"Corn" (map). Reviews about the plastic card "Corn" from "Euroset"

Visitors to Euroset salons have the opportunity to get an interesting product - a plastic card "Corn". What are its features? Can I use the card as a credit, and how much will it be profitable? In what use cases does Euroset plastic have the most obvious competitive advantages over similar products?

General information

The Corn card, however strange it may sound, is not a bank card. Experts believe that it’s more correct to consider it “payment” and not classify it as classic plastic. "Corn" is issued by a financial organization that is not related to credit and financial. But in colloquial speech, even at the level of the expert community, the card is called a "banking" card. And therefore, the use of this term is, in principle, permissible. In addition, the de facto use of "Corn" in the framework of the available functions almost completely duplicates the capabilities of the most modern banking solutions. With the help of Euroset plastic, you can pay for purchases, both in Russia and abroad, to take loans (which are issued, in turn, by commercial banks affiliated with the issuer).

The combination of payment systems

A number of experts draw attention to the fact that the "Corn" card (reviews of many users also contain positive opinions regarding this circumstance) is served by two payment systems - the domestic "Golden Crown" and the foreign MasterCard.

Corn map reviews

If, for example, due to the complication of the political situation, foreign EPS will cease to serve the Russian Federation or restrict payment transactions with cards issued by Russian banks, Kukuruza will remain a workable financial instrument. True, with limited functionality. All that can be done is to send a money transfer using the card and the Golden Crown channels, thereby cashing out the funds available on it. Which is also an important criterion. So say many Russians who have had experience using such a financial instrument as the "Corn" card. Consumer reviews in this sense reflect the advantages of not only the functions associated with standard payment transactions: settlement in a store, cash withdrawal at an ATM, etc., but also the possibility of using a money transfer system.

Clearance speed

"Corn" - a card, reviews about which are largely positive due to the speed of its design. The fact is that all that is needed in order to get "plastic" is to contact any Euroset office. You only need to have a passport with you, as well as a cell phone with the main number at hand. Thus, the structure to which the "Corn" card is distributed is Euroset. Reviews regarding this circumstance are generally positive. The network of relevant salons has the widest distribution in Russia. In virtually any area of ​​a large city there are several Euroset offices at once - you can go and get a card at any time. But if the main dealer, in the structures of which the Kukuruza card is issued, is Euroset, reviews of which are generally positive due to the scale of the branded network, then who is the issuer? Such is the RNKO Payment Center company. It, as we said above , is not a banking organization, a card is issued on hand instantly, it is activated almost at the time of issue.

Credit Card Corn Reviews 2014

Ease of formalities

One of the steps of registering a card is to receive a PIN code. This procedure is organized quite simply. All that needs to be done is to call from the phone specified during registration at the call center, and then dial the desired sequence of numbers. Euroset consultants, as a rule, willingly help clients to implement this procedure. Registration of "Corn", as many users of this product note, is generally simpler than a similar action in relation to conventional bank cards.

Registration cost

Making "plastic" is nominally paid - you need to deposit 100 rubles into her account. But in fact, they can immediately be credited, for example, to the balance of a cell phone. It can be said that it is free - a "Corn" bank card. The reviews of its users, of course, in relation to this fact are purely positive. In some cases, Euroset consultants may offer to issue a Corn card upon making a fairly large purchase. In this case, you don’t need to deposit anything at all.

Card replenishment

How to replenish "Corn"? Very simple. The most convenient option is to do this by visiting any Euroset salon. For the practical implementation of the operation, you will need to read the barcode from the card, that is, it is desirable to have “plastic” with you. It is also convenient to replenish the card using another that is issued by any of the banks. That is the usual debit or credit. True, it needs to be “tied” for this, registered in the “personal account” of the user “Corn”. Another option (it can be called "classic") is to replenish the card account using a conventional bank transfer. No binding is required in this case, however, and the terms for crediting funds are quite long - at least a day.

How to use "Corn"

Actually, what is the usefulness of "Corn"? This can be expressed in several aspects at once. The first option: the card "Corn" - debit. Customer reviews regarding this scenario of using “plastic” testify to the excellent adaptability of the product to this engagement mechanism. With the help of "Corn" and the MasterCard payment system affiliated with it, you can make purchases in stores, including online.

Map corn reviews

You can pay both in Russia and in any other country in the world where there is a MasterCard, and it is in most states. In some cases, when using the card, it is possible to connect the useful option "cash back", in which about a few percent of the amount of each purchase goes into a bonus. It can be spent in a variety of ways.

Credit prospect

Another scenario is when "Corn" is a credit card. Euroset, reviews of which, as a rule, are associated with retail due to the profile of the organization, is, of course, not authorized to issue loans on its own behalf. Credits are issued by banks affiliated with RNKO Payment Center. True, the terms of the loans are not very impressive for the Russians, who left reviews on the thematic portals on the fact of using such a product as the "Corn" card. The credit limit is determined by the bank according to a rather complex formula - it can be both very modest and large. But most importantly, the interest on the card is far from comfortable. These are given by Euroset customers, who were involved as a Corn credit card, reviews. 2014 due to well-known political events, of course, is not easy for the country's economy as a whole and the activities of credit and financial organizations in particular. But 24-80% per annum of the Renaissance bank affiliated with Kukuruza, or 28-44% of the Tinkoff banks that are being offered now, is perhaps a bit much. Although, in principle, there are offers on the credit market that are much less profitable. So in some segments the solutions from the Renaissance and Tinkoff, of course, can be quite competitive.

Map Corn Euroset reviews

One of the possible advantages of using the “Corn” card as a credit card is the rather long grace period for using the loan (during which interest is not accrued) - about two months. True, we note that very many banks also allow their customers to use credit on a preferential basis within comparable, or even longer terms. But recently, not all financial institutions are as loyal to loan applications as there were a lot of refusals several years ago. Regarding the owners of "Corn", as many experts note, as well as the users themselves, banks, as a rule, tend to make positive decisions.

Customer support

"Corn" - a card, reviews about which largely affect such an aspect as customer support. Users of the "plastic" note a fairly high level. For example, there is no problem recovering a lost card. It is enough to call the call center from the number that is indicated as the main one when registering the card. If necessary, you can make a written request to the support service via e-mail. Or use the contact form in the "Personal Account" of the user. True, it is likely that support specialists will prefer to answer by phone. Therefore, you need to keep on hand a mobile phone with a number - the one that is registered as the main one, with you.

Personal Area

By the way, about the "Personal Account". "Corn" - a card, reviews of which largely reflect the ability to conveniently use this feature. Access to the "My Account" is organized simply. Login - a unique card number. The password can be requested in the form of an SMS message to the number that was specified when registering the "plastic". After it should be replaced by your own. The functionality of "My Account" is very interesting. There is, by the way, the option of downloading the mobile version of its interface - to Andoid or iOS devices.

Terms of use

We proceed to consider the financial aspects of using the card. As we said above, the design of the "plastic" is almost free. No commission is charged for payment transactions through the MasterCard system. By the way, when using a card abroad, conversion to local currency takes place on the basis of the Central Bank's rate, and not domestic banking. This can be an extremely beneficial solution. "Corn" - a card, reviews of 2014 about which largely affect the well-known situation with the fall of the ruble in the foreign exchange market. The fact that the owner of the "plastic" from Euroset gets the opportunity for profitable conversion is impressive to many Russians.

Card Corn Reviews Credit Limit

Thus, “cashless” when using “Corn” is a very successful mechanism for utilizing the payment capabilities of this solution. However, it is not recommended to withdraw cash from a card using an ATM. The rate here is 1% of the cashable amount. The minimum commission is 100 rubles. In addition, if cashing takes place abroad, the costs are likely to be higher due to the fees of local financial institutions. It is better to use standard plastic cards for the same purpose, which allow you to withdraw cash from affiliated ATMs or those issued by the issuer.

Personal card

One of the most noteworthy aspects of using the Corn card is the ability to draw up a registered version of it. In the standard format, it is actually anonymized (although the issuer database contains all the information about the owner of the "plastic"). But there is an option in order to arrange the one on which the name and surname of the user will be reflected, as on other plastic cards. It is easiest to order a registered "plastic" from "Corn" through the "Personal Account". The cost of the product is about 150 rubles, together with the delivery of the finished card by mail. The validity period of "plastic", meanwhile, is 7 years. While for the cards of many other banks, the typical period is 3 years.

Named "Corn" - a card, reviews about which are largely positive due to the manufacturability of the product. The fact is that this “plastic” format is equipped with a modern PayPass chip, which allows for contactless payments. So far, this kind of technology is only in circulation. Most modern cash registers have terminals with classic card readers.

Bank Card Corn Euroset reviews

Modern technologies

But contactless devices are increasingly being introduced by Russian stores, banks, and services. They can be used by the Russians, who have at their disposal a registered "Corn" bank card. Euroset, reviews of which often touch on the technological aspect of electronic products sold, many experts believe, contributes to the further penetration of contactless devices on the Russian market.

Corn map reviews 2014

There is evidence that the percentage of "cash back" when participating in bonus programs for owners of the nominal "plastic" is higher than when using the standard card format - 1.5%. At the same time, as soon as a new product is activated, all bonuses from the old "plastic" go to the newly created account.


Actually about bonuses. What is this cash back program offered by the Corn issuer? Its specific content and conditions of use depend mainly on the region of residence of the card holder. On the project website you can see the "Partners" section - there will be all the information about the possibilities to spend bonuses that are present in a particular city. We have already described the general principle of the programs above - 1-1.5% is deducted from each purchase to the bonus account. You can always see the cash back balance through your Personal Account. Bonus expiration date is 1 year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8237/

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