Touch of a man to a woman: their meaning, causes, sign language and opinions of psychologists

People interact with each other at several levels. One of them is verbal. On it, communication takes place using speech. The second level of interaction is non-verbal. Body language and gestures dominate here.

As for the verbal way of communication, its people have already learned to control quite well. But with sign language everything is much more complicated. After all, it is controlled by our subconscious. It should be borne in mind that body language is as rich as our speech. That is why at the moment when a person is excited, excited, upset, carried away or annoyed, his body gives special signals that the interlocutor can decipher.

boy and girl

A non-verbal way of communication is available to all, both women and men. Nevertheless, the transmission of emotions in representatives of different sexes occurs using different signals. It is rather difficult for a simple person to know thoroughly the language of facial expressions and gestures. Psychologists learn this art, spending many years on it.

The body language of a man is of interest to many women. They seek to learn its basics in order to understand what the attitude of the representative of the stronger sex is to them. After all, if a man is interested in a lady, then this will immediately be noticeable by his gestures, facial expressions and body movements. In some cases, tactile contact can tell us more than any action. A huge role in this is played by a man’s touch on a woman. They are light and stroking, and sometimes represent a friendly or passionate hug. In most cases, their importance depends on the developing relationship and the situation as a whole.

The value of physical contact

Most people love touch. When one person gently strokes the skin of another or wraps it in his arms, a special hormone is produced in the body. It is called oxytocin. He is also known as the "hug hormone." Entering the blood, this element increases the sensitivity of the skin and contributes to a sense of community.

Physical contacts in the form of hugs, affection, patting on the shoulder, real and comic slaps in the face can tell us much more than the words spoken. Using non-verbal language, a person can express his sympathy or, on the contrary, hostility. Physical contacts help to attract attention or convey certain emotions. There are also man-woman touches that are associated with professional activities. Such contacts take place during a visit to a doctor or hairdresser, as well as during sports, dancing, etc. In other words, physical contact in a person’s life is a quite normal and quite common phenomenon. But whatever it may be, it will certainly affect the perception of people, which is why it becomes important to understand the meaning that touch carries.

Pat on the back

Is it worth looking for deep affection with such a touch of a man to a woman? What does it mean for a representative of a stronger sex to pat a lady on the back? This gesture is quite common. It means support, friendship, and praise. If a man, in a good mood, pats his companion on the back, then he most likely does not even see a woman in her. After all, such a touch, as a rule, means "you're cool", "well done", etc. With such non-verbal signals, one can rely only on the friendship of the representative of the stronger sex, no more.

Distance violation

What can “casual” touches of a man and a woman tell about? Violation of the distance indicates that he is in love, but at the same time hides his feelings. Sometimes it happens that a man and a woman spend a lot of time together, for example, at work or in an educational institution. But communicating, a representative of the stronger sex from time to time invades the boundaries of the personal space of his colleague or classmate, that is, comes closer to her than at arm's length. Usually people do not let anyone else so close to themselves. But with mutual sympathy, a woman does not have an internal protest when a man approaches her. That is why you should not be surprised if he seemed to accidentally touch her arm, hair, shoulders, put his hand on the back of her chair, etc.

Such touches of a man by a woman (photos are presented in the article) are a clear confirmation that he is pleased to be near her, and he dreams of a closer relationship. It is also worthwhile to understand that if this colleague or fellow student takes his companion by the elbow or covers her shoulders with a jacket, such gestures should not be regarded as an ordinary tribute to politeness. Thus, the man makes it clear to all potential rivals that he considers the lady “his”, and does not intend to give her up.

a guy with a girl sitting with their backs to each other

But if a man seems to accidentally touch the woman’s legs, but immediately removes his hand, then this indicates that he wants closeness with her. Similar actions can mean love. But in this case, the man will remove his hand slowly and at the same time smile at the lady.


There are touches of a man to a woman (their meaning can be described by the phrase "I more than like you"), when a partner pats her beloved on the back. And he does it at the time of hugs. In this case, we can say that a woman is interesting to a man and causes him strong feelings. Most likely, he has nothing against the development of further relations. After all, such gentle touches of a man to a woman are a symbol of strong attraction, capable of developing into a deep feeling.

man raises woman

Sometimes it happens that a guy hugs his lover and is in no hurry to part with her. Such a man’s touch on a woman and their meaning are also understandable to someone who is familiar with non-verbal language. In this case, we can say that the guy is very upset. That is why he strokes his beloved for about a good half minute. However, he does not intend to talk about his feelings. Based on the psychology of a man’s touch on a woman, a lady may well be offended, realizing that her partner has withdrawn into himself, and strokes her only “on the machine”. Nevertheless, experts recommend not to do this. In such a situation, you should hug the man stronger, trying to distract him from negative thoughts.

Forehead touch

Using a non-verbal language, a man can tell his partner that he is crazy about her. In the event that he is embarrassed to express his feelings in words, with a hug he will certainly touch the woman with his forehead. This characteristic gesture means one thing. A woman has become a man dear to him for a man, and he is ready for a serious relationship with her.

Expression of serious intentions

What does a man’s touch on a woman mean when he comes to her from behind and hugs him? Such movements indicate the depth of his feelings. Psychologists explain this point by the fact that the back is the most insecure place in a person. And when a man hugs a woman, going up to her from behind, he covers her vulnerability at the subconscious level. With a high probability the lady is dear to his heart, and he is sure that he can create a strong alliance with her.

Protection from sorrows

What does a man’s touch on a woman mean when he hugs her from the back and weaves his hands on the lady’s chest? A similar gesture looks as if the gentleman covers his lover's heart. It means that a man sees in a woman a person close and dear to him.

man hugs a woman from the back

At the same time, he is ready to protect her from all sorts of adversities and misfortunes that can meet on the path of life. But not only this can explain such a man’s touch on a woman. Both psychologists and those people who understand non-verbal language understand their meaning as a partner’s insecurity in the lady’s feelings for him. He is literally torn in doubt, does she love him or not?

Desire for intimacy

Between partners, a tight, rather strong hug is also possible. What caused these touches of men to women? Their meaning is clear to many. You do not need to be an outstanding psychologist to understand that the partner thus seeks intimacy. How events will develop further depends on the woman.

Hand touch

A similar non-verbal gesture in different cultures can be perceived differently. So, in Western Europe, people holding hands are a symbol of romance. When we watch a couple joining their hands, we realize that there is a close relationship between them. That is why many men in Western countries are afraid to take each other's hands. Indeed, in this case they can be mistaken for homosexuals. The situation is different in the Arab countries. Here, such a gesture has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

man and woman hold hands

What does it mean when a man takes a woman's hand?

  1. Romantic affection.
  2. Deep connection.
  3. Uncertainty and fear of losing your beloved.
  4. Trying to reassure a partner when she is upset.
  5. Superiority. Taking a woman's hand, a man shows that he is a leader in a relationship.
  6. An attempt to indicate to everyone that the lady belongs only to him.
  7. Pride. The man is pleased to be seen next to the woman. However, this does not mean at all that he values ​​her attitude.

And what does a man’s touch on a woman’s hand mean?

woman's hand in man's hand

If a similar gesture comes from him during a conversation, then, according to psychologists, the interlocutor wants the attention of the lady and wants to be heard by her. If a man took a woman's hand and began to twist his fingers around her, then, therefore, he is trying to get to know his chosen one closer.


Consider the language of these gestures. A woman giving her hand so that her hand is facing down during a handshake hints that she wants the man to kiss her hand. This, according to psychologists, is a manifestation of coquetry and an invitation to light flirtation.

If a man gives a palm down, then you should not kiss her. Such a gesture means his desire to completely subjugate the lady and even crush her with his authority. In this case, a woman can cover her hand with her palm. Such a gesture will be an unspoken challenge to rivalry.

partner handshake

With conventional, traditional handshakes, much depends on who first reaches out. If a woman does this, then she indicates that she sees in her companion an equal partner. If on the contrary, then such a handshake can be regarded as an indication of the sympathy of a man.

Sometimes a handshake indicates an increased desire to enter trust and enjoy it. In this case, the man covers the woman’s palm with both hands. He seems to wrap them in a live glove.

Non-verbal gestures of women

Sometimes a man is quite enough for a girl to touch his neck. Or she sighed languidly near her ear. In this case, he is almost instantly quite ready for intimacy with her.

What does a woman’s touch on a man mean when a lady puts her hand on the inside of her partner’s thigh? First of all, it immediately becomes clear that they want proximity with him. But, besides this, on the inner part of the thigh are nerve endings that go directly to the phallus. Therefore, such touches are pleasant for a man.

Many guys like it when a girl hugs their face with her hands at the moment of kiss. Or stroking the hair on the back of the head. Sometimes ladies relaxedly put their hand in the back pocket of jeans. It also inspires men to exploits. In addition, such a gesture is a kind of promise of a passionate tete-a-tete.

Exciting effect on men and shaking hands with women. Especially if the movements of the hands are both strong and gentle. The man also feels welcome at the moment when the girl runs her fingers over the guy’s palm, starting movement from the wrist.

Ladies can relate to representatives of the strong half of humanity with the goal of:

  1. Demonstrations of friendliness. Penetration into an alien space always causes rejection. However, a person will perceive it adequately if such a gesture is cautious and soft, expressed, for example, in a light touch. Participants of such a contact, even if they are completely unfamiliar, will immediately begin to have a positive attitude towards each other.
  2. Attraction of attention. In those situations where there is noise around, and the woman’s attention is focused on her affairs, touching it allows you to distinguish yourself from all those around you.
  3. Restore internal balance. At certain points, people especially need protection and care. When a woman touches a person close to her, she helps him feel the much-needed positive emotions.
  4. Leadership Gains. With the help of touches, a hierarchy of human relationships is sometimes built. There are certain gestures that are a demonstration of status. With their help, a woman silences, stops, or yields in the presence of claims.

Of particular note are the touch of a woman in moments of intimacy. The main area for exciting a partner is his stomach. It has a lot of sensitive receptors. Especially men like touching the chest and navel. But if the partners quarreled, then you should not touch sensitive and tender places in this case. During a quarrel, a man subconsciously perceives such movements as aggression. Indeed, it is in the places of greatest sensitivity that his body is especially vulnerable. A woman who wants to calm her partner needs to touch his knees, shoulders and back. The movements should be confident, firm, but not sharp. This will make it clear to the man that no aggression is shown against him.


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