Skin cancer

Third place among all oncological diseases is skin cancer. This pathology is characterized by the presence of pre-tumor conditions (diseases) such as: Paget's disease, pigment xeroderma, Keir erythroplasia, Bowen's disease, as well as such senile changes as: senile keratomas, atrophies, keratoacanthomas.

Often , skin cancer develops after traumatic and burn scars, lupus and trophic ulcers and syphilitic gum.
In addition, the influence of occupational hazards (exposure to radiation, as well as contact with products of the processing of oil, coal and various chemicals) can be an etiological factor in the formation of cancer.

Such a hereditary disease, as xeroderma pigmentosa, is associated with reduced reparative ability of DNA, due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

A certain danger in relation to the development of skin cancer is created by intensely pigmented, flat, with fuzzy contours nevi. The diameter of the latter, as a rule, is more than six millimeters. Pigmented formations with signs of activity (increase, itching, tingling, burning, change in pigmentation) pose a certain risk, and giant dysplastic blue nevi should also be included in this group .

Depending on the histological characteristics, the following types of skin cancer are distinguished: basal cell, squamous, cancer of the appendages, melanoma.

The main part of all oncological skin diseases is directly occupied by cancer and melanoma itself (they make up about ninety-six percent of all skin cancers).

How does skin cancer manifest? Squamous cell is manifested by hyperkeratosis and, replacing it with atrophy of the skin. With atrophy, the skin looks shiny and ulcerates in the future. The skin pattern disappears. At the base of the tumor, a seal is palpated.

Skin cancer is manifested by roll-shaped raised edges, telangiectasias and ulcerations on the surface. Subsequently, the destruction of blood and lymph vessels occurs, soaking, bleeding develops, and hyperemia appears.

As a result of the destruction of the appendages of the skin - hair follicles, the absence of vellus hair is possible. Melanoma is characterized by characteristic chaotic pigmentation and randomly spaced regression sites.

Developed metastases manifest common symptoms of intoxication for all cancers .

For the purpose of diagnosis, a scarification test is used (scraping the surface of the tumor with a scalpel) and smears (for ulcerated areas). In addition, a total biopsy is used as a diagnostic option.

Skin cancer treatment is divided into surgical and combined. The latter includes radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In the initial stages, combined and surgical treatment is used. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy used in the generalized stage are ineffective.

Skin cancer prevention is to protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. For the purpose of prevention, malignant skin lesions are removed with a further morphological study of the latter.

Thus, skin cancer is not only a common pathology at the present time, but also quite dangerous in terms of the development of metastasis and dermal complications.

Due to the pronounced symptoms, the identification (diagnosis) of skin cancer is not difficult. In this regard, it is rarely possible to meet forms in the later stages with metastasis. The detection of melanoma in the early stages determines the high-quality and complete treatment of this disease and a favorable prognosis in the future.


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