Electronic cigarette Joyetech eRoll-C: reviews. Electronic cigarette eRoll: instructions, reviews, photos

Electronic cigarettes are a very likely prospect for smokers. More and more people around the world are inclined to this type of smoking. Many of those who tried to replace smoking with this device were satisfied with the result. But is eRoll (electronic cigarette) really so good? User reviews about this new product are positive in most cases.

eroll c reviews

Not so long ago, a regular and familiar cigarette was replaced by a new one - electronic. Initially, such products were not ideal and were slightly different in some properties and characteristics from their counterparts. But the effect on the human body and the harm that such a cigarette does to the smoker is minimized. For people who are trying to quit smoking or minimize this “ritual”, electronic cigarettes have become a real salvation. But salvation in the form of such a device is not an outlet for smokers. After all, this is just a replacement, the habit of "smoke" remains, and sooner or later a person can return to nicotine addiction. This fact is not confirmed, but according to customer surveys, 56% returned to regular cigarettes. Some of them still quit this habit with the help of the original novelty, while others generally combine both types of smoking. The electronic cigarette is practically inferior in sensations to the usual nicotine. But both high-quality and original electronic components also need to be found.

In its appearance and configuration, the device from eRoll is difficult to distinguish externally from a real cigarette. Beautiful and delicate design makes it truly an amazing substitute for smoking for every person.

Key Features of eRoll Electronic Cigarette

At first glance, the high-tech novelty is practically no different from the original. Its diameter is 8 millimeters, and the length corresponds to a regular cigarette (the assembled electronic analogue is 93 millimeters in length). For maximum resemblance to the original, the electronic has a special LED. On sale there are three color options for new items, presented in white, black and silver shades.


A cigarette is sold in a special design cigarette case, with the possibility of recharging. In appearance, it resembles a model of a modern iPhone in black and white. With such a cigarette case and an electronic cigarette, you will not be able to go unnoticed. The appearance of the products is elegant and elegant looks. At the same time, you will have a good opportunity not only to look like a sophisticated and effective person, but also to easily quit such a bad habit as smoking.

eroll joyetech

Principle of operation and properties

A good and modern model is eRoll, an electronic cigarette. Instructions for the use of such a device are attached to the product upon purchase. The mechanism is automated, and to turn it on you will need only one puff. It is very convenient and practical to use, since you do not need to carry out any additional actions and procedures. The cigarette is lightweight and comfortable enough to hold in your hand.

An electronic novelty works from a small battery with a capacity of 90 mAh. There is a compensation battery, which is located in the PCC, with a larger capacity (100 mAh). The cigarette case is charged through a convenient Micro-USB-charging socket. The case is made of high quality plastic that resists fire well.

Electronic Cigarette Package

eroll electronic cigarette reviews
Complete with electronic cigarette included:

  • Instructions for use and operation.
  • Elegant Cigarette Case Model (PCC) 1000 mAh.
  • Atomizer, housing.
  • Two evaporators.
  • Three eRoll cartridges.
  • Rechargeable battery (two pieces) with a capacity of 90 mAh.
  • USB adapter 220 V.
  • Convenient cord with connectors Micro-USB, USB.
  • Portable cigarette case (PCC) 1000 mAh - 1 pc.

Such equipment in combination with excellent characteristics makes it possible to use a cigarette at any time convenient for you and in any place. To recharge a cigarette, you just need to put it in a cigarette case. When a blue LED lights up on a cigarette case, you will receive a signal that charging has started successfully. It takes a minimum of time to fully restore your eRoll battery. Only 40 minutes is needed for it to fully charge. The LED will prompt you again (it will go out).

It is very easy to get an eRoll from a cigarette case after recharging. To raise it a little for convenient extraction, click on the special button on the cigarette case.

To charge a cigarette case, there is a special connector on its case - a Micro-USB port, and a standard cord is included in the package. Due to the high popularity of the cable connector, it can be charged with other devices, but the manufacturer categorically does not recommend this. It is best to use a special adapter that allows you to charge a cigarette case directly directly from the network.

Another significant advantage of the eRoll model is that both a cigarette and a cigarette case can be charged simultaneously. The case requires a longer time to fully charge than the device itself. To do this, he needs about 4 hours. Just like on a cigarette, there is a special indicator on the case that will change color when it is charged. When red changes to green, you can disconnect the cigarette case from recharging. To extend the operating time, it is necessary to withstand it for the very first time on a full eight hours charge. In the future, it is recommended to recharge in rooms with room temperature, i.e., not lower than 15 ° C.

Use and assembly

In order to assemble the entire structure yourself, you do not need to put a lot of effort into this. Just need to study a small document called "eRoll (electronic cigarette) - instructions for use." There you can find all the necessary information about the purchased product. Build a “constructor” called “eRoll Electronic Cigarette” using the instructions.

eroll c reviews
How to refuel and use it? Now we will tell you. First you need to unscrew the atomizer housing from the battery, insert a special evaporator there and screw it back. In the atomizer you need to insert a cartridge, pre-filled with a special liquid for electronic cigarettes. After these simple steps, your eRoll is ready to use.

Smoking such a cigarette will bring its owner no less satisfaction from his favorite process than usual. Its taste is excellent, thanks to the development of a new design and improvements made by the developers. Puff to taste is soft and at the same time saturated due to 3.7 V in the battery. During the process of smoking, a cigarette can be held as usual - between the fingers, the index and the middle, this will allow it to turn on automatically from one puff. It can also be held by an automizer, but you must always make sure that the air intake is not closed with your fingers. Then your cigarette will work perfectly and quench your thirst for smoking.

The popular eRoll (electronic cigarette), the filling of which does not take much time, has long been a success with many smokers. And not in vain, given the ease of handling of this subject. Today, eRoll (electronic cigarette) is gaining more and more popularity. How to refuel, use, carry out care - all this is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Basic rules of application

electronic cigarette joyetech eroll c reviews
If you use the new product from eRoll correctly, you will never have any unpleasant situations or incidents while smoking. Before collection and initial use, it is imperative to fully familiarize yourself with the special instructions. So the first thing after buying such a product is to carefully familiarize yourself with its characteristics and properties.

Precautions in Using an Electronic Cigarette

There are several precautions that must be followed and followed. These include:

  1. Full familiarization with the instructions for use.
  2. Always put the kit and the cigarette itself in places that are inaccessible to young children.
  3. Care for the cigarette during operation, as well as protect it from various mechanical damages and factors that lead to its failure.
  4. Fill cartridges with fluids and mixtures exclusively for this purpose.
  5. Watch the number of puffs and smoke breaks to prevent nicotine overdose (the time of one puff is about 5 s, one smoke break is no more than 15 minutes).
  6. Cartridges should always be filled on time to prevent the atomizer from drying out.

Such simple precautions will help you maximize the life of the cigarette and protect it from breakage or failure. You can indicate this when you leave feedback about eRoll. An important role is played by cleaning the evaporator. It can be carried out both deep and ordinary. Often with such care, small odors and carbon deposits are removed. Normal cleaning can be carried out under a stream of warm water, then blow through the body and wipe with a napkin on top.

Deep cleaning is more thorough and is carried out in order to get rid of the metallic taste characteristic of such a thing on the lips, as well as various smells and burning. With such cleaning, the filter and the chrome thread are well restored. To do this, you need alcohol, a solution of soda or citric acid. In one of these fluids you need to withstand the filter for at least 1 hour. After that, rinse thoroughly under running water, shake off drops of water and wipe with a cloth. To get rid of excess water on the filter, you need to do a few idle puffs while wetting the evaporator with liquid. Thus, the remaining water will evaporate by itself.

From the very first day of sale, the electronic cigarette eRoll conquered many buyers. The reviews that satisfied customers leave say about the reliability of the product and make it competitive. The calving about such a "toy" is really amazing. About 98% of people who use it describe only positive things, not mentioning the problems that might arise during the use of cigarettes. With such a stylish design and high quality, its use will bring you not only the benefits associated with the refusal to inhale the combustion products of tobacco products, but also a lot of pleasure from the device and its appearance. Almost 100% of all buyers are satisfied with the investment of their money in this spectacular new product.

Electronic cigarette eRoll Joyetech

Another cigarette model allows true connoisseurs of taste and subtlety to show everyone around their showiness. This is eRoll Joyetech. Such a cigarette is very convenient and practical for people who do not smoke constantly. If you "indulge" or smoke only in the company of friends - such a cigarette will be your ideal option. Its reduced dimensions will contain exactly as much liquid as you will need for one or two processes. For a person who smokes regularly and regularly, such a cigarette will not be enough. You will have to constantly rush about to refill or change cartridges.

eroll electronic cigarette manual
In its characteristics and properties, it is practically no different from analogues. The main differences are the incompatibility of the mount of the automizer to the battery due to the fastening of the bayonet mount, and not the thread, as in the analogs. To save on filters, a replaceable type evaporator will help - C1. The Joyetech element, which heats up first, is equipped with a changeable system, due to which it is possible to carry out a partial atomizer replacement, while changing only new evaporators.

There is no charge indicator in this cigarette. Therefore, to see that the charge is ending, previously will not succeed. The cigarette turns off after complete exhaustion.

The batteries of the eRoll Joyetech model have several advantages. They have four levels of protection against certain factors. A long puff, a full discharge of the battery or a short circuit will not be able to affect the model's work in the future.

The cigarette is sold together with a stylish and convenient cigarette case, which is available to the buyer in three color variations: black, white and silver. The cigarette case comes with a convenient case made of genuine soft leather. This is an important plus, since your cigarette case will always be reliably protected from mechanical damage and various negative influences.

Features of using Joyetech eRoll

Before you finally get used to your personal way of smoking an electronic cigarette, you will need to change 1 or 2 vaporizers per month. Further, the term of their use will be much longer. The first sign that the evaporator is broken is the unpleasant aftertaste of scale and burning on the lips. This is not a problem, replacing a new evaporator will not take much time and is not at all difficult. It is necessary to unscrew the atomizer and the evaporator from the battery and fold them back in the same way.

eroll reviews
Does the eRoll Joyetech electronic cigarette not work after changing the vaporizer? In this case, it is necessary to check the tightness and correct tightening of all parts. We must not forget about the constant care of their electronic "girlfriend." Regular cleaning and rinsing, wiping with napkins will help extend its use to the maximum. Thus, you will have a chance not to leave your favorite habit and at the same time save money.

The choice of the modern buyer is the electronic cigarette Joyetech eRoll C. The reviews are simply amazing, as many characterize it only on the positive side. She has a beautiful exterior design: the cigarette case is presented in a classic style, and the case attracts attention. Buy yourself a novelty - Joye eRoll (with attached instructions). Customer reviews can be left immediately after the first use, believe me, you will agree with many people who managed to experience this new technology. Beautiful appearance encourages you to try directly the filling itself. Almost all customers leave only positive feedback and recommendations about the purchased product.

ERoll cigarette: reviews

After conducting a small social survey of the owners of such an electronic novelty, experts summarized the results and made conclusions about the product, namely:

  1. Ease of use. Many smokers have noted this particular factor, since you can use it in any place, even in the most crowded.
  2. Price. Some noted that once they spent on an electronic cigarette, they significantly reduced the cost of smoking.
  3. Design. A small part claimed that such a "beauty" complemented their style.
  4. Quality. Most owners boldly declare that such a "metal girlfriend" is in no way inferior to its nicotine "sister."
  5. Charge. Almost all smokers are unhappy with the low charge of a cigarette, since many are constantly busy or simply do not have access to the network to recharge their pet.

The eRoll Joyetech electronic cigarette will not leave indifferent any buyer. This is determined by its quality, which is quite high, according to users.

This gadget - eRoll (electronic cigarette), reviews of which are left by customers, is a leader among its competitors. Such a choice will bring you a pleasant feeling from the process of "safe smoking", which you definitely will not regret. If you properly care for such a product, you will never have a claim to it. The best alternative to the standard type of smoking is the electronic cigarette Joye eRoll C. Consumer reviews brought it to the leading places in the sales markets. She is currently the best way to break an annoying habit.

You can hear a lot of things about the characteristics of such a product as an electronic cigarette eRoll C. Reviews are always only positive. Everyone who tried it is very pleased with the result and boldly recommends such a purchase to their friends and relatives. The eRoll electronic cigarette, the photo of which can be found in our article, is not only different in quality, but also at an affordable price.

There are even step-by-step instructions for collecting and refueling evaporators. Try your own high-quality electronic cigarette eRoll C. Your feedback about it will only be pleasant and positive.

Do not forget that any type of smoking remains smoking. It doesn’t matter whether you smoke tobacco or an electronic cigarette. Always choose the best for yourself and think about the future. After all, your children will also grow up, and they, as you know, take an example from their parents. The best option for all smokers is to quit this addiction and start living a new life, as they say, in a "world without nicotine."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8356/

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