Urethritis in men, symptoms, treatment

Urethritis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the walls of the urethra (called urethra in medicine). Today, such a disease is very common among women and men. In this article we will talk about male urethritis.

There are two forms: infectious and non-infectious urethritis in men, whose symptoms are slightly different. The causes of various forms are also different. Infectious is manifested due to damage by viruses, microplasmas, bacteria, gonococci, chlamydia and other microorganisms that cause inflammation. A non-infectious arises as a result of narrowing of the urinary tract, their injury, as well as congestive processes in the pelvic area. This form of urethritis can eventually become infectious.

It may not immediately manifest in urethritis in men; its symptoms may be lingering. It should be noted that a common method of infection with this disease is unprotected intercourse.

Urethritis in men, symptoms

The first signs can be determined about a week after infection. But quite often the disease appears in a few weeks. Symptoms

  • burning sensation after urination, in some cases the sensations are very sharp and cutting;
  • copious discharge with an unpleasant odor from the urethral canal, which can be in the form of mucus or pus, and also have a bluish or greenish color. Most often they increase in the morning;
  • the opening of the urinary canal has redness, sometimes sticking is noticed.

Urethritis treatment

If you notice the first signs of this disease, you need to contact a urologist as soon as possible. Only with the help of a doctor can one reliably determine the severity of urethritis and prescribe treatment depending on its degree. In addition, with the help of certain tests, the urologist will determine the type of causative agent. Thus, it will be possible to choose the most effective drugs. Indeed, urethritis in men, whose symptoms can not be noticed right away, can progress over time. This entails severe forms of the disease that require immediate treatment.

How to treat urethritis in men? Most often, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, in combination with which you need to use local treatment:

  • miramistin, which is used as a solution;
  • protargol, which is prescribed for instillation into the urinary canal;
  • potassium permanganate - very effective for flushing the urinary tract. Most often, it is prescribed no more than three times a day, but an urologist gives accurate advice on its use;
  • other drugs, which include chamomile. This plant is used in medicine as an antibacterial agent, very often it is used to treat infectious diseases, including urethritis. Such drugs are prescribed only individually, and they should be used only on the recommendation of a urologist.

If we talk about drugs that are taken orally, among them the most effective ones should be distinguished: amoxiclav, norfloxacin, and also ciprinol. Their dosage is determined by the urologist individually for each patient, depending on the form and severity of the disease.

In addition to the medicines described above, which are able to defeat even chronic urethritis in men, in some cases immunotherapy is also prescribed. This is necessary to support the immunity of the patient, which is weakened during and after the disease.

If the patient has serious complications, then daily urethra rinses are prescribed. This is done with the help of special drugs that can give an excellent effect, thereby quickly urethritis in men. Symptoms of the disease after several such procedures will practically disappear.

In addition, the urologist must definitely prescribe multivitamins to the patient in order to maintain vitality, which is simply necessary to fight the disease.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8299/

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