The recipe for kvass from birch sap is delicious and healthy!

Birch sap is a tasty and healthy drink known in Russia since ancient times. Homemade kvass from birch sap will help quench your thirst on a hot day. And eating it regularly will have the most beneficial effect on the body. It is proved that by drinking at least a glass of juice or a drink made from it daily, vitamin deficiency and related symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, and depression can be avoided. For a guaranteed result, it is recommended to use three glasses throughout the day. In addition to a natural drink, you can take an old recipe for kvass from birch sap. The drink prepared according to this recipe perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day and has a beneficial effect on the whole body.

birch juice kvass recipe

In addition, birch sap is considered the best known means that normalize metabolism, and in particular - the work of the stomach. Also, juice and kvass from it is recommended to be used for diseases of the joints, blood, skin, and also for various ailments of the respiratory system, such as tonsillitis, pneumonia or bronchitis. Birch sap successfully breaks down and removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.

This wonderful natural drink contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Its composition is rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other equally valuable trace elements.

A common recipe for kvass on birch sap is simple: you need to take 3 liters of juice, 2 tablespoons of bread sourdough and one tablespoon of honey, which can be replaced with sugar. Yeast is not required to make a drink using this recipe. It takes 3 days for kvass to brew. After the specified time, the drink is ready. In order for kvass to become a little aerated, you need to add a few raisins to it, close it tightly and leave it to go in a dark place for another couple of weeks.

A unique recipe for kvass from birch juice, and the juice itself in its pure form. And all due to the fact that its production does not require almost any costs, and its collection is simple and does not harm green spaces.

homemade kvass from birch juice
You need to collect birch sap in the spring, when the process of sap flow at birches begins. This happens in April, or rather, when the snow has just melted in open areas. To obtain sap, adult trees are used, reaching a diameter of 20 centimeters or more. The process itself is surprisingly simple: a hole of sufficient depth reaching the wood is made in the birch bark. A tube is inserted into it, through which the juice will drain. The use of a medical dropper is very convenient. It is worth considering that the hole made must not exceed the size of the tube so that valuable liquid does not spill past. The tube must be lowered into a jar or other utensils in which the juice will be collected. It is very convenient and hygienic: make a hole in the plastic cover of the can and put the tube into it. When filling the cans, you can remove the lid and put it on a new empty bowl for juice. That's all: now it remains only to wait until the liquid fills the vessel. At the end of the process, do not forget to plug or seal a hole on the tree trunk so that the juice does not continue to flow. And we have ready the raw materials for the drink, which can be prepared using the recipe of kvass from birch sap.

Of course, it is more useful to use the juice in its pure form, but due to the fact that you can’t store it for a long time, the best option would be to prepare kvass, which lasts for 2-3 months.

kvass recipe for birch sap
And finally, another recipe for kvass from birch sap. Perhaps you will like it more. We prepare kvass from 10 liters of juice. To make a drink according to this recipe, you need rye crackers dried in the oven to brown in the amount of 600-700 g. Pour the crackers with juice, add two cups of sugar or honey, 1 tablespoon of bread sourdough and a little orange zest. Cooking time - 4 days. After the specified time, kvass is ready. As in the first recipe, for the appearance of gases in the drink, you can add a few raisins (2-3 pieces) and remove the resulting kvass for storage for several days.


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