How to breed ants

We all look forward to spring, but with its arrival very often ants can appear in the house, which are rightly considered to be worse than cockroaches. These insects appear immediately in large numbers, but it is not so simple to remove them, but there are still methods.

First of all, the ants in the house attack food, mainly meat products and sweets. However, this is not all that sneaky insects can spoil. They encroach on clothes, furniture, can even get into a TV or laptop. You must admit that this is a very unpleasant neighborhood, and besides, no one will prevent them from climbing onto the human body and taking a quiet walk around it. The danger lies also in the fact that ants can be carriers of infections and various diseases, and this is already a reason enough to get rid of such uninvited "guests" as soon as possible.

Many would like to know how to remove ants, because, despite their small size, these insects can be serious pests.

First of all, ants, oddly enough, teach people cleanliness. With their appearance in the house, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the garbage does not accumulate, even crumbs are wiped from the table, and dirty dishes are not collected in the sink. With the appearance of ants in the house, the mess becomes a real expanse for insects, so you should carefully clean it in your home.

First of all, those who are looking for a way to remove ants should find the source of these insects, that is, the anthill itself. You can poison your new "roommates" indefinitely, but this will not give the desired result if you have not found a place of their accumulation. It is enough to follow the ant path - and you will definitely come to the anthill. Do not be surprised if the source of insects is located outside the house - this does not reduce the danger. If the insects do not have a clearly formed path, then you can try to deceive the ants and artificially create a path for them. To do this, you need to take a piece of cardboard and spread it with sweet syrup or jam and leave it overnight in the house. By morning, you will have a clearly defined path by which the ants come to your bait.

Those who have already found a way to remove ants say that they are scared away by cucumber peel, which must be laid out in places where the ants penetrate the house.

Remember the basic rules of hygiene and keep clean at home, do not throw food open on the table, especially fruits. In order to stop the invasion of ants on the table and other home furnishings, it is necessary to wash all the paths of insects with a soap solution.

However, unfortunately, these precautions are sometimes not enough. Then it is necessary to use "heavy artillery" and put an end to the invasion of these pests in other ways.

How to get ants out? It is necessary to mix honey and bread yeast and decompose this mixture in places where these insects usually creep. Such a β€œmenu” will destroy them; from it they literally burst.

The following recipe consists of boric acid, sugar and honey. Slices of bread must be moistened in the resulting mixture and put in places where ants appear. These insects quickly disappear from the house if you mix all the same boric acid (2 tablespoons) with minced meat. Such a mixture will quickly save you from the annoying neighborhood.

The main task of the poison is to make the insects infect their brethren, so do not overdo it with boric acid. It is necessary that the ant has time to bring the "sweetness" to the nest and feed the main female. Only then can we assume that the job is done.

The ants in the apartment are always a nuisance. There is still a sign that they start when someone jinxed or made a spoilage, but it’s all the conventions whether it is up to everyone to believe in them or not.


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