Allergy to tangerines: symptoms and treatment. How is an allergy to tangerines

Many of us are pleased to purchase fragrant citrus fruits, which can be found on the shelves of the supermarket almost all year round. Vitamin C-rich fruits appear with special intensity in stores, with the advent of cold weather and on the eve of the New Year holidays, when you want to not only please children at home, but also enjoy delicious sweets with pleasure.

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the allergy to tangerines, so I would like to understand the reasons for such a mass of this unpleasant ailment.

tangerine allergy

Foreign fruit

Scientists have long established the fact that products that have grown in an uncharacteristic environment do not bring us much benefit. That is, fruits that grow in a territory other than our place of residence are not the most useful carriers of vitamins for us. For the most part, for the residents of Russia, the most optimal diet will consist of cereals, vegetables, and fruits of local agriculture.

allergy to tangerines symptoms

This is understandable, because in order to digest exotic foods, our body lacks the necessary enzymes, therefore it is citrus fruits that often lead to the person suffering from allergies. The immune system is not able to cope with the β€œoverseas” fruits that we eat (grapefruits, tangerines, lemons, oranges, pomelo, etc.).

Violation of the work of internal organs

Absolutely all people, even those who have never suffered from any kind of allergic reactions, may encounter this nuisance. In some cases, the body can react in this way only if you have eaten too much of a fruit. It may well be that an allergy to tangerines indicates a malfunction of the internal organs (pancreas or the entire gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver). A large amount of the fetus eaten contributes to the release of histamine in the human body, which leads to allergic reactions. We can assume that the body signals that you need to visit a doctor and diagnose all organs in order to find out the true reasons for this response to this fruit.

what does tangerine allergy look like

An insidious reaction to tangerines can lead to allergies to a wide range of citrus fruits, so you need to control your intake of these sweet fruits and not exceed a daily dose of two or three pieces.

An allergy to tangerines is a common occurrence. This is especially true for children who most often eat a lot of these dangerous products of foreign production on the eve of the New Year holidays.

Additional reasons

Sometimes the cause of the allergy may not be the fruit itself, but various chemicals that often process products during transportation. The liquid, which is contained in large quantities in tangerines, does not allow for a long time to preserve the beautiful appearance of these sweet fruits, and they very quickly begin to deteriorate. It is for this reason that very often products of this kind are sprayed with different compounds that protect fruits from spoilage. In addition, it is no secret that manufacturers use chemicals that promote the ripening and growth of fruits. They are also able to accumulate in themselves various compositions of fertilizers, which conscientious workers generously fed on agricultural plantations. Pesticides that are used to control pests are also able to penetrate the composition of products and not only fight insects and fungi, but also have a detrimental effect on the human body.

signs of tangerine allergy

Many mistakenly believe that if the fruit is peeled, then washing it is not necessary, but this is not true! Even in purified form, it is necessary to wash tangerines, especially if it comes to the use of their children.

How to recognize an allergy

Those who are not familiar with the unexpected reaction of their body to various kinds of food products often ask what allergies to tangerines look like. Everything is quite simple, because this insidious disease almost always manifests itself in the same way, regardless of the reasons that caused it. First of all, a person rash and redness appears on the skin of a person, which, as a rule, is accompanied by itching, and in some cases there is an increase in body temperature. Most often, an allergy to tangerines in children manifests itself. Other symptoms include a runny nose, redness and swelling of the nose, lacrimation, slight swelling in the ears and hearing loss, and shortness of breath, which is a sign that bronchial edema occurs.

how is an allergy to tangerines [

Signs of an allergy to tangerines can be individual in some cases, because it all depends on the characteristics of the human body. But there is always one way out - seek the help of a doctor. A specialist in the field of medicine will be able to more accurately determine the true causes of this kind of reaction, because we can talk about a disease of a completely different kind, which is absolutely not related to your assumptions.

Small children

An allergy to tangerines, the symptoms of which are primarily manifested in the form of redness and a rash in a child, may be confused by young parents with childhood diathesis. In general, these sweet fruits should not be given to children under the age of two, no matter how much you would like to please your child. After you decide to give your child a mandarin, it’s best to start by isolating a couple of lobules, just give a try, and then follow the reaction of his body.

Allergy Control

Currently, in medicine there are a number of ways to deal with allergies. Many people successfully use folk recipes, which consist in the fact that it is necessary to brew decoctions of anti-allergenic herbs. The latter include birch buds, duckweed, nettle, wormwood, St. John's wort, oregano. However, it is not always possible to cope with this problem with the help of so-called home medicine.

tangerine allergy

Modern medicine has extensive experience in the use of immunotherapy in the fight against allergies. This can be called a kind of vaccine, with the help of which the minimum dose of the allergen is introduced into the human body, which gradually increases. This contributes to the production of antibodies that block the action of the substances causing the disease. After conducting such immunotherapy for a long time, a person does not know the hassle of an allergic reaction of his body.

Hormonal ointments are also often used if an allergy to tangerines (the photo in the article serves as a good example) manifests itself only in the form of skin redness and rashes. Preparations of this kind are a real salvation for those who experience itching on the skin when the tablets do not give proper relief.

Frivolous Allergy

Sometimes it happens that a person tells himself that he is allergic to tangerines. Symptoms (rash, itching) that could occur once after an unsuccessful use of this fruit may never bother him again. The fact is that very often we ourselves can suggest that we are allergic to a particular product, and subconsciously be prepared for the fact that our body will react violently again.

allergy to tangerines in children

If you exclude products that are dangerous for you from the diet and adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, then perhaps over time you can again enjoy the taste of juicy fruits, but in a reasonable amount.

Necessary measures

If you notice the first signs of an allergic reaction to tangerines, it is necessary to exclude provocative products from the diet, immediately drink a pill from a number of antihistamines. You should pay attention to the fact that the products you usually use do not have tangerine fragrances, etc. This may concern washing powder, detergents for washing or washing dishes, and even air fresheners. All necessary measures should be taken so that there are no provoking factors in the environment, then it is possible to avoid complications and additional difficulties in the treatment process. Remember that the sooner you seek the help of a specialist without self-healing, the more effective and correctly your treatment will be drawn up.

The danger of tangerine allergies

Some of the difficulties that an allergy to tangerines can cause are that this kind of ailment entails a negative reaction to all citrus fruits, which are the main source of vitamin C.

In the future, this can lead to the fact that in the event of a cold, the healing process will be somewhat delayed, because auxiliary agents, including ascorbic acid, will be unacceptable.

Now you are familiar with the main signs of how an allergy to tangerines manifests itself, and with what measures should be taken with the appearance of the first symptoms. Be careful and take care of your health.


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