Wheel exercises: where to start, what muscles work? Simulator wheel with handles

Today there are many of the most effective weight loss simulators of various sizes and functionalities. They allow you to make the work to improve body shapes much more effective. One of these simulators, the purpose of which is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, is a roller for the press. With its help, you can work out, in addition to the press, other muscle groups.

A huge advantage of the fitness video is that not only professionals and masters of sports, but also beginners can exercise with it.

Also, the simulator can be purchased at almost any sports store or ordered online. There are various names for this device: press roller, wheel with handles, press wheel, sports wheel, gymnastic wheel, gymnastic roller. Let it not scare you: these are all the names of the same simulator.

simulator wheel with handles

What muscles strengthen when working with a press wheel?

Exercises with this simulator are more suitable for those who decide to work out the muscles. Classes with a roller for the press will make it possible to make a relief of the upper part of the body. They will be especially effective when performing exercises on the lower press for girls. You can work out your arms, shoulders, stomach, back, and chest.

In some embodiments, a significant load also falls on the muscles of the lower press and lower back, buttocks and hips are additionally involved. One of these types of exercises is the usual bar, thanks to which you can be sure that you will not leave virtually no part of the body without load. Below we consider in more detail about the complex of exercises with a wheel for the press.

In addition to the fact that training with such a video is mainly aimed at developing muscles, you can use it with special exercises for weight loss.

Advantages of the roller over other simulators

The famous proverb says: "Small spool, yes dear." We can confidently apply these words to the wheel for the press. This rather simple, small in size and inexpensive simulator has, in addition to the above, other equally important properties.

a set of exercises with a wheel for the press

The advantages of exercises with a press wheel for girls include the following:

  1. A noticeable effect in strengthening the muscles of the press, as well as general drying and reducing body fat.
  2. For those who dream of an ideal press, this simulator will be very useful. The fact is that to achieve a tightened abdomen, you need to use not only the rectus muscles, but also act on the obliques. The best assistant in this will be a wheel simulator with handles, according to reviews of many athletes.
  3. Girls will be interested in the fact that with regular exercise, posture improves and endurance increases.
  4. The fitness video is quite compact, which is very convenient for those who travel a lot. Due to the fact that it takes up little space, you can easily take it with you on a trip and thereby not interrupt your workout.
  5. In the store you can find different types of wheel simulator with handles. Depending on the initial preparation, weight, expected types of exercises, you can choose the model you need.

Features of the approach to classes

Of course, not all people have an ideal state of health. Therefore, before you start exercising with a press wheel, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some recommendations.

Women are not recommended to do too much with this simulator. The fact is that when working out the muscles of the press, the load on the organs of the genitourinary system is carried out. In order to avoid possible diseases in the female part, it is worth avoiding excessive loads.

Diseases in which it is not recommended to do exercises with a roller for the press

If you have injuries of the spine and joint diseases, as well as chronic diseases, do not use this simulator. Also, medical contraindications for performing exercises for the abdominal muscles for men and women is high blood pressure. It is not recommended to use this simulator for pregnant women.

Attention to well-being

If you have not had problems with your back before, but after doing the exercises with the wheel, you have painful sensations in the back and spine, you should stop exercising. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist.

Types of exercises

How often to train?

The basic rule of training is their regularity. And here the same law applies. If you want to achieve the desired result, then a set of exercises with a wheel must be carried out systematically. Start devoting to doing exercises every other day for five to ten minutes, gradually increasing the time. Ultimately, you will have to leave for classes half an hour. If there is such an opportunity, then conduct training every day.

Types of exercises with a simulator

If you are just starting to practice using a roller for the press, then choose the usual bar for this. This exercise in combination with a simulator (a wheel with handles) will help prepare your body for more complex exercise options. If you are not just mastering a new tool for improving your forms, but generally just starting your sports career, you can use fitball instead of a roller.


Using the abs wheel while doing this exercise will strengthen your muscles and also help you learn to maintain balance. Perform the exercise as follows:

  1. Stand on all fours in front of the wheel.
  2. Grip the handle with both hands. The palms should be pointing down.
  3. Raise your torso as you would with a regular bar. Straighten so that your body forms one line, starting from the head and ending with the heels.
  4. Stay in that position for one minute. Make sure that the housing is constantly tense.
  5. Do three to four repetitions.

Rolling off your knees

Having mastered the use of the press wheel when performing the bar exercise, you can move on to a more difficult level. To minimize injury, place a gymnastic mat under your knees, or use an ordinary rolled towel.

Abdominal Exercise

The technique of the exercise is as follows:

  1. Get on your knees, grab the handles of the wheel and stretch your arms forward.
  2. Make sure that the lower back does not bend. To do this, strain the abdominal muscles during the exercise.
  3. Drive forward slowly. Just make a rental without fanaticism: stretch as far as your physical abilities.
  4. Return to starting position.

As tips for the rental (exercises on the lower press for girls) we give the following:

  1. Start rolling forward a short distance. Gradually, having mastered the technique of the exercise, increase the range.
  2. The optimal number of repetitions: from five to ten times.

Wall rental

Lightweight version of rolling due to the fact that the wall is activated. Excellent maintenance and fixation of the length of the rental and the pace of execution. The technique is the same as in the previous exercise. The only difference is that the wall is used as one of the tools. The starting position for rental is a stop about a meter from the barrier. That is, performing the exercise, you roll to the wall, the wheel should come into contact with it.

Full rental with wide and narrow stance

This type of exercise with a wheel represents an increased level of difficulty. There are full rental with a wide and narrow rack. The first option is easier to implement. And they execute it like this:

  1. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist.
  2. After you manage to do this, grab the handle of the wheel, which should lie close to the floor.
  3. Keep your back and arms straight.
  4. Roll forward until the trunk forms a parallel to the floor surface. As with push-ups, rest your feet on your fingers.
  5. Roll back towards your legs and bend at the waist again, i.e. return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the exercise five to six times.
Exercise option

After you master the rental with a wide stance, you can proceed to the more complex. To complete the full roll, slightly change the position of the legs: narrow the distance between the legs. This is full rolling with a narrow stand. It is quite effective for working out the muscles of the shoulders, back, abs and arms.

Oblique rental

Effective for working oblique abdominal muscles. It is a complete rental option.

exercise - oblique rental

The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Stand on both knees and grab the handle of the press wheel exercise machine.
  2. Start rolling straight ahead, and then turn at an angle of forty-five degrees to the left.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Perform the exercise at the same angle to the other side.
  5. Do five to ten repetitions.

Full rental option: fold

To complete this exercise, you will need a special wheel with pedals for the legs. A press roller is needed just like that, since rolling is done not with the hands, but with the lower limbs.

The technique of the exercise is as follows:

  1. Fasten the feet to the special pedal devices on the wheel.
  2. Stand on the bar. Straight arms (in no case bent at the elbow joints) should be under the shoulders.
  3. Make a wheel ride with your legs. In this case, both knees should move to the chest, and the upper part should remain motionless.
  4. Return to starting position by straightening the knee joints.
  5. The number of repetitions of the exercise is eight to twelve.
fitness movie

Tips to Use During Exercise

Despite the apparent simplicity of the press roll, some points to consider when using it. You can avoid injuries if the exercises with the roller are correctly performed:

  1. To reduce the load on the knee joints, place an elastic gymnastic mat.
  2. When doing the exercise, make sure that the wheel rolls, not the mat.
  3. The back should always remain straight. The knees and body should not sag while doing the exercise with the wheel. Otherwise, a spinal injury is likely.
  4. Exercise is performed at a slow pace. Do not make sudden movements. Watch your breath.
  5. Before starting a set of exercises with a wheel for a press, warm up your muscles. To do this, do a warm-up. At the end of the lesson, do stretching exercises.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8336/

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