Ducane pizza: ingredients, recipes

Do you know how pizza is cooked according to Ducane? The recipes for this tasty and not very high-calorie dish will be described in detail below.

Ducan pizza

general information

Ducane's diet was developed by a doctor of French origin Pierre Ducane. It is based on the consumption of exclusively protein foods.

This method of nutrition involves the use of about 100 different foods. Also, in the process of diet should consistently adhere to four stages: attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization.

If you comply with all the requirements of Dr. Ducan, you will very soon reduce your weight and at the same time you will not feel a constant feeling of hunger.

How to cook pizza according to Ducane?

There is nothing complicated in the preparation of such a product. However, to implement the recipe in question, you will need many different ingredients.

Ducan pizza dough is made using the following products:

  • oat bran (ground) - 2 large spoons;
  • skimmed milk powder - 1 large spoon;
  • corn starch (should not be replaced with potato or wheat flour) - 1 large spoon;
  • eggs are not very large - 1 pc.;
  • yogurt without sugar, low fat - 2 large spoons;
  • iodized salt - use to taste.
    Ducan pizza recipes

Ducane pizza is made using special sauce. For him you need to purchase:

  • natural tomato paste - 1 large spoon;
  • drinking water - 1.5-2 large spoons;
  • table salt - to your liking;
  • sweetener - at the discretion;
  • hot red pepper, dill and oregano to taste.

Pizza Ducan without filling will not work full. Therefore, for its preparation apply:

  • fresh tomato - 1/2 pc.;
  • smoked chicken breast - Β½ pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber - Β½ pcs.;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons) - a little;
  • cheese of 9% fat - about 50 g.

Make the dough

Ducane pizza is pretty simple. First, the protein is separated from the yolk, and then the last ingredient is mixed with salt and yogurt. As for the first component, it is beaten to steady peaks.

Pouring a mixture of yolk and yogurt to the protein foam, all other products are added to them. Milled oat bran, skimmed milk powder and corn starch are used as them.

ducan pizza dough

All ingredients are well interfere with vertical movements and make sure that whipped proteins do not fall.

Pre-baking process

As soon as the pizza dough is ready, it is laid out in a mold, which is lightly greased with sunflower oil. After that, they equate it with a spoon, and then send it to the preheated oven. In this form, the base is baked almost until cooked.

Sauce making

Pizza according to Ducan without sauce does not work out delicious and juicy. Therefore, the mentioned component should be used necessarily. To do this, add water, sweetener, salt and spices to the tomato paste.

Preparing the filling

It is advisable to cut the filling for such a pizza coarsely. Fresh mushrooms must be chopped with thin plates. You should also chop fresh tomato, smoked chicken breast and pickles. As for the cheese, it needs to be grated.

pizza ducan without

Formation process

As soon as all the components for pizza according to Ducane are ready, immediately begin to form the product. To do this, almost finished dough is smeared with aromatic and delicious tomato sauce. Then pieces of tomato, pickles and smoked breasts are not laid out on him. Last but not least, all ingredients are sprinkled with grated cheese.

How to bake?

Baking diet pizza in the oven should not be long. This is due to the fact that the dough for him has already been processed thermally.

The product should be removed from the oven immediately after the pleasant aroma of smoked chicken begins to flow in your kitchen.

We serve to the table

Present the baked diet pizza to the table in a slightly chilled form. It should be especially noted that such a product turns out to be unusually tasty. Its dough is very thin and airy, and the filling literally melts in your mouth.

Fast Ducan pizza in the pan

If you do not want to be at the stove for a long time, then the dish in question can be prepared much faster. For this, pizza should not be baked in the oven. You can just fry it in a pan.

So, to get a tasty and satisfying diet dish, you must have:

pizza over ducan in a pan

  • low-fat kefir - 1 large spoon;
  • fresh chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • oat bran - 4 large spoons;
  • baking powder - 0.5 dessert spoon;
  • table salt - at the discretion;
  • tomato puree without sugar - to your taste (for filling);
  • low-fat cheese - at will (for filling);
  • onion - 1 pc. (For filling);
  • low-fat fish, chicken, vegetables - at the discretion (for the filling).

Kneading basics

Pizza according to Ducan without bran will turn out to be less satisfying than that to which crushed oatmeal is added. Therefore, we decided to make the dish in question using the mentioned product.

To knead the dough for homemade pizza, chicken eggs are broken into tender kefir, and then they are intensively mixed with a fork. Next, baking powder, oat bran and salt are added to the components to taste. After mixing the products, they get not very liquid, but not too thick dough (rather viscous).

Processing ingredients for the filling

Products for filling should be used only those that contain a large amount of protein. It can be both fish and chicken (boiled). It is also allowed to use a small amount of various vegetables (not starchy) and low-fat cheese.

All of the listed ingredients are chopped with medium slices, and then proceed to heat treatment of pizza.

bran bran pizza

How to cook in a pan?

After the dough is ready, it is laid out in a pan, which is lightly greased with sunflower oil. Frying the lower part of a kind of cake, it is turned over with a culinary spatula. After that, the surface of the product is immediately greased with tomato puree without sugar. Also, do not spread the dough with all the previously prepared filling and sprinkle it with grated cheese.

Having tightly closed the pan with a lid, pizza is prepared in this form for several minutes (5-7).

Correctly serve to the table

Having prepared pizza according to Ducane in a pan, it is slightly cooled. Next, the product is cut into portioned pieces and laid out on saucers. It is advisable to consume such a dish with unsweetened tea or some other diet drink.

To summarize

There are many more different diet pizza recipes. Its basis can be made not only with the use of low-fat kefir or yogurt, but also with the use of cottage cheese, milk and other components.

It should be noted that the calorie content of such a dish is much less than traditional. Therefore, you will not succeed in gaining excess weight from it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8319/

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