Vodka "Baikal": reviews and test results

Vodka is still the most popular alcoholic beverage in Russia. From year to year, companies offer customers new brands of this product. In our article we will tell you what Baikal vodka is, what are its distinctive features and why it enjoys well-deserved popularity among those who, paradoxically sounds, take care of their health.

Manufacturer Information

vodka baikal

So, this alcoholic drink is produced in Russia by Jupiter Production. The brand name is “Baikal”. Vodka is bottled in glass bottles with a capacity of 0.7 liters, and the drink itself is positioned as premium alcohol. Which is not so surprising, because its price is about 400 rubles per bottle. Vodka “Baikal” has a mild taste, it is recommended to drink chilled. It is also suitable for mixing in cocktails. It is transparent, clean, and the smell is light, but still characteristic “vodka”. Classical fortress - 40 degrees. That is exactly what Jupiter Production describes its product. But the main thing is that Baikal vodka is the first such product that has passed special certification and received the mark “Organic”. That is, buying it, you can be sure that this alcohol is environmentally friendly.

Organic vodka - what are the health benefits?

Where to buy Baikal vodka

This sounds very strange, because strong alcohol is harmful to health - a proven fact. But still, buyers have the opportunity to minimize the damage that is caused to the body when drinking alcohol. How? It’s very simple - to buy organic products. For example, Baikal vodka is produced from beginning to end using exclusively environmentally friendly raw materials. Everything is strictly controlled: wheat is grown in the soil without the use of chemical fertilizers, water is taken from Lake Baikal, and additives - honey, infusion of pine nuts and pine buds - also undergo a constant quality check. In the production do not use preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes and similar substances. The process of creating a drink is strictly controlled, which is why this vodka was the first in Russia to receive such a certificate.

Vodka “Baikal Ice”

This drink is also made by Jupiter Production. Its distinctive feature is that before production, the water that is taken to make a drink in Lake Baikal is cooled to ice (hence the name: “ice” in English - “ice”), and then it is melted again.

Baikal Ice Vodka
And this healthy melt water is mixed with the high-quality Alfa alcohol, that's why Baikal Ice is premium vodka, after it there is no hangover and morning headache, it is mild in taste and has a delicate vodka aroma. By the way, the price of a drink is slightly higher than that of regular Baikal vodka, and is about 400-450 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle. Alcohol fortress “Baikal Ice” classic - 40 degrees. Of course, manufacturers can say a lot about their drink, but you can really understand if a given vodka is good or not after reviewing customer reviews about a product. Below we have presented a selection of opinions of those who have already tried Baikal vodka and its elite variety Baikal Ice.

What do consumers say about this drink?

Analyzing the reviews that consumers give Baikal vodka, we can distinguish the following:

  • it is very easy to drink in its pure form, buyers characterize it as soft, without a special smell of alcohols;
  • the next day a few people worry about the hangover (provided that you had consumed a reasonable amount of the drink the previous evening);
  • a percentage of its sales is credited to the Baikal Lake Conservation Fund - of course, this is not the main advantage of the drink, but many conscious buyers noted this fact as an additional advantage;
  • many call it a good example of the price-quality ratio.

Although the considered Baikal vodka, the reviews of which are given above, is not very cheap, it is still quite competitive in its segment and is gaining more and more popularity among those who prefer high-quality alcoholic drinks.

vodka baikal reviews

Customer Reviews on Vodka “Baikal Ice”

The characteristics of this drink are not much different from the Baikal vodka already considered above, however, consumers note:

  • Very soft in taste and easy to drink.
  • It does not cause a hangover with moderate consumption.
  • Its taste is slightly sweet, so even in pure form it can be drunk by women who usually refuse pure vodka, preferring to stir it in cocktails.
  • Some note the environmental friendliness of the raw material from which the drink is made. Although the mark “environmentally friendly” or “organic” was given to Russian vodka for the first time, for many this is not so important. The main thing is that the drink should have a mild taste and easy to drink.
  • The producer often arranges all kinds of promotions, which allows the buyer to buy this vodka cheaper than the average price.

These characteristics were obtained by Baikal Ice vodka, reviews about it are mostly positive, although, of course, they also note the negative aspects of its consumption. So, someone complains about the price, someone about excessive advertising of the product. Some people still have a hangover - although this point is very controversial, since any, even the most expensive drink, drunk in large doses, the next morning will turn into a headache and dry mouth.

Where to buy Baikal vodka?

This drink is sold in liquor stores and special departments of supermarkets. It is released, like any other alcohol, to persons over 18 years of age. The price per bottle varies depending on the region where the drink is sold.

vodka baikal ice reviews
So, 0.5 liters of Baikal vodka cost an average of 300 rubles, a bottle of 0.7 liters costs around 400 rubles. Of course, in the homeland of this drink (it is bottled in Irkutsk), the price of this vodka is slightly lower. And in online stores - a little higher. Alcoholic drink “Baikal Ice” costs about the same - from 400 rubles per bottle of 0.5 liter. Other products of the company - the bitter tincture “Baikal” on pine nuts - costs from 250-300 rubles per half liter. Actually, these are average prices for premium alcohol, so the choice is yours. But what really pleases is the very fact that a percentage of sales goes to the Lake Baikal Conservation Fund. And this is a valuable source of drinking water, as well as a real “pearl" and the pride of Russia


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