How to see loan debt for free?

Knowing how to find out your bank debt for loans by last name in the coming year, you can exclude the possibility of not only falling into debt holes, but also the occurrence of other undesirable consequences. Surely, many Russians at least once in their lives turned to banking institutions for help to get money in debt. Along with this, not everyone was able to repay their obligations within the specified period. About how to see the loan debt, we will learn below.

where you can see the loan debt

What prevents repaying a loan on time?

This largely depends on the current difficult economic situation that has developed in the country in recent years. Numerous sanctions significantly reduce the income of the population, because of this, many in the first place are not paying off debt, but striving to stay afloat. At the same time, it should be remembered that the presence of a delay in a loan can entail numerous consequences, which is why it is advisable to check the presence or absence of debts to the financial structure on a regular basis in order to eliminate further misunderstanding.

General points

The presence of credit debt for Russian citizens can entail a large number of consequences, the main of which are considered to be:

  1. A measure for the calculation of fines and penalties.
  2. Arrest of pledged property.
  3. Appeal to the court for the forced collection of funds on a loan.

Attention must be paid to the fact that such consequences can be caused by the delay in the framework of making monthly mandatory payments. In order to prevent the likelihood of falling into a debt hole with the ensuing legal consequences, it is very important to check for obligations to certain lenders on a regular basis.

How can I find out if a loan has debt by name, free of charge?

Many borrowers are interested in the question of how to see loan arrears by last name and date of birth online. If only such information is available, citizens cannot receive relevant information, unless the bank has applied to a judicial authority for the purpose of enforcement. This is due to the fact that such information is classified as confidential, and they are not in the public domain.

see loan debt by last name

Where to go

At the same time, you can see the loan debt online by last name, if you contact:

  1. To the Bureau of Credit Histories.
  2. On the website of federal bailiffs.

In the latter case, data can be recognized only if there is a running office work. Below are a few options where to see loan debt.

Credit Bureau

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the BCI provides information regarding:

  • debt obligation on the loan, in particular the amount, date of issue and the like;
  • credit lines in general for financial institutions.

Such information is subject to verification in automatic mode. How to see loan debt using the BKI service? Citizens residing in Russia reserve the right to make an official request:

  • by sending via registered mail;
  • by compiling an application online.

Additionally provide for the possibility of personal appeal to the address of the provisions of the institution in question. In any case, official requests should include the following information:

  • Email address
  • mobile number;
  • passport data in the form of full initials, series and ID numbers, as well as when and by whom the corresponding document was issued.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that information on the size of debt obligations in the BKI is free once a year. Registration on the site is considered mandatory. Along with this, in the country today there are several varieties, namely: national, which is referred to as "NKBI", the combined organization ("OKI") and "Equifans".

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that, in the framework of obtaining a detailed picture of the circumstances, it is recommended to formulate relevant requests simultaneously to all the organizations in question. In case of any misunderstanding, you can ask the support service on the official portal of the department questions of interest.

view loan debt online

Bailiffs Service

This federal authority provides Russian citizens with the opportunity to find out information about the existence of obligations taken in accordance with the signed loan agreements. Where can I see loan arrears using the bailiff service? You can initiate a check using a specially developed service, which is located on the official portal. This type of verification, as a rule, takes no more than a few minutes, as a result, you can find out specific information. In 2019, the mechanism of action through this body is as follows:

  1. Initially sent to the official portal at fssprus. ru.
  2. Go to the main page of the corresponding site. Here you need to select a specialized subsection called "Learn about personal debt."

In the window that opens, the full initials of the applicant are indicated along with the structural unit of the service and the region of residence. After that, click on the “Find” option. Based on the formed request, the user is presented with a created table in which you can see the loan debt, which details the year of the debtor’s birth along with his place of permanent or temporary residence and a specific description of the existing debt, including outstanding loans.

It is required to pay attention to the fact that when identifying personal information in the list provided, it is possible if there is a desire to pay money instantly online. To do this, just click on the button called "Pay."

Handling a passport to a bank

Another convenient solution, which is quite simple, is considered to be a personal visit to a financial institution in which a loan agreement was previously signed in order to confirm or refute existing debt obligations.

As part of the implementation of the task, it is required to provide an all-Russian passport or another document that identifies the person will be suitable. After that, a credit rating request is made. Next, we will figure out how to look at loan debt in the most popular financial institutions today.

View Sberbank loan debt

How to find out debts through the Internet for a loan at Sberbank?

The fastest way to find out debts on own loans is offered on the official website of a financial organization. It is not at all necessary to remember the address of the portal and the path to the necessary point; any search engine, upon request, will provide the necessary link to the instructions on loans of this institution. In order to see the loan debt in Sberbank, you will need to enter the personal account of the Sberbank-online service.

For those who have not yet mastered the benefits of remote access, the site has a detailed step-by-step guide. Actually, access through your personal account provides technically competent customers with the greatest freedom of access to credit personal information.

At Home Credit Bank

When you need to know the loan debt in this organization, you can contact a bank employee by coming to the nearest branch with a passport. But the easiest way is to call the call center and ask the operator all your questions. By telephone, you will be able to independently determine the amount using the special service "mobile bank" by dialing a card number and a special TPIN code. It can be obtained by calling the toll-free hotline.

see debt banks home loan

You can view debt to Home Credit Bank through your personal account using online banking. But for this, a person must connect to the corresponding service by filling out an application, in addition, by signing the required contract at the office of the financial institution. Only under this condition will the client be able to access a function called "online assistant" on the site. Thanks to her, you can find out loan debt.

OTP Bank

In the event that the borrower has activated a service called Internet banking, he will be able to see the loan debt in OTP Bank directly in his personal online account. To do this, go to the section called “Credit” and select the option “Detailed information on the loan”, where the account balance will be indicated.

see loan debt from bank

Borrowers can find out debt by contacting a call center. In the event that a consumer loan was issued at this organization, then you need to call the numbers indicated on the company's website. Clients can use the interactive menu (by pressing the appropriate key and following the prompt enter the card or contract number), or wait for the operator. Another way to clarify the balance of the loan debt is to visit the branch of OTP Bank. For this, borrowers need to bring a passport with them.

At the Tinkoff Bank

In order to see the loan debt in Tinkoff, to find out the amount for the next payment, along with the amount of the debt and the date, you need to go to your personal account directly in the Internet banking system. To do this, you need to log in, then go to the section called "Accounts", and then click on the page "Credit Cards". Then the desired product is selected, and then click on the option "Account Information". Now the “Currently” mode is required. As a result of all the manipulations performed, relevant information will open. Among other things, you can always call support.

see Tinkoff loan debt

Can I find out about the debts of a deceased person?

Potential heirs reserve the right to check the credit rating and can find out information about the debt on a loan of a deceased debtor. How to see the loan debt in this case? To do this, you must have:

  • potential applicant's passport;
  • official confirmation of the death of a relative;
  • a will to be duly drafted, or a court decision regarding inheritance.

Why initiate a check on the debts of deceased persons? Accrued interest on interest and penalties after the death of borrowers still continue to accrue. Before accepting the hereditary mass, it is necessary to clarify what debt is attributed to the deceased citizen in financial institutions.

During the period when the representative of the notarial service will read the will, under Russian law, it is possible to make a decision on the rejection of the problem hereditary mass. In this case, the bailiff service does not have the legal force to force the heir to repay the debt.


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