What questions can I ask a friend? What a question?!

The question "What questions can I ask a friend?" it should not arise at all, because a friend is a person with whom you feel at ease and naturally, who do not need to be afraid or embarrassed, who even in the case of stupidity will simply laugh merrily, and in case of trouble offer a helping hand. Why, then, Internet users have a question about what questions you can ask a friend?

This may be due to the fact that young people prefer to spend time online and communicate mostly with a variety of people from social networks who are gathered in a single subgroup called Friends. When a person does not see the emotions of his interlocutor, he may feel awkward and alienated. Maintaining a conversation on a social network is also not always easy, because often the most primitive dialogue ends with a smiley face, but there are no further questions, which means the conversation is interrupted. With personal contact, this is unacceptable, because not everyone can sit opposite each other and be silent, some question will surely arise.

But speaking of communication problems, it is worth returning to friends. Firstly, there cannot be too many of them, therefore it is undesirable to call everyone in a row friends, and close communication between acquaintances is not necessary. Secondly, a true friend understands without words, though it is impossible to remain silent with him, a burning topic surely pops up. Thirdly, they talk about everything with a friend. Questions to a friend are not limited to any framework.

A list of 10 questions you can ask a friend:

  1. Did you watch a football match yesterday? How do you like the game?
  2. Have you tried pizza in that cafe around the corner? She is amazing!
  3. How are you going to spend the weekend?
  4. What are your vacation plans?
  5. Can we drive to bowling? How are you?
  6. What do you think about that beauty?
  7. Are you aware of the doggy style pose? And How?
  8. Do not know what weather they promise tomorrow?
  9. What movie can I watch with a girl? Did you completely break your head?
  10. What do you dream about?

And these are the simplest questions that everyone certainly at least once asked his friend. With a friend, itโ€™s easy to start a new topic, it doesnโ€™t matter whether it is serious topics in politics or economics, or it is related to sexual topics, or it may just be raised for chatter about anything. What questions can a friend ask if he is your friend? Friendship does not set a framework, therefore, questions can be any.

Difficulties can arise only when a person is only trying to make acquaintance with someone, wanting to see him as a friend. In this case, for many, it is easier to start communicating on social networks, largely because it is easier to start a conversation on the Internet and respond to communication with a stranger.

For this reason, it is worth posting questions on VKontakte for friends who are able to support any topic and encourage further conversation.

  1. What kind of music are you listening to now?
  2. Where did you get the photo from the Journey album?
  3. Did you come up with this statement in status?
  4. Did you play the application you installed?
  5. How do you know our mutual friend?
  6. Have you seen a funny video with a talking cat?
  7. Do you often spend time in the "Articles for Dummies" group?
  8. Is this your sister with you in the photo?
  9. Did you really read War and Peace?
  10. Watched the latest issue of ComedyClub?

The questions are no less elementary, just go through the userโ€™s page and find something interesting. Each person has videos, photographs, audio recordings, and personal information on the network. So why not pay attention to this and ask about what is interesting to a person? And as soon as the moment comes when the question of what questions you can ask your friend will disappear on your own, you can assume that close and laid-back relationships are tied up, which means you should not worry once again to say something is wrong. a true friend understands without words, even if silence is covered by thousands of useless phrases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8223/

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