Children's sanatorium "Swallow" in Izhevsk

Most parents care about the health of their children. But it so happens that the child is sick more often than we would like. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. All year round, there are sanatoriums for children throughout the country. Health resorts provide disease prevention services. The advantage of such institutions is that treatment takes place without the use of drugs. As a rule, this is phyto- and physiotherapy, recreational swimming and massage. Let's look at one of the resorts of Izhevsk.

Children's republican sanatorium "Swallow"

The medical institution has been operating since 1985. This is a modern wellness center with highly qualified staff and an excellent medical base for 200 children. Here, children from three to fifteen years old undergo treatment and prevention. They organize consultations with doctors, conduct physical therapy classes, prescribe acupuncture, massage, water procedures, electric light therapy.

Izhevsk Swallow

Children are divided into groups of 25 people. On the territory of the sanatorium "Swallow" in Izhevsk there is a lot of greenery, there are playgrounds, a sports area is equipped. The building where vacationers live is located separately from the domestic premises. You can send your child here at any time of the year, the complex works year-round. If the kid is studying, he will be provided with full-fledged education. Professional teachers work in the recreation complex; treatment will take place without interruption from studies.

After arrival, the child visits general and narrowly focused doctors, such as an ENT, reflexologist, dentist, etc. After this, an individual course of treatment is prescribed, which includes a special regimen of the day and nutrition. The employees of the sanatorium carefully monitor compliance with all the rules. About nutrition it is necessary to say separately. The menu is compiled according to the recommendations of doctors, so the child receives all the necessary minerals for health. After treatment, children receive memorable surprises: letters, diplomas or gifts.

health resort Swallow

The advantage of the sanatorium in its location. Since it is located within the city, parents can quickly get to the place to visit the child. For doubting parents, "Swallow" offers two trial days, after which, together with the child, it will be possible to make a decision on arrival.

Services of the sanatorium "Swallow" in Izhevsk

A child who has arrived at the sanatorium will have the opportunity to attend:

  • entertaining and educational programs;
  • training classes;
  • music room;
  • phytobar;
  • sport competitions;
  • Holidays
  • pool, sauna and hydromassage;
  • circus and theater events and much more.
Sanatorium Izhevsk

The wellness program includes:

  • gymnastics in the morning;
  • hardening procedures;
  • playing sports;
  • staying a large amount of time in the fresh air;
  • various active games;
  • therapeutic and preventive measures using modern equipment.


Sanatorium "Swallow" in Izhevsk is located far from the industrial zone of the city and roads. He offers his services all year round, September is the sanitary month. If necessary, the child will make an individual schedule. The health complex can be found at the address: Izhevsk city, Ukhtomskogo street, 15.

The sanatorium "Swallow" in Izhevsk is a full-fledged medical and preventive complex. Here you can get not only wellness treatments, but also make new acquaintances, get a lot of impressions and positive emotions.


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