A step-by-step recipe for classic syrniki with raisins

The recipe for classic cheesecakes is known by many housewives. However, unfortunately, most of them almost always produce literally β€œstone” products. In order for you to be able to avoid such a fate, we decided to present a detailed way of how to make soft, lush and literally melting curd cakes in your mouth.

classic cheesecakes recipe

Classic homemade cheesecakes: recipe with photo

Required ingredients for the dish:

  • sifted flour - 4 large spoons;
  • average chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • table soda - 2/3 of a dessert spoon;
  • non-acidic wet cottage cheese (preferably maximum fat content) - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - at your discretion (we decided to take 3 large spoons);
  • brown raisins - 30 g (optional, can be without it);
  • Refined sunflower oil - Β½ cup (for roasting curd products).

Cooking basics

The recipe for classic cheesecakes uses only fresh products. Thus, it is required to take wet non-acidic cottage cheese, pour it into a bowl, and then break a couple of chicken eggs there. Next, sugar must be added to the dairy product and stir well using an ordinary fork. It is recommended to set the resulting mass aside for a while so that the sweet bulk product is completely dissolved.

cheesecakes classic recipe with photo

Dried fruit processing

Also, the recipe for classic syrniki recommends the additional use of such a component as brown raisins. It must be sorted out and then scalded with boiling water and kept in it for several minutes. This procedure will well soften the dried fruit and relieve it of all the dirt. Next, the soaked product should be rinsed in warm water and completely deprived of moisture by shaking vigorously with a sieve.

The final step in preparing the basics

After all the instructions described are fulfilled, pour the peeled dried fruit into the curd base, and then add table soda and sifted flour. As a result, you get a semi-liquid dough. It is such a consistency of the base that is necessary in order to make soft, lush and very tasty meatballs.

Shaping and frying dishes

For the heat treatment of curd products, the recipe for classic syrniki requires the use of a deep saucepan. It is necessary to pour in sunflower oil and heat it up strongly. Next, using a large spoon in the pan, you need to lay out several semi-finished products. It is worth noting that the procedure for frying syrniki in oil is very much like cooking ordinary pancakes. After all products on both sides become rosy, they should be placed on a large plate.

How to serve curd products to the table

cheesecakes classic recipe

Classic cheesecakes, the recipe of which is presented a little higher, are served as breakfast or an afternoon snack in a hot condition. Together with such a curd dish, family members are encouraged to additionally present strong tea, thick sour cream, jam, floral honey, jam or condensed milk. Bon Appetit!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8301/

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