How to bleach curtains at home: all possible ways

Over time, it happens that the curtains lose their whiteness and become unattractively gray, yellow and dull. If you just wash them, then nothing will change, even if you use expensive powder, and turn on the high temperature mode.

Then each mistress has two options: to dry clean or bleach at home. But how to bleach the curtains at home? This article will look at various ways. Good quality curtains they are quite expensive. And every time, after they have lost their former luster, buying new ones is unprofitable. Therefore, many housewives with awe relate to tulle. After all, their beautiful appearance still gives the room a special interior. Everyone wants the curtains to stay like new. Sparkled with its whiteness and freshness. Sometimes it’s enough just to refresh the tulle, and sometimes you need to work hard to achieve the desired result. Particularly problematic tulles that hang in the kitchen. They quickly become polluted, turn yellow from constant soot and fat. But they can also be bleached. How to do it. How to bleach tulle at home? Pay attention to the methods below.

Method number 1. Potassium permanganate

how to bleach white curtains

Most recently, many used a solution of potassium permanganate for whitening. Yes, perhaps a rather strange way. But he has a right to exist, as he is quite effective and has proved himself to be a good home bleach. How to bleach curtains with potassium permanganate? Everything is simple. In order to use this method, you will need:

  • Laundry soap (fourth part);
  • potassium permanganate at the tip of the knife, (the solution should be red, but not burgundy);
  • a container of warm water;
  • grater;
  • glass.

Next, you need to grate the soap on a grater, then add it to water and allow to dissolve. Potassium permanganate must be diluted in a separate container and watch so that the water is red and no sediment remains. Otherwise, red spots can not be avoided. Then the tulle just needs to be thrown away, since it will be impossible to whiten the spots. We combine both solutions. The result should be a one-time foam, into which we need to send our tulle for only half an hour. Then you just need to wash it well. Since potassium permanganate is not always available, and there is a risk for inexperienced housewives to ruin the tulle, it is better to use other, no less effective ways.

Method number 2. Zelenka

The next method is no less strange, since it will require green stuff. Many become interested in learning how to bleach a curtain with green paint. But on a bucket of water you need only 6-7 drops. It is also important to watch that there is no sediment, since the tulle can become colored and you will also have to part with it. The curtains need to be washed and soaked in advance in the prepared solution, after which just hang to dry. Before each wash, the main thing is to shake the tulle well from dust so that the spots do not eat into it.

how to bleach curtains

Method number 3. Blue

She is also able to bleach tulle no worse than the rest of the previous methods. It must be diluted in the proportion of Β½ teaspoon per bucket of water. In this solution, you just need to dip it, and then rinse the tulle with clean water.

Method number 4. Bleaching powder

If the question is: β€œHow to whiten white curtains?”, Then modern tools will help you with this. No one doubts the effectiveness of whitening products. They always do their job well. But it is also worth noting that frequent bleaching spoils the fabric, destroys its structure. As a result, over time, the material begins to tear and crack at the seams. Therefore, bleaching a tulle of this type by means is recommended once or twice, if necessary. This option is a last resort.

How to bleach with bleaching powder? Always follow the instructions. Each manufacturer writes his recommendations, usually one bag is designed for one wash. Many people think that if you add more bleaching agent than indicated in the instructions, then the result will not keep you waiting, and in the end there will be a snow-white tulle. But alas, this is not at all true. By adding more funds, you can simply ruin the fabric, many components will simply burn it. Then it will tear more and more with each wash.

Method number 5. White

Many people wonder how to whiten curtains at home quickly and effectively. This will help whiteness. Almost everyone knows about this tool. This is an old proven method. Use whiteness also follows the instructions to avoid stains. This method is rightly considered the fastest and most effective, especially if combined with digestion and laundry soap. If you just need to refresh the tulle, then just dip it in warm water with whiteness and rinse. If the case is more advanced, then digestion and hot water cannot be dispensed with. But this method is not suitable for all tulles, only cotton.

Washing machine whitening

what is the best way to whiten white curtains

How to bleach nylon curtains? You can wash them in a machine with additional tools. Almost every home has such a device. Many housewives cannot imagine their life without such a machine. After all, washing takes a lot of time. But many are of the opinion that she is not able to wash white things, but delicate ones, in general she can ruin them. But it is not so. If you set the wrong mode, you may experience such problems. But if you put it right, then the washing machine is quite capable of bleaching the curtains and delicately washing them. Step by step, this process looks like this:

  1. The curtains need to be pre-swept so that there is no dust left on them. Otherwise, she may remain on the curtains.
  2. If there is a special bag for washing, it is better to use it. If this is not the case, then you can use the most ordinary pillowcase.
  3. The bleaching agent must be put in accordance with the instructions. If you use folk remedies, then it is better to take: salt, zelenka, or soda. These are the best components. Bluing is not recommended, as crystals can get into the drum and dye the tulle blue.

Method number 6. Salt or soda

how to bleach nylon curtains

The following method will interest those who are wondering: β€œHow to bleach tulle curtains at home?” It will take salt or soda. These components should be put in one spoon. This will be enough to remove the old tulle. You can also apply green in addition. It must first be dissolved in water (4 drops per glass of water) and pour into the rinse aid compartment. The mode must be set to the most gentle: hand wash, delicate. The temperature should be no more than 30 degrees, and the minimum spin, no more than 400 revolutions. If washed with hot water at high speeds, the tulle can be ruined or not smoothed out at all. Be careful, look at the curtain tag, which mode is recommended for her. If washed by hand, you need to put the powder and salt in a basin with warm water and leave the product to soak for 3-4 hours, or better all night.

Method number 7. Vinegar

Also, after washing with your hands or a machine, you can rinse the product with vinegar. The product should be poured into the washing machine in the rinse section. Vinegar also gives the curtains a unique sheen.

Method number 8. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

To bleach in a container of water, add 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. After all mix well. Lower the tulle for half an hour, then rinse well.

Method number 9. Starch

How to whiten tulle curtains at home? Starch will help in this matter. For this method, you can use the most common. For bleaching, you need to take 250 grams of starch and dilute in containers with warm water. Next, you need to soak the tulle for 5-6 hours, then, without rinsing, hang to dry. The tulle will immediately become whiter, and will also keep a beautiful shape.

Method number 10. Digestion

But how to bleach the curtains to become snow-white? Many have long been familiar with this method. It was still used by our grandmothers. It is worth recognizing that this method is quite effective. If no funds are stained, or we just have a darkened tulle, or a tulle yellowed with time or dust, then this method can return it to its previous form. Pour a powder or other detergent into a container of water. Then place the tulle and put a container on the fire, let the water boil and boil for an hour.

If the tulle is very yellow, then you need to apply everything in combination. Only in this way can it be made white, but even then the result is not guaranteed. First you need to boil the tulle, and then soak in salt, starch and soda. You can not digest all the curtains, only those that are cotton.

Method number 11. Laundry soap

how to bleach curtains at home

If you are interested in learning about how to bleach curtains, then we will now consider another method that will help you return the curtains to their almost original appearance. Pass a piece of laundry soap through a meat grinder or grate and add to a basin with water. Next, you need to put the container with the composition on a small fire and wait until the mixture boils, then you need to turn it off. Allow the solution to cool. After it you need to soak the tulle, preferably at night, in the morning just rinse.

Method number 12. Yogurt

Tulle after preliminary washing should be soaked in yogurt for 24 hours. Then it should be rinsed and hung to dry. If you want to add shine to the tulle, rinse with vinegar. Use only natural curdled milk. Low-fat kefir or sour milk from the store will only aggravate the situation, they can not be used. Rinse products with air conditioning to prevent odors.

Method 13. Citric Acid

how to bleach tulle curtains

Many housewives know how to bleach curtains. For this, tulle from kapron should be treated with laundry soap and soaked in hot water. If there is severe pollution, then you can add hydrogen peroxide: 1 spoon per 2-3 liters of water. After half an hour, rinse the tulle in warm water, adding a bag of citric acid in advance.

Method number 14. Aspirin

how to whiten curtains

To get rid of a gray or yellow hue, you need to dissolve 4 aspirin tablets in 5 liters of warm water in advance. Next, you need to soak the curtain in this solution for at least three hours. Then you need to wash and rinse well, and dry. But do not use aspirin, which sizzles. Since the consequences will only upset you.

Method number 15. Store stain removers

Thinking about how to bleach the curtains, it's time to remember about store products. There are a lot of species now. If spots appear on your tulle and need to be removed, bleached, you can use purchased stain removers. Remember that they are different and may not be suitable for all fabrics. To remove stains, according to the instructions, pour the product into a container of water and soak the tulle, then rinse well.


Now you know how to bleach tulle curtains at home. We looked at different methods. There is an opinion that such methods are ineffective. Yes, of course, if the tulle is 10 years old, and it hangs in your kitchen, where there is constant soot, fat, then, perhaps, you can only say goodbye to such a curtain. When choosing a curtain, always pay attention to the quality of the material and what the manufacturer indicates on the tag.

Today there are many storefronts created in oxygen-based laboratories that bleach well. Different types of whiteness and other stain removers are also available. Many tools can simply refresh the tulle if it is not very old, while others will give it a new life, if everything is used correctly, follow the instructions. To avoid trouble, look at the quality of the material the curtain is made of. There are very thin tulles, it is better to rinse your hands, and not machine wash. It is still important that after washing, let the water drain and hang the tulle on the window so that it evens out under its own weight. After all, if you iron it, then it may turn yellow from the iron, and then you can’t bleach it with anything. Remember that not every method is suitable for a particular fabric.


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