How to draw a wolf in stages: instructions

Fine art arose many years ago and from that moment it is constantly evolving, and people regularly improve this science. True artists usually can draw many different compositions. They draw as people, nature, plants or things of human production, and animals. However, there are those people who are not artists, but they would like to learn how to draw animals. For example, how to draw a wolf in stages? This can be done quite easily.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to remember that for beginners, drawing a wolf with a pencil in stages without using instructions will not be easy at first. The skill of drawing is gained by practice. It is necessary to engage regularly so as not to experience difficulties in the process of work.

Drawing process

It is also important to note that if you learn how to draw a wolf yourself, but it will be, for example, in a standing position, then later, when you need to depict the animal in a different position, this will become problematic. Hands remember a certain algorithm of actions shown on the instructions, but when you need to modify the picture yourself, it takes a little improvisation.

You will learn to improvise, again, only after some time of regular classes. Therefore, to begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out how to draw a wolf in stages for beginners.

How to draw

In order to have an idea of ​​how to draw a wolf in stages, you need to know the algorithm for creating an animal pattern. This will not be a fully finished image with all the artistic elements, but is perfect for beginners.

Outline the borders of the body

Draw a medium-sized circle. It will be the head. Then, a little lower, draw the same shape, but a little larger, which will become the body of the animal. And draw the third circle to the right of the second. This is the back of the body.

Step 1

After you are done, connect the head and body in one line. Do the same with the body and back. At the end, it is necessary to sketch the limbs and depict a wolf face. To do this, draw a figure resembling a glass on the ball of the head.

Filling a sketch with elements

Once you are done with the outline, start drawing additional lines that will make the animal more voluminous. After these actions, the silhouette will already begin to resemble a wolf. Start with the upper body. Mark the ears as shown in the image in this article. Next, connect the head to the second, largest oval in two short lines. They should be located almost parallel to each other. They will display the wolf neck.

Step 2

After that, it is necessary to connect the body and the back of the body in the same way. Remember that wolves are slender and lean animals. Make sure that the body tapers closer to the hind legs. The final steps in this step will be to outline the animal’s paws. The rear ones have a different shape than the front ones. The former have several complex bends, while the latter, on the contrary, are almost completely straight. Be sure to draw the line of the wolf tail.

Drawing wool on the face and neck

To depict a relatively realistic wolf coat, you need to move your hand as if you are drawing a lot of zigzags. The first thing to do is head and neck. Do not forget to draw contours on the face of the animal. Draw eyes. You can make your wolf gloomy or contented. In the pictures in this article, the animal has a calm expression of its face.

Step 3

It is worth noting that you can draw the wool not directly on top of the lines of the body already applied to the paper, but go beyond these boundaries, as in the next steps you will erase some contours with an eraser. It is most convenient to apply new contours and at the same time wash old ones so that they do not interfere. But it’s easier for everyone to do their own way, so focus on your feelings.

Adding Torso Contours

Do the same as in step number 3, but now you will work with the front of the wolf body.

Step 4

Pay particular attention to the scruff, stomach, and base of the paws. There you need to add more wool. Do not forget about the claws.

Continuation of step No. 4

Now you need to fill the back of the body with additional elements. The jagged contours depict on the legs (mainly on top) and tail. You should draw the claws on both the front and the hind legs.

Step 5

Delete all excess lines

You probably noticed that the drawing in the end has an excess of contour lines. To make the picture look realistic, and the silhouette on it to be legible, erase the contours that we created in the first steps. If it seems to you that in some areas the wolf does not have enough hair - do not hesitate to supplement the work. Then your wolf will be different from others, and you can at least partially avoid a complete copy of the sketch. This step is the completion of work.

Step 6

On a note

Many dream of drawing these wonderful animals, but have no idea how easy it is to draw a wolf in stages. There is nothing complicated in this, it is important to have a sharpened pencil, clean paper and a desire to achieve a good result.

There are other, more sophisticated ways to draw a wolf in stages. It is recommended that you first practice and draw the same composition several times. If you can no longer spy on the instructions and create an image yourself, from memory, then you can try to complicate the task.


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