Bandage "Perinka Freyka". How to wear a bandage "Perinka Freyka"?

Often, for children suffering from congenital dislocation of the hip, a unique device called "Perinka Freika" is assigned. It is an effective and safe treatment for newborn leg problems. To date, such a device is prescribed by pediatricians and orthopedists to small patients. To fully cure dysplasia, you need to know how to wear a bandage. Therefore, today we will consider this issue.


Means "Perinka Freika" is a special orthopedic device, which is prescribed for dysplasia in babies up to 1 year old. If you use this device correctly, then the problem can be eliminated. Some doctors and parents themselves call this perink only a hard diaper. And the kids who wear this device are frogs or skydivers. After all, you have to wear a feather bed with spread legs.

perinka freka

Indications for appointment

Bandage "Perinka Freyka" can be used in such cases:

- With hip dysplasia of varying degrees.

- With pre-dislocation and subluxation of the hips.

This device can be prescribed for babies from 1 to 9 months.

Bandage "Perinka Freyka": how to wear? FAQ

How tighten the upper belts?

First you need to pull it to the length where the child will be comfortable enough. Usually, babies are naughty within 1 week, they don’t like the fact that they are wearing this “hard diaper”. After 2-3 weeks, the crumbs get used to this device, so mom can tighten the straps higher. That is, you need to do everything gradually, not immediately.

The maximum limit for tightening the straps is when the baby's legs are apart, like a frog. This is the optimum belt height. In this case, the child's joints are adjusted correctly.

How should the side straps be positioned? They can be parallel or beveled to the sides. This is not fundamentally important. The main thing is that the height of the straps is adjusted, and the side puffs are secondary.

perinka freka photo

Is it possible to sleep on the sideboard in the perine? This question is also of interest to many caring mothers. They doubt and do not know whether it is possible to put the baby on a barrel in this device. Will there be a load on the lower leg? After all, it can be difficult for a child to be in this device, or, God forbid, it will damage the joints. At the orthopedist’s appointment, any doctor will tell you that in no way will the baby’s position in this perink affect his health. Therefore, to put on a barrel, the back in this device is possible. Perinka simply fixes the legs in a certain position and does not affect the discomfort of the legs, which is located below.

Product Features

- The bandage "Perinka Freika" is of an unfixed size, that is, you can adjust the width and height of the device yourself.

- The soft shoulder pads of the device prevent rubbing, and also create additional comfort.

- The bandage is 95% cotton and 5% polyester. The device is filled with isolon.

how to wear a freinka perinka

Product Care

- Do not wash the bandage "Perinka Freyka" in the car. Only hand wash at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees is allowed.

- Do not bleach the product.

- You can squeeze the bandage, but not twist it.

- Do not iron the appliance.

- Do not dry the product in direct sunlight.

Wearing time

The period of use of the bandage "Perinka Freika", a photo of which can be found in the article, is determined by the attending orthopedic surgeon. The approximate mode of wearing is for the whole day, with breaks for swimming, massage, diaper changes, gymnastics, physiotherapy.

perinka freka reviews

How to choose?

Since all babies are completely different: someone was born thin and someone was born full, then this device should be selected depending on the structural features of the baby’s body. Bandage "Perinka Freika", the sizes of which can be found in the table below, must be selected according to the recommendations of the orthopedist.

Bandage Size1234
The distance between the popliteal fossae in cm14-1717–1919-2222–25

To determine what size of device to buy, you need to measure the distance between the popliteal fossae in the abduction position in the hip joints.

perinka freika how to wear

How to use?

If parents had never heard of such a device before, then naturally they do not know how to properly operate such a product as Perinka Freyka. How to put on a bandage, an orthopedist can show. The specialist must clearly demonstrate to mom how to fix the baby's legs with this device.

- Put on a baby diaper or diaper.

- Place the perink on a flat surface in the open state.

- Strictly put the baby in the center so that his ass is on the product.

- Fix the child’s legs with his hand, then bend at the knees and press to the tummy.

- From this position, legs on both sides of the feather bed should be parted in a frog pose.

- Fix the device with Velcro straps located on each side.

- Cross the straps among themselves, throw them over the shoulders of the crumbs.

- Secure the bandage with the buckle on it.

perinka freka sizes

Cost. Where can I get it? Manufacturer

The Perinka Freyka product, whose photo clearly illustrates the design of the device, can be bought at many large pharmacies, as well as stores for newborns. This bandage can also be purchased online. And some people independently sew this perinka and put it up for sale. By the way, any mother who has a desire to save money can make this bandage. On the Internet there are even patterns of this product. The main thing is to correctly measure the baby:

- the distance from the line of the nipples to the middle of the perineum;

- length from one popliteal fossa to another (through the crotch with the legs apart).

The cost of the product in pharmacies and specialized stores can range from 800 to 1,500 rubles, depending on the design and quality of the material used.

The bandage is made in Russia, as well as in the USA. In the first case, the drug is produced by Orto-Med. In the second - a foreign company Fosta.

User opinions

Fixture "Perinka Freyka" reviews receive mostly positive. So, many parents note that thanks to this bandage they were able to cure dysplasia in infants. In addition, the device is quite easy to use. The main thing is to ask the orthopedist for the first time to put a bandage on the child. If the mother will correctly wear this device, and the baby will be in it constantly, then soon his legs will become symmetrical and even. Most parents like the material of this orthopedic product: it does not rub the baby anywhere, does not shed, does not stretch. With such a device, it is possible to cure dysplasia in more than one child.

There are people who were unhappy with this bandage. Some note that the belts in the device quickly get dirty, often have to be washed. There are also mothers who do not like the fact that the baby needs to constantly wear a diaper. But many parents want their skin to breathe. But you can put on a bandage without a diaper, because the mesh in this device does not get wet. Simply wipe it and change the cover.


From the article, you learned how to wear the Perink Freika, an orthopedic device that can cure hip dysplasia in infants. In order for the bandage to really help the kids, you need to choose the right size, and also know how to correctly wear this device. To do this, it is imperative to go to the orthopedist for a consultation and find out from him all the answers to questions of interest regarding the bandage.


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