What is a Jumble? History of children's humorous newsreel

Back in 1974, a letter from the director Alla Surikova came to the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was a proposal to create a children's humorous newsreel. At that time, there was a “Wick” for an adult audience. This newsreel was popular, therefore, for children it was proposed to create a “Fitilek”. From that moment, our beloved "Jumble" was born.

In this article, we will examine why the newsreel has such a name, and note some points related to it.

What is a jumble?

Surely, many have thought about this issue. And only a few looked into the dictionary. But there is a clue to the meaning of the word. In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, it is explained what a jumble is. In the first sense, this is a mess and confusion, and in the second - an old card game.

what is jumble

Most likely, the name is associated with the first meaning, because the stories in the newsreel come out randomly. They are not connected in any way.

It is worth noting that there is a story by Maxim Gorkov “Jumble”. In it, this word implies all sorts of things, mixture, confusion and disorder. This is what jumble means as an ordinary word.

Where did this name come from for the newsreel?

There are several versions. When they started working on this project, the name “Fitilek” originally proposed for it was rejected. It was necessary to look for something else. There is a legend that says that a competition for the best name has been announced. One Soviet schoolgirl sent a letter (which did not survive), where she proposed to name the project "Jumble".

what is jumble boris grachevsky

The creators of this project refute such legends. They claim that the name was coined by the daughter of the founder of the newsreel, playwright Alexander Khmelik. He also announced this in the TV show “Tonight”, where he told what “Jumble” is. Boris Grachevsky, the artistic director of this project, was also on the program and confirmed that the name of the film magazine was the proposal of Khmelik’s daughter.

The story of "Jumble"

In 1974, a series of the magazine appeared. The first issue consisted of three stories, among which was the plot according to Agnia Barto’s script “Shameful Spot”.

Initially, the miniatures of "Jumble" were shown first in theaters and only after that they were broadcast on television. But over time, the project has completely moved to TV screens. First broadcast on RTR, then on ORT.

what is jumble actors

In 1984, the film "What is" Jumble "was released. 10 years later, a concert was dedicated to him. Each anniversary of the project takes place with festive performances in which everyone associated with this newsreel takes part.

"Jumble" is not just humorous issues. This is a newsreel on which several generations have grown. It is not only entertaining, but also instructive. He shows children where good and evil are. That's what the "Jumble" is!

The child actors who played in it became famous over time. For example, ex-member of the Tatu music group Yulia Volkova, actor Alexander Golovin, singer Natasha Ionova (Glyukoza), singers Sergey Lazarev and Vladislav Topalov and many others.

"Jumble" is removed to this day. Therefore, young talents can express themselves and star in new releases, which still have a lot of humor and morality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8282/

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