What is the universal gas protection kit universal GDZK-U for? How to apply it?

The self-rescuer solves the main problems during the evacuation of a person through a gassed or smoky space, reliably protecting the respiratory tract from the penetration of hazardous chemicals into them. The most common type of self-rescuer is the universal gas and smoke protection kit GDZK-U.

Definition and purpose

It should be understood that initially all self-rescuers were intended only for use within manufacturing enterprises. As soon as a fire or release / spill of a chemically hazardous substance occurred, it was considered a technological accident. It was here that the GDZK-U (gas and smoke protection kit was universal) was needed, which, by its definition, is a self-rescuer to preserve health and life at the time of an industrial accident:

  • smoke in fires;
  • emission of vapors of aggressive chemicals for the atmosphere;
  • destruction of containers with radioactive isotopes;
  • thermal radiation.

Today much attention is paid to the issue of helping people in everyday conditions. It also happens that the consequences of damage to oil and gas pipelines, industrial fires and transport accidents can go far beyond the protected areas of a particular enterprise. In those situations when the private or residential sector is located near hazardous industrial facilities, GDZK-U - a universal gas and smoke protection kit (photo below) - is recommended to be purchased to protect those living in this area.

gas and smoke protection kit universal gdzk u

What are the features of the GDZK?

Distinctive features of this type of self-rescuer are the following characteristics:

1. The time allotted for safe evacuation with the use of the gas and diesel engine is significantly increased and amounts to approximately 30 minutes, which meets all fire safety standards.

2. The filter element provided in the kit according to the type of industrial gas masks of brand M provides protection of the respiratory tract from most known types of toxic substances.

3. A comfortable mask with fixing straps completely covers the head, neck and face, without distorting the audibility and legibility of the spoken words.

GDZK u gas smoke protection kit universal shelf life

4. The gas and smoke protection kit universal GDZK-U can be worn by both a child and an adult. The kit has no dimensions and is easy to use, without requiring assistance.

5. After the package with the GDZK has been opened, no action is required on the special preparation of the filter elements and other components of the self-rescuer.

6. The filter element has a limited warranty period, after which it is forbidden to use the gas and smoke protection kit universal GDZK-U.

Technical Parameters

Regardless of the hazardous substance that has got into the air (hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide), the filter operates for at least 30 minutes.

The working temperature of the GDZK is in the range between -20 and +60 degrees Celsius.

The weight of the mask and filter element is not more than 800 grams.

At GDZK-U (universal gas and smoke protection kit), the shelf life depends on the installed filter and does not exceed 5 years.

What does GDZK save from?

According to fire safety standards 302-2001, it reliably protects the respiratory system of people from the penetration of toxic substances, the concentration of which in the air reaches a deadly mark. Such substances include hydrogen chloride (released during wood burning), hydrogen cyanide (released during plastic burning), carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, ammonia, mercury vapor, formaldehydes, cyclohexane, chlorine, ethylene oxides, iodine vapor, sulfur oxides , aerosols of unknown origin (smoke, fog, dust, spraying biohazardous substances).

According to the requirements of the fire regulations , it is recommended to purchase GDZK-U (gas and smoke protection kit universal), the shelf life of which is no more than 5 years, for the following categories of premises:

  • objects on which mass stay of people is provided (more than 10 people);
  • high-rise residential buildings;
  • high-rise administrative buildings;
  • Offices, banks, hospitals with inpatient stay of patients;
  • educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, institutions of additional education, institutions of secondary and higher education).

Thanks to numerous studies, it is allowed to use the gas and gas protection kit universal GDZK-U during evacuation at a nuclear power plant, in case of fires and releases of emergency chemically hazardous elements.

What is included in the kit

The kit is delivered in a bag with a zipper, inside of which there is a hermetically sealed bag with a self-rescuer and instructions with the rules for using this protective equipment.

GDZK u gas smoke protection kit universal
The kit itself is supplied in the form of a hood made of fire-resistant material, in the front part of which there is a viewing window for orientation in space, a half mask with a valve for breathing and a filter element.
Gdzk u gas smoke protection kit universal photo
The universal gas and smoke protection kit universal GDZK-U is regulated by the headband using a strap so that smoke, dust or aerosol cannot get inside.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8273/

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