Ginseng oolong. Unique properties of tea

Elite ginseng oolong tea is developed according to Taiwanese technology. It is made from the leaves of a tea tree, which grows on the high plantations of Nantou County, this is central Taiwan. These leaves are enriched with extracts from the root of advertising-free healing ginseng. The spherical shape of the granules and the technology of twisting the tea leaves allow both oolong and ginseng to preserve their healing properties as much as possible, which is one of the criteria for ginseng oolong tea.

Oolongs are special varieties of tea leaves that grows high in the mountains with high humidity and low temperature. Leaves are harvested in the fall when they reach their maximum size and concentrate all the taste in themselves. To wither leaves use special bamboo sieves, which are constantly shaken in the sun in order to carry out the process of oxidation and fermentation. During shaking, the leaves are slightly damaged, but not destroyed. Essential oils that contribute to the aromatization of the material are released, but fermentation affects only the edges and ends of the leaves - they turn brown and the middle remains green. The carefully controlled fermentation process is stopped by heating, the leaves are fried or steamed. When steaming, their color is greenish, the leaves have a delicate aroma, and when frying, the taste becomes more spicy, and the color of the infusion is brownish-golden. Then the leaves are crushed, and the juice released on their surface makes them more fragrant. The resulting lumps of tea quickly straightened in boiling water.

Externally, ginseng oolong tea is represented by small greenish clumps resembling pebbles, with a slightly sugary-sweet aroma of fruit tones and a distinctly tangible aroma of peach jam and halva. After drinking tea, even breathing becomes slightly sweet, not to mention the sugary-sweet aftertaste. Its peculiarity is interesting when brewing: folded leaves fully open only after 3-4 brewing. And once again, adding boiling water to the same leaves of ginseng oolong tea, they get completely different, but interesting taste properties.

The combination of the healing properties of ginseng with the oolong of highland Taiwan gives a strong, even and excellent tonic effect. This suggests that oolong ginseng tea significantly improves performance. After its use, the concentration of attention increases, therefore, not only physical, but also mental performance increases. Sexual function is stimulated, general weakness, drowsiness and increased fatigue decrease, blood pressure rises. The content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood is reduced. Ginseng oolong tea also prevents the development of nervous diseases and depression and is a powerful antioxidant. In Korea, for example, they believe that it helps the body to cope with heat and cold very well.

Usually, when brewed ginseng oolong tea, they take 3-4 pebbles per cup. When tea is infused, it changes its color before our eyes: the greenish color turns into rich golden. And with subsequent brewing, it has a yellowish color. A magic drink is consumed before meals to increase appetite or after meals, and also as an independent drink between meals.

Oolong ginseng tea is not recommended to be drunk on an empty stomach, since in this case the so-called intoxication occurs . To remove it, slowly drink a cup of milk. These are the subtleties of using this true healing elixir. Compliance with all recommendations for the preparation and use of tea makes the process an amazing mystery. Enjoy the preparation and use of this amazing drink.


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