise, the end result will be unsatisfactory. When the foam falls onto other surfaces and freezes, it is very difficult to remove. Therefore, tapes of masking tape are glued along the joint. The floor should be covered with newspapers or plastic wrap.

To carry out the work, the master must put on a robe (or things that will not be a pity to smear), a mask and gloves. Work surfaces are cleaned from contamination. The joint is blown up by foam. After it dries (after a day or two), excess material is cut off. Next, you need to close the seam with a plastic corner.

Sealant application

If the gap between the plumbing and the wall is small, you can use acrylic, silicone sealant for the bathroom. This is one of the most modern and reliable ways. There are colored sealants, but most often they use their white varieties.

Acrylic, silicone sealant for the bathroom

Acrylic sealant is used less often. For the bathroom, silicone varieties are more suitable. They include special components. This prevents the formation of mold, fungus and microorganisms on the seams. Sanitary white sealant is ideal for the purposes presented.

For work you will need a special gun for sealant. But you can buy it at any hardware store for a fairly small cost. The gun can be used for economic purposes in the future. Even a master without experience can perform all the actions well.

Sealant Application

Studying how to close the joint between the bathroom and the tile , you should consider in detail the procedure for applying sealant to work surfaces. They should be degreased and dried. You can use any solvent for this. So that the material does not protrude far onto the bathtub or wall, masking tape is glued onto them .

A can of sealant is inserted into the gun. After removing the protective cap from the tube, a small amount of the substance is squeezed out. It is carried around the junction. Sealant is an elastic substance. Therefore, he closes the cavity well. In one pass, the required sealant is applied.

The substance is first smeared with a spatula along the surface of the joint. Next, you need a brush and soap solution. With the help of such means, material that has not yet solidified is evened out qualitatively. Excess can be removed with a damp cloth.

Skirting Application

Sometimes it is impossible to close the seam between the bathroom and the tiles only with sealant or foam. This is due to the large distance from the bathtub to the tiled surface. In this case, you should resort to the help of special skirting boards. Often they come complete with tiles.

If the gap is more than 4 cm, you can use ceramic, plastic, polyurethane borders, as well as self-adhesive tapes. Before work, work surfaces are prepared accordingly.

The seam between the bathroom and the tiles

After taking the measurements, the required length of the baseboard is cut off. An adhesive is applied to the inner surface of the product. You can use "liquid nails." After that, you need to wait a few minutes. Then the skirting board is installed in the space provided for it and it is pressed firmly. Particular attention is paid to the corners.

After fixing the baseboard, its upper and lower edges are treated with sanitary silicone sealant.

Flexible tape

The gap between the bathroom and the tiles can be closed with a flexible self-adhesive tape. This is a simple option, suitable even with a fairly large gap. Similar products are quite flexible. Tapes are available in various sizes. This allows you to choose the best product for your bath.

How to close the joint between the bathroom and the tiles

The reverse surface of such tapes already has a special adhesive layer. Thanks to this, installation is very quick and easy. In the center, such tapes have a bend. This adds to the comfort of installation.

It is required to clean and dry the base of the wall and the side of the bath well. The backing layer is peeled off. Now it can be glued to the surface. In order for the setting to be good, the tape can be slightly heated with a hairdryer. The product is applied to the gap and pressed.

This is a sealed and aesthetic joint. However, its strength is inferior to solid skirting boards. Also, the life of the tape border will be less.

Combined approach

Considering the main means of repairing the joint between the bathroom and the tiles , a few words should be said about the combined approach. In this case, several of the approaches listed above are applied to create an airtight seam.

Initially, the joint is closed with foam. The whole procedure is performed according to the above scheme. After cutting off excess dry foam, a layer of sanitary sealant with water-repellent qualities should be applied to its rough surface.

After all layers have dried, a semi-rubber flexible tape is glued to the surface. You can also use a hard baseboard. The base of foam and silicone sealant will allow you to create high-quality sealing of the gap. The border or ribbon located on top creates a beautiful decorative effect.

Having considered how to close the joint between the bathroom and the tiles , each owner will be able to choose the most suitable method for himself. Performing all the actions in accordance with the instructions, you can get a quality sealed seam, resistant to moisture and the formation of fungus.


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