How to strengthen an erection: drugs and folk remedies

Weak erection - a very delicate problem, which is often bashfully silent. But in vain. The problem is easier to solve at the initial stage and much more difficult to run. It is important to know not only men about how to strengthen an erection. Often, the outcome depends on the woman. Therefore, the article is intended for both ladies and gentlemen.

how to strengthen an erection

Find out the causes of the problem

There are plenty of reasons for a weakened erection. This can be neurological disorders, and anatomical features, and the result of injuries, and a decrease in testosterone levels, and mental problems. Sometimes there is a layering of several factors at once. For example, after an injury, there is a fear of a possible failure in proximity.

Another option is physical fatigue (for example, after work), aggravated by stress (domestic quarrel). Not enough good nutrition, physical weakness, age-related changes, or even previously used medications can affect it. The role is played by the use of high doses of alcohol, drugs, persistent masturbation. How to strengthen an erection on your own? And in general, is this possible? In most cases, yes. Talk about the available methods.

If the reason is psychological ...

This part of the article is especially recommended for women. The main enemies of great sex are stress and insecurity.

erection drugs

Often experienced difficulties affect the general mood. When the tone is close to zero, and at home the wife also starts to cut, then in bed it is unlikely that something will work out. A man should relax. In all respects, but first of all - spiritually. He should know that he is returning to a cozy and reliable harbor, where there is always complete calm.

Only a woman with her natural intuition can catch the mood of her beloved and distract him from the work routine. It can be help in some kind of housework (of course, not a general cleaning), a beautifully decorated dinner, a bath for two, erotic lingerie, gentle romantic music in the twilight ...

Separately, it must be said about the syndrome of "first sex." A man knows about the impending intimacy and seems to be ready for it, he is even very excited at the thought alone, but when “that very hour” comes, he suffers a “fiasco”. Psychologically, such a “failure” beats quite strongly. It is extremely important how a woman will react. The situation will be corrected (and rather quickly) only by understanding and tenderness in relation to the beloved. The confidence of a man in itself strengthens an erection. But the mockery, on the contrary, can affect for a very long time and even develop into a complex.

enhances erection

What drugs will enhance an erection?

To eliminate the problem of low erection, there are many supplements and drugs.
The first line in therapy is considered tablets that contribute to increased arousal. Such drugs for erection are available in a large assortment. Let us dwell on the most popular and trustworthy.

We are talking about the means of Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. According to consumers, the effectiveness of other drugs, so advertised in commercials on TV or on the Internet, is either exaggerated or not proven at all.

What are the advantages of the above three leaders? It turns out that they act directly in the tissues of the penis, without irritating the stomach and without causing addiction, even with prolonged use. The only negative is the psychological dependence. In other words, a man taking these drugs for an erection may doubt that he is capable of sexual intercourse without additional stimulation. However, experts insist: this is only a psychological aspect. It is important to understand that these are drugs that enhance an erection, and not restore it.

drugs to restore an erection

Features of the reception

Let's start with Viagra. You can take it once a day, at any time. The action manifests itself after about thirty minutes (maximum hour). "Holds" a potency up to five hours. You should not be afraid of an “unscheduled” erection - the drug acts only when excited.

Levitra and Cialis medicines are also not tied to food intake, and they are also drunk only once a day (not more often). But the differences in action are significant. The manufacturer of Levitra means guarantees eight-hour excitement after a quarter of an hour from the moment of administration. Moreover, the drug is allowed even to diabetics. Means "Cialis" enhances an erection for 36 hours. When taking the drug, alcohol is allowed.


Before strengthening an erection with oral medications, read the contraindications. So, the use of synthetic stimulants is prohibited for people who have:

- a sick heart (stenosis, obstruction of the ventricles, heart attack, arrhythmias, angina pectoris);

- blood pressure disorders (both hypotension and hypertension),
liver and eye diseases;

- pathology of the kidneys.

erection enhancing drugs

Prostoglandin E and derivatives

Such drugs to restore an erection stand apart. They are produced either in the form of injections, or as suppositories. With intracavernous administration of the drug Alprostadil, for example, a guarantee of achieving an erection is 80%, with intraurethral - about 50%. Funds act regardless of the cause of the disease and the age of the man, after 15 minutes, for an hour or even longer. The maximum frequency of use is every other day.

Drugs of this line are contraindicated in men with implants and priapism. Individual intolerance (allergy) is possible. It is unacceptable to mix the drug with any kind of additives.

Nutritional supplements

Actually, these are nutritional supplements that have the power of synthetic regulators listed above, but provide an erection in the short term. The advantage is in natural composition. What drugs for restoration of an erection from this series are in demand?

how to strengthen an erection folk remedies

Medication "Laveron" is able to both strengthen an erection and make orgasmic sensations more vivid. It consists of biloba, dodder, ginko, plantain, hibiscus, ginseng, lotus, astragalus, garlic. Valid for about 6 hours, after 60 minutes from the time of administration.

The drug "Impaz" provides a twelve-week preparatory course. In the future, take a tablet every other day.

Means "Orgazeks" is able to relax the vessels of the small pelvis and thus improve the erection. At the same time, the drug affects the nervous system, enhancing both sexual desire and the feeling of satisfaction itself. The composition includes licorice root, tomato seeds, garlic, raspberries, ginseng and other components. It is applied an hour before the intended proximity. Valid for about two days.

Folk remedies

Not everyone trusts drugs. Perhaps you also have a question about how to strengthen an erection with folk remedies. We answer.

1. Alcohol inhibits the onset of an erection. Of course, 50 g of brandy potency will not hurt, but in large quantities can lead to a fiasco in bed.

2. Walking barefoot allows you to mechanically irritate and stimulate biologically active points responsible for erection.

3. The contrast shower is beneficial , but the temperature differences cannot be made too large.

4. Receiving a decoction of cinnamon, ginseng (root) and honey enhances erection by improving blood flow. How is the preparation prepared? 100 g of grated root is poured with boiling water and boiled (languished) for two hours. Then add 50 g of honey (forbs, first harvest) and cinnamon (10 g). The cooled broth is infused for two days in the refrigerator. Tincture is taken daily at 200 g, twice.

5. Aphrodisiacs have also proven themselves on the positive side. The most common ones are bananas, honey, celery, garlic, truffle, egg yolk, nectarine, chocolate, oysters, coriander, cinnamon, parsley.

The article is strictly for guidance only. Before taking the above funds, consult a specialist.


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