How to brew coffee in Turk: a word to professionals

A lot of people think that they know exactly how to brew coffee in a Turk correctly and tasty. True coffee lovers are always sure that they know best the rules for preparing their favorite drink, that it is their technique that is the most accurate and correct, unique and inimitable. However, in reality this is far from the case - the preparation of a wonderful drink called coffee is associated with many subtleties and features, without which nothing will work. In addition, it is important to remember that certain cooking rules should always be followed, without exception.

First of all, even before you brew coffee in a Turk, you should choose this same Turk correctly. Copper appliances are ideal, which slowly warm up and cool just as slowly, maintaining the temperature of the drink at the proper level. They can not be washed with special tools or brushed - the ideal solution for this is sand or even the most ordinary laundry soap, which, of course, will then have to be thoroughly rinsed.

It should also be remembered that high-quality and delicious coffee is prepared using the product of the finest grinding (literally dust), stirred with a silver spoon. The water must be clean - ideally well or tap water filtered, but in no case boiled or hot from the tap.

It should be noted that the most delicious coffee is obtained from beans whose β€œage” of grinding and roasting does not exceed one month. Since we mainly have to buy the product in the store, there is no certainty that this rule is respected. Therefore, it is better to choose coffee beans, store them in a cool place to preserve the aroma and grind immediately before brewing coffee in a Turk. Of course, true lovers and connoisseurs of a coffee drink prefer to buy and roast grains on their own, but not everyone can perform this operation at the required high level.

At the first stage of preparing a coffee drink, the Turks warm up over a slow fire. When this happens, you can β€œload” the powder - depending on your preferences, you can put more (for a strong drink) or less. The average serving is 1 teaspoon per small cup. To enhance the taste, you can put a pinch of salt in the drink. Next, the container with coffee, but without water should still warm up, then fall asleep to taste with sugar and seasonings. Those who already know how to brew coffee in a Turk prefer nutmeg or cinnamon, ginger or honey.

At the next stage, heated coffee powder with additives is poured with water - the colder the better. It remains only to stir and return to the fire. It must be remembered that the water level should not be higher than the bottleneck in the Turk, so as not to come in contact with the air and therefore not lose the fabulous taste and aroma of the divine drink.

This method is very convenient, since you don’t have to think about how much to brew coffee in a Turk and to pinpoint the exact time. As soon as a thin film of foam has appeared on the surface, it can be removed and put into prepared (rinsed with boiling water) cups. The procedure should be repeated several times, then make sure that the finally warmed up coffee starts to rise, but does not boil. After that, it can be carefully removed from the heat, allowed to cool (no more than a minute) and heated again. Repeating the operation two to three times - with each of them the aroma and taste of the drink will only increase and sharpen.

Such a recipe for coffee in Turk offers a preparation that takes quite a long time, but the result - no doubt about it - will be above all expectations. No coffee lover can say that the drink is improperly prepared or has poor taste.


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