Sex for men - revealing secrets!

Not so long ago, American and European researchers conducted a survey among the male population during which they found out why the stronger sex ceases to be attracted to a partner and what they lack. Perhaps someone looking ahead may think that these are some kind of sexual poses that women do not accept, oral or anal sex, or maybe some toys for adults that they don’t want to see in their bedroom. However, all this is not so, the reasons lie on the surface.

It is not surprising, but sex for men is far from always “getting laid" and that’s all. This is a purely female point of view, and it is far from always true. Sex for men is a kind of expression of love for girls. They need him in order to express their feelings more strongly, to be closer, to take care and to do nice. If some representatives of the weaker sex take care of their guys as children: they pity them, prepare to eat, worry, etc., thus taking care, then men can fully do this only by making love.

Representatives of the stronger sex like any female body, but if they see that she is shy of herself, then they also feel uneasy. Quite often, when she goes to bed with a boyfriend, the girl begins to think about how she looks, her breasts are too worried , she worries that the guy is disgusting, remembers that she didn’t have hair removal, and when he sees this, he will assume that she is not watching for themselves. All these thoughts do not allow you to relax. Guys feel closed and lack of complete trust, which puts them off. A man during sex thinks only of pleasure about making him feel good about her. At this moment, he does not care about female cellulite, hair removal and breasts; all this sits exclusively in female heads.

Sincerity and gentleness will save the relationship

From time to time, each person has moments when he does not want intimacy and this is completely normal. However, often the problem is that the female "no" to the man is so rude that he pushes him far enough and there is already a certain apprehension, and whether she will send it at all this time. You can tell your partner about the reluctance to have sex, only so that it does not sound harsh and offensive.

The following error causes a lot of problems. Most often, all the caresses that come from men are actually caresses to the touch. Girls are embarrassed to say what they like more and what not, however, because the representatives of the stronger sex are not psychics. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about such things. You should not be shy and show each other where to touch, how and with what intensity, because the pair will benefit from this.

It's no secret that men are visual in their peculiarity; they like everything beautiful and sexy. Therefore, during intimacy, they get great pleasure, even just admiring the female body. The mistake of many, especially people who have lived not one year together, is that they begin to make love in the dark, or the woman refuses to take off her nightdress or generally prefer to do it under the covers. For men, such sex is that sex in a spacesuit with rubber doll . In a word, all desire to make love disappears completely and for a long time, and sometimes forever. Therefore, women, do not deprive your partner of the opportunity to enjoy and admire you, forget about cellulite, breast size and just get pleasant emotions.

Men do not accept female victims in bed

Most of all, men are annoyed in bed and angry at a woman's self-sacrifice. They feel good when a girlfriend is good, and when not. There is no greater pleasure for a man than looking at a partner who is covered by a powerful orgasm. And vice versa, when a girlfriend does not get what they need, they feel like rapists. You don’t need a partner to lie that it’s good for you in bed, if this is actually not so, talk to him and you will come to the decision that will help both drown in the waves of sexual pleasure. Do not scoff at yourself and him. As a rule, most often this becomes the reason for the breakup, and the woman blames the man for everything, despite the fact that she imitated orgasms throughout all relations and told her partner how good she was. As a result, her lie turned against her.

In order for sex not to become a routine, it is necessary to innovate regularly. Many sexologists recommend role-playing games, special toys for adults , such as a plow, erection ring and others. Perhaps for someone at first glance this will seem vulgar, however, do not rush to sweep it aside, just try and then decide whether you need it or not. As for the issues of sex, it is important to consult with a partner, offer and try something so that the spark of desire not only does not fade away, but burns even brighter and delights you both with bright nights of love.


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