How does an allergy to honey manifest? Symptoms and treatment

Bees have been living next to humans since prehistoric times. People have always used the products of their vital functions both as the main medicine for various diseases, and as a delicious treat. And no one ever thought about whether there is an allergy to honey. These days, the situation has changed a bit. Today it is proved that honey is one of the most allergenic products that can cause severe conditions of the body.

Can there be an allergy to honey

An allergy that occurs after consuming honey is nothing more than a reaction to the pollen of flowers that is inevitably present in this substance. Therefore, it is quite possible that with intolerance of one type of honey, no dangerous symptoms will be detected on another beekeeping product.

To a high degree of probability, symptoms of an allergy to honey can occur in people suffering from allergic rhinoconjunctivitis or asthmatic manifestations. In other cases, a similar reaction of the body may occur if:

  • honey contains a large amount of pollen;
  • chemical elements used for processing beehives got into the beekeeping product;
  • sanitary rules for keeping bees are violated;
  • some additives are present in honey;
  • eaten a lot of honey.
    Bee Honey

Symptoms of Allergic Reactions

Usually, honey allergy symptoms appear in the first 4 hours after consuming the main beekeeping product. They can be expressed in the form of disorders of the digestive tract, respiratory system, the appearance of edema and skin rashes, lacrimation, the appearance of nasal discharge, etc.

In some cases, the appearance of allergic reactions can be hazardous to health, since they can provoke anaphylactic shock. Threatening symptoms are:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increased sweat secretion;
  • a feeling of stuffiness in the ears;
  • weakness;
  • sharp redness or, conversely, excessive pallor of the skin;
  • unexpected appearance of a feeling of fear, distraction or confusion of consciousness;
  • difficulty breathing.

When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to call an ambulance and take an antihistamine.

Symptoms of an allergy to honey in adults are most often manifested in the form of itching or rashes on the skin, the occurrence of dryness or discomfort. This can happen not only with the direct use of the allergen in its pure form, but also with the use of any cosmetic products that include bee products. Symptoms associated with swelling of the mucous membranes of the body may develop.

Severe allergy

How to determine the presence of allergies

Any reaction atypical for the body must be able to recognize. In this way, it is possible to avoid a critical condition that threatens a person’s life. The way an allergy to honey manifests itself becomes noticeable shortly after taking a bee product. But is it possible, without risking health, to check how adequately the body will perceive it? It is quite feasible. Everything is pretty simple here. It is enough to rub a drop of honey on the inner bend of the elbow or hold in your mouth, without swallowing, a small amount of sweet treats.

If there is an allergy, then in the first case, red spots and blisters will appear on the skin within a few minutes, the point of contact with honey will begin to itch. With resorption, a sore throat, swelling of the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity and other similar symptoms will appear. In this case, the honey must be spit out and the mouth rinsed thoroughly. Such measures will help to accurately determine the possibility of using the product.

Pollen allergy

What to do if unwanted symptoms appear

The scheme for eliminating the symptoms of an allergy to honey is similar to other cases. Antihistamines, drugs to normalize the digestive tract, ointments for external use, enterosorbents and other medicines are also prescribed here.

In cases of rapid development of allergies in children and adults, accompanied by serious physiological disorders, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance team.

Regardless of the severity of the course of an allergic reaction, honey automatically falls into the category of prohibited foods. Now the allergen cannot be contacted not only in its pure form, but also as part of other dishes or as a component of cosmetics.


The main medicines that are prescribed for allergic manifestations are, first of all, antihistamines. An allergic reaction develops against the background of increased release of histamine from mast cells - IgE immunoglobulins, which provoke a dangerous reaction of the body.

Taking antihistamines helps to suppress the production of antigens and provoke the production of IgA immunoglobulins, which stabilize the general condition of the body. Doctors recommend the use of drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generation, which are not addictive and easier to tolerate.

Antiallergic drugs such as Fenistil, Alleron, Erius, Loratadin and other drugs quickly relieve the main symptoms and help alleviate the general condition.

Adult Allergy

Ointments and sprays

Affected areas of the skin are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and infections. As topical preparations with the appearance of an allergy to honey, doctors recommend hormonal or non-hormonal drugs.

With prolonged forms of skin allergic rashes and irritations, as well as in severe cases, hormonal (corticosteroid) ointments, creams and sprays are prescribed. First of all, it is Fenkarol, Prednisolonum, Elokom, Advantan, etc.

Non-hormonal agents are usually prescribed to treat the symptoms of honey allergies in children and pregnant women, as well as people with sensitive skin. These are drugs such as Skin-Cap, Epidel, Protopic, Bepanten, Panthenol or Fenistil.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend local antiallergic drugs containing antibiotics: Triderm, Levomekol, Fitsidin, erythromycin or gentamicin ointment and other drugs.

Honey collection

Alternative medicine in the treatment of allergic reactions

Often, well-known folk methods can get rid of the manifestations of skin allergies. So, to remove dryness, it is recommended to use a lotion made from equal parts of kefir, sour cream and clean water. They rub the affected areas of the skin several times during the day.

For daily compresses, you can prepare a composition of ½ teaspoon of boric acid, diluted in a glass of water.

A mixture of dry inflorescences of chamomile, sage and a string (2 tablespoons) is brewed in a glass of boiling water, infused for 2 hours and applied in the form of compresses on the affected skin.

Features of allergies in children

In a child, an allergy to honey can have different clinical manifestations. Symptoms of the pathological process in this case depend on the age of the baby, general physical condition and differences in immunity. Usually manifestations of allergic reactions are observed in weakened and premature babies, prone to frequent colds.

It is not possible to check whether a child has an allergy to honey or not. Since the baby’s organs and systems are not yet fully formed, the test results will be misleading. Therefore, pediatricians and allergists do not recommend giving this bee product to babies up to the age of three. Also, they do not recommend the use of cosmetics that contain this substance.

Sometimes when breastfeeding, the baby has allergic manifestations due to the mother’s addiction to honey. In infants, undesirable reactions occur according to the type of diathesis: dry red spots appear on the cheeks, chin and butt of the crumbs. If such manifestations are found on the baby's body, the mother should reconsider her own diet and the diet of the child.

In children from 1.5 years old, an allergy manifests itself in the form of urticaria or dermatitis, first affecting the bends of the limbs, and then capturing the whole body. Here is an example of a photo of an allergy to honey in young children.

Allergy to honey in a child

How to treat a child

If there are no indications for hospitalization when allergic reactions occur, then treatment is best carried out with home remedies: they are safer. In contrast, medications have a number of contraindications and a list of side effects that can harm the baby's health.

Here, a lotion made from sour cream, water and kefir or children's anti-allergenic creams will come to the rescue. They will help get rid of unwanted skin rashes and irritations.

In this case, it is necessary to completely exclude any contact with the allergen. In the future, honey may be introduced into the diet, but it should start with the acacia variety, which is considered non-allergenic and safe for a weakened child’s body.

If allergic symptoms are pronounced, cause discomfort to the baby and worry the mother, do not be shy to call a doctor. Self-treatment can have a negative effect on the health of the crumbs.

Allergy Prevention

Despite the fact that allergies to honey in adults and children occur very often, and this product is considered one of the leaders among allergens, most allergists believe that the main cause of the problem is not in honey, as such, but in the culture of its consumption . The main bee product will be safe to eat if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Acquire only a pure product that does not contain chemical or synthetic additives. Very often, allergic manifestations occur on the presence of cane sugar and antibacterial components, mixed in natural honey. Therefore, you should buy it only from trusted sellers.
  • If you are allergic to pollen of certain colors, you should never eat honey in which these components are present. It is better to replace such a product with an acacia variety, which is considered safe for allergy sufferers.
  • You can not give honey to infants and children up to two years. However, older children who develop without any problems, this product must be given necessarily, gradually introducing into the diet.
    Quality honey

Forecast of further manifestations

The prognosis for manifestations of an allergy to honey is generally favorable. According to most allergologists-immunologists, with the correct consumption of the main bee product, unwanted reactions of the body can be avoided. In this case, you should choose high-quality varieties of honey that do not cause allergies. Subject to the basic precautions, undesirable manifestations can be prevented or stopped at all.

The risk of such reactions remains for infants and children under the age of two. In this case, all responsibility for taking honey rests with the parents.

In the presence of a pronounced negative reaction of the body to beekeeping products, it is more advisable to exclude this dish from the diet or to use an allergy test each time before using it. When the first signs of intolerance appear, an antihistamine therapy should be urgently carried out and honey should be removed from the menu for a while.


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