How to use reflector for taking photos?

Many believe that a true photographer needs only a camera and nothing more. But this is not so. As a rule, a professional in addition to the camera has a whole arsenal of additional tools. Alas, it is not always possible to get truly beautiful photographs with only a camera. In this article, you will learn about a device such as a reflector for taking pictures.

What is a photo reflector and how does it look

What is the photographer’s most important tool? This is the light! This means that it is simply impossible for a photographer to do without a photo reflector. If you’re new to this business and have never held this gadget in your hands, and you don’t have any idea what it looks like, let's sort it out in order.

A photo-reflector is such a design, which consists of a frame and a reflective material stretched over it. It is absolutely mobile and easy to use. With its help, photos are obtained much better and better. The described design is also called a reflector, light-disk or screen, but the term “photo reflector” better conveys the whole meaning and principle of its use.

Reflector for photography is of various shapes, colors and has its purpose.

reflector for photography rules of use

What is a reflector for when shooting?

The principle of operation of the reflector, as the name implies, is the reflection of light. Basically, this device is used when shooting a portrait to highlight details in the shade, thereby leveling the overall illumination of the frame.

Also, under certain conditions, the reflector can be used as a light source. For example, you make a portrait of a model that stands sideways by the window. What will happen in the end if you do not apply additional funds? Of course, that part of the face that is directed to the window will be light, and the other in the shadow. Accordingly, half of the face will simply fall into the dark. The frame is not quite perfect. And if the side that is in the shadow is highlighted with a reflector, you will notice a significant difference. The overall illumination of the frame will be even.

Another option is to shoot outdoors on a sunny day. In the photo there will certainly be ugly shadows from sunlight. This trouble can easily be corrected by a reflector. Now you have seen how important this accessory is not only for the professional, but also for the novice photographer.

reflector for photography

What reflectors are there?

As we have already said, reflectors of various shapes, sizes, colors and purposes are made:

  1. The shape of the reflectors are round, square, oval and rectangular.
  2. They also have the smallest and largest sizes. The most optimal is a reflector with a diameter of half a meter to a meter. Of course, the most practical option would be a 5-in-1 reflector, which along with the base (white fabric) has 4 more covers of different colors.

Each color of the reflector has its own purpose:

  • White is used in bright sunny weather, perfectly diffuses light.
  • Black is used in the opposite case, for example, when you have to remove glare surfaces. That is, he absorbs the extra part of the light.
  • A silver reflector is used more often than others. It is indispensable when it is cloudy and cloudy. On a clear day, it is not recommended to use it, as it can blind eyes.
  • Golden reflector is rarely used, but it is still desirable that it is present in the arsenal. With this accessory, you can add warmth to the picture or create a sunset effect.

5 in 1 reflector

How to choose a reflector

If you decide to purchase such a useful accessory for yourself, then most likely you will have a choice about which size and shape to give preference to. If you work in a studio, then, of course, it is better to purchase large reflectors or screens. If you are shooting outdoors and you don’t have an assistant to hold them, it’s best to purchase a small accessory.

As for the shape, the most convenient option is a triangular reflector with a handle. If you have an assistant, then round and oval will do.

For the price range is also large. It all depends on the brand, so choose a light disk not only for its intended purpose, but also afford it.

How to use a reflector correctly

Now you know what a reflector is for taking pictures. How to use this device? There is nothing complicated in its application. Even the most inexperienced photographer will quickly understand what the point is. So, how to use a reflector for taking pictures? The rules of use are presented below.

  1. Try to keep it above the object, at a natural angle. The bottom-up option does not always pay off. Shining in this way can only be done to smooth the shadows under the chin or on the neck. Many of these rules are neglected and in the end get the effect, as if from below shone a flashlight. If the subject is human, then the bruises under the eyes in the photo are definitely inevitable. In extreme cases, use two reflectors, and the one that will be located below may be a smaller size.
  2. The smaller the reflector in size, the closer it needs to be brought to the subject. If the screen is large, it is best to place it away.
  3. Try not to shine a reflector of model in eyes. So you are unlikely to get good photos, but leaked mascara and eyes in a wet place are provided for you.

reflector for photography how to use

How to make a reflector with your own hands

If you do not want to spend money on professional equipment, you can make a reflector for photographing yourself. For example, if you urgently need a reflector and you don’t have one, you can take a large sheet of white paper. True, this option will not last you for a long time, so it is better to do something more serious.

So, before you make a reflector for taking pictures, you need to choose a frame for it. Remember that it should be as light as possible. You can use a children's hoop of small diameter or make it of hard wire.

how to make a reflector for taking pictures

Now about the reflective surface. Stick a piece of white paper onto the cardboard - here is a white reflector for taking pictures. And on the other hand - slightly crumpled food foil - here you have a silver screen. Want to get a warmer shot - paint the foil with gold paint.

By the way, you can find an old umbrella in your attic and glue it inside with crumpled food foil. You will also get an excellent reflector for taking pictures, and even with a pen, for which it will be convenient to hold it.

DIY reflector


If you think that it is quite possible to do without this accessory, it means that you simply did not encounter it in work. Even the most experienced photographers, alas, are not always able to adjust the exposure compensation settings on the camera so that the photos turn out to be ideal in certain conditions. That is why useful devices come to their aid. And to buy a reflector or do it yourself - you decide. May your shots always be successful!


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