The concept and treatment of neurasthenia

It’s not difficult to become annoying, especially when there’s a lot to do, there’s no time, and there are more and more problems every day. Today, medicine knows many neuroses that differ in severity, treatment methods, symptoms and much more. One of the most common neuroses of our time is neurasthenia.

This is really a serious disease, the first symptoms of which, as a rule, appear closer to twenty years. The treatment of neurasthenia is somewhat more complicated than the treatment of other similar neuroses.

This disorder can occur in both men and women, but men suffer from it much more often than the fairer sex. It is believed that women are more stable emotionally, and their work is always easier than men. Men constantly have to endure great physical exertion, and this leads to exhaustion of the body, which can lead to this neurosis.

Often, neurasthenia develops after a person has suffered some major emotional trauma.

With neurasthenia, the nervous system becomes weak and vulnerable - this manifests itself as a consequence of its constant overstrain. This disease can be diagnosed in an excitable or in a depressive form. Treatment of neurasthenia cannot be superficial, since this ailment does not always disappear completely and without a trace.

The main symptoms of neurasthenia

People with neurasthenia usually complain about a lot. They are concerned about abdominal pain, uncontrolled irritability, increased irritability, poor sleep, constant weakness, bad mood, bloating, belching, constipation, heart palpitations and so on. Of course, almost all of these symptoms are characteristic of most other neurosises, which means that if they are detected, it is better not to risk it, but immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat neurasthenia

Surprisingly, our medicine still can not offer anything specific for the treatment of neurasthenia. Of course, there are many ways to get rid of this disease, but they are all very different. This means that treatment may not always be successful the first time.

Treatment of neurasthenia can be carried out using special drugs. It can not be said with certainty that these drugs so well help get rid of her, but her symptoms, thanks to their intake, can be removed almost immediately. Reception is very often overshadowed by all kinds of side effects: constipation, nausea, drowsiness, and much more. Not everyone can take them, since these drugs have many contraindications.

Neurasthenia is also treated with the help of psychologists. The fact is that insights can be better than any medications and procedures. Consultations with a psychologist are expensive, and treatment of neurasthenia in this way requires more than one session, but do not forget that only a professional can help quickly return to normal without causing any harm to health.

Many see a way out in acupuncture, which is very popular today. This is a truly proven method for centuries, which in fact is very effective. Doing something yourself here is not even worth trying, since it is easy to damage your body with acupuncture.

Before folk remedies even neurasthenia will not resist. Herbal treatment in this case is very common, and many see it as salvation from this neurosis. For treatment use:

- clover infusion;

- a decoction of stems, as well as raspberry leaves;

- infusion of vodka root valerian.

Speaking of folk remedies, one can not recommend honey. But still, treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor.


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