Casco insurance rules. How to "put" a car in a "helmet"?

The rapidly growing flow of vehicles has spawned the phenomenon of auto insurance. A great way to protect your car, provided that you can fall into the hands of bona fide and honest insurers. Casco insurance has become very popular in Russia. It will be discussed further.

What it is?

Casco is a type of car insurance, the purpose of which is to compensate for damage in case of damage or theft of the car, and if there is a special item in the conditions, you can protect the health of the driver. Such insurance is purchased on a voluntary prompting by the owner of the vehicle.

In what cases is payment made?

Each insurance company establishes a list of insured events. Roughly it looks like this:

  • Accidents, failures in the ground and under the ice, fires, explosions, thefts, thefts, robberies and more.
  • Harm and damage to victims, if it arose through the fault of the driver, as a result of violation of the rules and obligations by him.
  • Loss of legal capacity by the insured if this happened during an accident.
  • Unforeseen expenses for the car owner.
Vehicle damage

Is it worth it to draw up?

In this matter, the choice always remains with the owner of the car. If the vehicle is bought on credit, then until the full repayment of the amount it will be the property of the bank, and this organization will take care of the insurance at the expense of the debtor.

Is it worth it to issue a hull?

When a car is bought on its own, the decision on insurance is also free. If the driver is sure of the need for the services of insurers, then you should responsibly approach the choice of the company and the conditions that are convenient for yourself.

What affects the cost of hull insurance?

Buying Casco is an expensive pleasure. In order not to suffer unnecessary losses, you need to take into account the details and nuances of the programs and tariffs offered by SK.

When studying this issue, you need to focus on the following points:

  • Sum insured determined by the insurance contract. Within its limits, SCs also pay compensation to victims. For example, according to Casco insurance rules in VSK, the safety reserve can be either diminished or not diminished, while other organizations can be limited to only one type. In the first case, the insurance company makes payments out of the total amount, gradually bringing it to zero, in the second case, the reserve always remains unchanged and will be the same for all insurance cases. It is clear that the cost of the latter will be higher.
  • The degree of protection against threats. The owner has the right to choose the full or partial level. In the first case, insurance can be claimed for damage and for theft, in the second - for one of the incidents. In the variant, when the car is hidden in the garage, the risk of theft is reduced, which means that you can save and purchase a partial policy.
    Insurance cost calculation
  • With or without depreciation, payments are made. Casco "Rosgosstrakh" under the rules of insurance provides only one option. While many companies give the customer a choice.
  • Application deadlines in insurance cases. The longer this period, the better. For comparison, 10 days are accepted in RESO, according to the rules of comprehensive insurance in Ingosstrakh, this period is 7 days.
  • Place of car repair. Whether this moment is determined by the owner freely or, at the option of SK, the company repairs cars in partner workshops. It is not difficult to guess that this option is more convenient and cheaper for the insurer. The amount of the hull itself will also fall below.
  • Availability of additional services. It should be understood that their presence will significantly increase the cost of insurance.
  • Installment plan. This option will allow you to pay for the insurance policy for several months. She will not make it cheaper, but will allow the owner not to go broke completely and β€œin one sitting”.

Insurance Rules What else to learn?

Choosing an insurance company, you should not focus solely on the price characteristics of the policy. Too cheap an offer will trap a newcomer and only shake all the means out of the poor. When reading Casco insurance rules, you should focus on the following information:

  1. Machine storage. This requirement is not found in all companies. Some of them have settled this issue even for the dark. According to these rules, cars should only β€œsleep” at guarded parking lots.
  2. Clear terminology. In order to have a safety cushion or evade payments in disputes, unscrupulous organizations avoid a full description of concepts.
    Studying the terms of the contract
  3. Insured events. The company should clearly outline this issue. The car owner will be mentally and financially ready for situations when it is necessary to solve the problem at his own expense.
  4. Wear rates. It should be noted that each company sets them at its discretion, therefore, with similar events, customers of different organizations will receive unequal amounts.
  5. Picking requirements. If the car was stolen, then some insurance companies require evidence that the owner has taken the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the car.
  6. Casco insurance rules for a new car. Many companies adhere to the rule on the beginning of insurance. This milestone comes after the registration of the vehicle in the traffic police.

"Underwater rocks"

Nobody wants to overpay. Insurers are no exception. Companies seek to minimize losses. In this regard, the organization establishes clearly defined points for which insurance payments are not relied upon.

Take into account the details

Such lists are compiled separately by each company and can differ dramatically. However, it is possible to perceive a certain standard; insurance cases will certainly not be damage due to:

  • Radiation exposure.
  • Mass unrest.
  • Military action.
  • Nuclear explosions.
  • Seizure of a car by state authorities, if there are legal grounds for that.

Also, insurance does not cover lost profits and non-pecuniary damage.

Careful consideration of these circumstances by the car owner will help to avoid unnecessary disagreements and financial waste in the future.


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