Sanatoriums, Leningrad Region: reviews, treatment, opportunities. The best sanatoriums of the Leningrad region for children and adults

Thinking about where to spend their holidays, many Russians are faced with the difficult problem of choosing a place and institution. The abundance of offers and advertisements on the Internet space raises questions for compatriots: "Would you prefer Russian resorts or foreign health resorts? Do you want to choose a recreation center, stay in the private sector or improve your health in a sanatorium in the Leningrad Region with treatment?"

Sanatoriums Leningrad Region

Information for thought

The deterioration of the environmental situation in industrial cities, an increase in psycho-emotional stress, an intensive flow of daily information, financial instability, lack of adequate social security, malnutrition or malnutrition have become the main factors in the rapidly increasing frequency of diseases. Therefore, in recent years, rest in the sanatorium of the Leningrad region with treatment has become increasingly popular and relevant.

Many residents of Russia prefer a vacation in these health facilities. Indeed, a stay in a sanatorium (Leningrad Oblast) brings better results in comparison with leisure at recreation centers or in tourist campsites. A person not only fully rests in a new environment, gaining impressions, but also significantly restores his health, receives a boost of vital energy for a long time.

Sanatoriums of the Leningrad Region with treatment

The effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic measures in the first place depends on the right choice of institution. Domestic sanatorium organizations are recognized as one of the best resorts in the world. Sanatoriums of the Leningrad Region with treatment are also in a place of honor.

Benefits of staying at a health resort

  • Most of the region's health facilities are located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland in the world famous resort area. An ecologically clean area, remoteness from industrial enterprises and busy highways, an unforgettable picturesque landscape gave the institution a special appeal.
  • Sanatoriums (Leningrad region) are located in close proximity to the city. All health resorts can be reached in a short time by road, including public. The movement of buses and fixed-route taxis is organized perfectly, so there will be no problems with the trip.
  • Sanatoriums (Leningrad region) offer comfortable living conditions. The rooms are decorated in an original design, have comfortable furniture, appliances, all the necessary household and hygiene items.
  • Sanatoriums of the Leningrad Region with a swimming pool and hydropathic hospitals prevail in number in the region.
  • For different categories of vacationers, institutions of various levels of service, pricing policy and medical areas are offered. In the region there are health resorts of VIP class and working on economical budget programs. The children's sanatoriums of the Leningrad Region are also popular. These institutions are distinguished by a cozy home atmosphere, caring and attentive staff and an individual approach to the opportunities and needs of each child. Specialized military sanatoriums in the Leningrad Region earned credibility with the quality and results of the treatment.
  • All institutions are equipped with modern medical facilities, unique diagnostic equipment. The sanatorium team consists of highly qualified doctors and professionally trained staff.

All these factors make it possible to assert that these sanatoriums (Leningrad Region) are one of the best health resorts in the post-Soviet space.

The climate of the region

The dominance of the coastal climate in winter brings mild, moderately frosty weather. Spring in the region is quite protracted. Summer is not unbearable heat and stuffiness, although it is warm enough. In autumn, cloudy and often foggy weather prevails. Strong winds are rare for the Leningrad region due to a natural barrier - pine forests and hilly terrain.

Children's sanatoriums of the Leningrad region

The best time for swimming in the Gulf of Finland is from mid-July to early September. Coastal waters warm up to 20 ° .

Those who wish to enjoy the water element at any time of the year are offered ideal conditions for a sanatorium in the Leningrad Region with a pool.

Wellness Techniques

Vacationers who have already managed to visit the sanatorium of the Leningrad Region leave reviews filled with admiration and gratitude to the talented highly qualified doctors. Health resorts have a rich arsenal, consisting of classic techniques and unique copyrighted healing programs. Local natural healing factors made it possible to effectively use climatotherapy, aerotherapy, and mud therapy. The result of the course of cleansing the body with mineral waters is undeniable. Methods such as heliotherapy, thalassotherapy and sand baths are gaining more and more supporters.

Most resorts are equipped with spacious pools and a solarium. Physiotherapeutic procedures are provided, there are massage departments and gyms for gymnastics.

Medical profile

Sanatoria (Leningrad Region) successfully carry out the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system, biliary tract, and genitourinary organs. Effective measures to restore the cardiovascular system. There are programs aimed at healing ENT organs. Doctors have achieved significant results in the treatment of gynecological diseases. People with problems in the musculoskeletal system will be offered the latest scientific developments. It will be beneficial to stay in sanatoriums for those who need to restore and normalize the activity of the central nervous system. Rehabilitation programs for improving, restoring and anti-stress orientation are offered. For beautiful ladies, there are both traditional and innovative cosmetic procedures.

Sanatoriums in the Leningrad Region reviews


For effective treatment in a sanatorium, a sanatorium-resort card should be issued in advance at the attending physician at the place of residence. This will simplify and speed up the selection and appointment of procedures.

The greatest effect of treatment in the sanatorium will be provided by staying in a health resort for more than 2 weeks, since most wellness procedures involve 10 sessions.

Wellness areas

The Leningrad region is conditionally divided into four resort areas: Resort, Vyborg, Luga and the South coast of the Gulf of Finland.

The oldest health resorts of the region are located in the Kurortny district, on the coast, in famous towns and villages: Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, Repino, Solnechny, Molodezhniy, Komarovo. A harmonious combination of huge coniferous forests and azure sea surface has become an excellent base for climatotherapy.

The surroundings of Sestroretsk are known for their own healing sodium chloride water wells. Sanatoriums in Zelenogorsk, Leningrad Region are actively using chloride-bicarbonate calcium-sodium water for therapeutic baths and drinking.

In the resort area there are rich deposits of sapropelic mud, known as "gittia clay." Their magical properties are successfully used in world practice for electrophoresis, various applications.

Sanatoriums of the Leningrad Region with a pool

The enormous sand dunes warm deeply in the summer days and seem to be conceived by nature itself to receive wellness baths.

On the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland there are significant reserves of sapropelic mud and mineral springs.

Bathing in clean, refreshing waters, sunbathing on golden sand, a picturesque landscape of coniferous and mixed forests are ideal conditions for relaxation and recreation.

The south of the Leningrad region is a beautiful Cheremenets lake, surrounded by pine forests. Natural sources of sodium chloride waters with high salinity, peat deposits - a natural healer from many ailments.


The indisputable advantage of the resorts of the Leningrad region is their proximity to the significant cultural and historical center of Russia, the unsurpassed St. Petersburg.

Tourists are attracted by the architectural ensembles of Nevsky Prospect, Vasilyevsky Island, the Admiralty part, the Petrograd side. St. Petersburg is more than two hundred museums, the star of which is the Hermitage, and more than seventy theaters.

Of exceptional interest to city guests are the palace and park ensembles of Pavlovsk, Peterhof, Pushkin, Petrodvorets, Gatchina, Lomonosov. You will remember visiting Strelna, the Oreshek fortress, Kronstadt.

In addition to numerous routes to the center and suburbs of St. Petersburg, vacationers in health resorts of the Leningrad Region offer excursions to Staraya Ladoga, Vyborg, Tikhvin, and visits to the Karelian fortress in Priozersk.

Northern Riviera

Zelenogorsk health resort "Northern Riviera" is located on the territory of a picturesque ecologically clean forest park on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. For vacationers, comfortable spacious double VIP class cottages for four people are prepared. They have a bathroom, a sauna, a bedroom and a living room. The balcony offers breathtaking views of the bay. It is also proposed accommodation in the building both in the "economy" and in the suites. Available - comfortable furniture, TV, fridge.

A joint stay in the sanatorium of parents with children is proposed (from the age of four). Organized three meals a day will captivate vacationers with a variety of culinary masterpieces.

Sanatoriums of Zelenogorsk, Leningrad Region

The medical profile of the sanatorium is focused on the treatment and restoration of the cardiovascular and nervous system, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The medical base of the institution has modern diagnostic equipment, a clinical and biochemical laboratory. There is the possibility of high-quality and full-scale functional and ultrasound diagnostics. There is a physiotherapy department, a psychotherapy room. In the arsenal are effective procedures for heat therapy, Su-Jok therapy, halotherapy, paraffin-ozokeritotherapy.

For beautiful ladies a vacuum massage, a variety of cosmetic procedures are offered. The hydropathic institution will present unforgettable time spent taking pearl, sea, coniferous baths. The rehabilitation programs carried out in the sanatorium have proved their high efficiency.

A spacious conference room, an impressive library, a cozy cafe with a varied menu and a stylish bar are at the guests' disposal. In the evening, they are invited to a disco. Visitors are offered a variety of excursions. For sports enthusiasts, equipment rental, swimming in a spacious pool and exercises on simulators are provided.

"Sestroretsky resort"

The history of the sanatorium "Sestroretsky resort" dates back more than a century. The unique properties of mineral springs, healing mud and sea air have become the hallmark of the health resort. The best classic healing programs have been preserved here, they are being continuously improved using the latest medical technologies, techniques and equipment.

The balneogryazovy sanatorium located in Sestroretsk attracts with its natural beauty of the forest park zone and the spaciousness of the Gulf of Finland bay.

The health resort infrastructure includes a health-improving complex, dining rooms, a banquet hall, and a cafe. It has a unique mineral water pool, equipped with "waterfalls", "geysers" and a slide. Classes in the gym and in the room of physiotherapy exercises are conducted by highly qualified trainers. For creative meetings, diverse literary and entertainment events, the leisure center equipped with modern equipment has become an ideal place. The concert hall is designed for 300 visitors. It regularly hosts shows, film screenings, seminars, conferences. For evenings and festive events there is an original dance hall.

Military sanatoriums in the Leningrad region

The sanatorium offers comfortable rooms of various categories in separate five- and nine-story buildings. Meals are organized as a buffet or on the menu (order).

Medical profile: treatment of cardiovascular pathologies and diseases of the ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, restoration of the nervous system functions.

Among the visitors' favorite places are also the health resorts "White Nights," Dunes "," Baltic Coast ".

Sanatoria of the Leningrad Region give a great chance to plunge into the amazing atmosphere of the kingdom of harmony, health and joy!


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