Good morning exercises for women and men. The best set of exercises for morning exercises

A good morning exercise helps not only to control your weight, but also to take care of your health and good spirits, which is much more important than the fight against extra pounds. In order for her to benefit, it is worth approaching her systematically. It is difficult to single out the best morning exercise complex, because everyone chooses exercises for themselves, so we will consider several successful options below.

Good morning exercises

No coffee

Most people are skeptical of physical activity, and especially to morning exercises. To get out of the inhibited morning state, coffee or a contrast shower are used. But these are just stimulants that do not awaken the body, but only dull drowsiness and fatigue for a while.

And morning exercises give a simply amazing effect - they awaken the whole body, tone the muscles and energize the person for the whole day. A cold shower or a cup of coffee only affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system, and in order to fully wake up, you need to use the muscles and joints. A good morning exercise copes with this task and gives a person an excellent mood and energy for the whole day.

The benefits of morning exercise

Before we look at the best set of exercises for morning exercises, let's find out what else is useful for morning activity.

The most important thing that morning exercise can give is a healthy body. But this is possible only with a systematic approach, which involves not only regular execution, but also a gradual complication of exercises. Immediately after charging, you can feel how the body "blooms": the mood rises, and brain and nerve cells begin to work properly. All this ultimately leads to new successes and conquering the desired heights.

Best morning exercise routine

Charging Rules

As in everything else, morning physical education has its own laws and rules, adhering to which, you can guarantee yourself a quality result. Otherwise, even a simple morning activity can lead to negative consequences. Let's find out what needs to be done to get a good morning exercise:

  1. Immediately after waking up, you can not overload the body with heavy exercises - this can adversely affect the work of the heart.
  2. It is recommended to start exercises directly in bed. It can be: sipping, bending arms and legs, turning the body and other simple actions.
  3. Getting out of bed, do not immediately start charging, first you need to give the brain and nerve cells a couple of minutes to wake up. During this time, you can wash. Now you can begin the basic set of exercises.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to breathing, because it saturates the cells with oxygen and increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. Do not overwork, since the main goal of charging is to wake up, and not to pump up a pile of muscles. If the body gives signals of overwork, be sure to listen to it.

Best morning exercises

Best exercises for morning exercises

Maximum stimulation of the body is achieved only when performing well-selected exercises. As you probably know, there are many methods and types of morning physical education. As in any other sport, there are fundamental exercises that are part of any well-designed system. Let's look at them:

  1. Neck area. Here standard tilts, turns and head rotations come to the rescue, which improve the flow of blood to the brain and awaken the whole body.
  2. Hands. It is recommended to start warming up the joints with the rotation of fists or hands closed in a “lock”. Then comes the rotation of the forearms and finally the arms fully extended.
  3. Body. We continue to recall the school curriculum. Having risen with legs spread shoulder-width apart, you need to perform smooth and measured tilts of the body forward, touching with your fingers, and ideally with your palms, the floor. Then, putting your hands on your belt, you need to perform the rotation of the pelvis. It remains only to make lateral inclinations. To do this, one hand remains on the lower back, and the second stretches toward the tilt.
  4. Legs. You can start with warming-up legs. In this case, do not bring them to a critical height. For each leg, 10-15 strokes will suffice. The next stage is lifting the legs to the side. After this, circular rotations of the knee joints are made. And finally, squats. Here you do not need to try to squeeze all your strength out of yourself, because we are doing exercises.

The best morning exercises

As you can see, the complex is not at all complicated. It is suitable for everyone and allows you to feel a surge of strength after the first lesson. But a good mood in the morning helps a person achieve success throughout the day.

In addition to the general rules, there are also specialized techniques that are designed for a narrower circle of people: separately for men, women, children, for those who want to lose weight, or with an emphasis on a particular problem area, for the disabled, etc. Next, we will examine in more detail complexes for women and men, as well as for weight loss.

Exercises for women

Women's exercise is slightly different from men's both in terms of load and the principle of exercise. So, let's look at the most successful exercises, which should include the best morning exercises for women:

  • walking in place with maximum knee lift;
  • crossing your fingers and laying them on one knee, you need to slightly extend the second leg forward and perform bending;
  • lean back and, throwing your hands behind your back, reach your heels with your fingers, then lean forward - and so on in a circle;
  • feet shoulder width apart. One hand rests on the back of the head and the other on the waist. Torso tilts toward the other hand;
  • with your hands on your belt, perform head rotations;
  • rotation of the arms in the elbow, and then in the shoulder joint;
  • Squats
  • Leaning against a wall, alternately raise your knees to your chest;
  • lie on a flat surface and, bending your knee, pull it with your hands to your chest. In this position, raise the body;
  • and finally - light exercises for the abdominal muscles.

All exercises are performed several times on each side (if their essence suggests).

Best morning exercises for women

Best morning exercises for the stronger sex

The differences between women's morning exercises and men's can be expressed in the table:

Weaker sexStrong floor
More attention is paid to problem areas. Small loadsPracticed a slight weakening: dumbbells or weights.
Emphasis on working out the legs.Emphasis on the study of the upper body.
More stretch marks.More strength exercises.

As you can see, there are differences between the feminine and masculine approaches, but they are not so significant. The best morning exercises for men can include the same elements as women’s as a warm-up, however, the emphasis is more on power performance. In order not to repeat, we note only those exercises that are included only in the male complex:

  1. As an option for a good, but not intrusive cardio load, the so-called “shadow boxing” using small dumbbells is considered. Moreover, it is advisable not to limit yourself to blows, but also to perform various hand rotations and twisting of the body.
  2. Although the conversation is about charging, and not about a full workout, a few push-ups and pull-ups will not harm a man at all. Especially if you execute them under control and try to stretch out at peak points.

The rest of the exercises are similar to the female ones, only the number of repetitions needs to be increased.

best exercises for morning exercises

Best morning exercise for weight loss

Many are concerned about the problem of excess weight. For such people, there are special morning exercises that can not only effectively awaken the body, but also get rid of the annoying excess weight.

The difference of this complex is that it involves an increased load. Therefore, before performing such a charge, you need to let the body wake up with the exercises described in the first complex. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water before starting work.

The complex of morning exercise for weight loss includes the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It can consist of jumps, swinging arms and legs, tilting the body, spinning the pelvis. A light short run, including on a treadmill, is well suited as a warm-up.
  2. The study of hands. To do this, you need small dumbbells. All kinds of bends, lifts and swings are made with them. Next, you can do various push-ups that activate the pectoral muscle belt.
  3. And finally, it will be useful to do a set of squats. The main thing is not to rush and follow the technique.

As you can see, charging for weight loss is not much more difficult than simple charging (especially for men), however, it is more effective. But once again we repeat - do not turn morning exercise into a massive pumping of the whole body in order to burn fat. This must be done at another time.

For weight loss regularity of physical education is much more important than its duration. Therefore, if you want to lose extra pounds, try to do at least a small charge every day.

Now in a nutshell about other types and options for charging.

The best morning exercise complex

Accelerated complex

Good morning exercises can be quick. This is very important, because a modern person constantly does not have enough time. There is, for example, a 10-minute complex, which, being short, allows the body to wake up normally and recharge with energy. It includes a non-aggressive study of all joints and major muscle groups.


In addition to the standard types of morning physical education, there is also an amazing Chinese technique called qigong. According to practicing trainers, it allows not only to fill the body with energy, but also to slow down the aging process, as well as to heal annoying diseases. The technique is based on receiving healing positive energy.

Children's exercise

Separately distinguish the children's version of morning exercises. This complex in various manifestations is found in school curricula. It stimulates the healthy physical development of the child, without overloading the young body, and most importantly - it is designed as a kind of game that allows you to interest even the most restless kids.


The best morning exercises can be different for each person. We have examined only the basic principles that are considered the most universal and effective. As you can see, many of the principles of morning exercises are familiar to each of us from childhood. So there are no barriers to health and good spirits! The main thing is not to forget that charging is necessary for awakening and it does not tolerate overloads!


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