Gym at home: how to open, what to equip? Sports equipment for the gym

The tendency is becoming more distinct: people begin to lead a healthy lifestyle and go in for sports. The influx of customers are experiencing trendy fitness clubs, and people are eager to work hard to enjoy their body and not be ashamed of it on the beach. Dreams of a beautiful figure can be realized at home. Therefore, more and more people are wondering what it takes to open a gym at home.

Where to begin

It is enough to allocate a little space and purchase a few basic tools, equipment. Costs will directly depend on the complexity of the project. You can keep within a very modest amount, but you can also spend good money. All investments pay off with the advantages of a home gym at home.

Time saving

Saving time is, of course, one of the regalia of the home gym, because not everyone lives very close to sports facilities and spends precious hours on the way to them.

In large cities, it can still be said that it is easy to get to them, but not everyone lives in a metropolis, in addition, not all sports clubs are quite worthy.

It often happens that the nearest fitness club is not credible, and then you need to go to an institution located a few kilometers from the house.

Residents of small towns or villages are generally doomed to spend a lot of time on the road, which not only takes up a lot of precious time, but it can even be difficult. Especially in winter, when it gets dark early. Sudden precipitation is enough, and the road takes even more time, kilometer-long traffic jams form.

Winter transport

The prospect of a long journey in the cold of winter may prevent a warm home from leaving. In any case, the time spent on the road to a place where you can work out can be used more efficiently. Gym in a private house is undoubtedly the best solution.

Lack of crowds and queues

The next problem is also related to time, this time it is spent queuing up for training devices. The best fitness clubs, as a rule, are quite popular, and sometimes it’s not so easy to find a free fitness machine. Yes, you can use another at this time, but almost everyone has a developed training plan, and then the presence of the queue becomes a problem. In the gym in the basement of the house this problem will not be.

You can use equipment that is currently needed at any time. This still brings great relief, because the need for waiting disappears, and it can greatly reduce the motivation for training.


apartment project

Sometimes it is very difficult to accurately plan your day, and in addition, some unforeseen circumstances may appear. Thanks to the implementation of the project at home with a gym, it becomes possible to choose the ideal time for yourself to play sports, taking into account the changing routine. Skipping workouts due to traffic jams and so on will be a thing of the past.

This, of course, is very convenient, because it becomes possible to engage as soon as a free minute appears.

Gym at home

Psychological comfort

Many people would like to go to a fitness club, but are ashamed of their poor physical fitness or body imperfections. Yes, in the fitness room, these parameters will improve, but this will not happen immediately. Not everyone is able to overcome their fears. Some do not like to practice among others because of their shyness. In this case, the gym at home is what you need.

In addition, in a place where two or several dozen people train at the same time, you can easily get distracted. Involuntarily the gaze runs over to other simulators, mental comparisons, rivalry, communication begin.

If we add to this the time that is spent waiting until the simulator is free, it often turns out that a person spends it on nonsense and does not use it efficiently while in the fitness room.

With high motivation, your own gym will allow you to focus on exercises.


It is worth remembering that different people use trainers in the club, sometimes crowds pass through it during the day. It is difficult to assume that each of them carefully cares about their hygiene. So sports equipment for the gym can store a lot of bacteria.


The cost of translating the ideas of the home room into reality pays off, as a rule, quickly. In addition, you do not need to buy all the simulators at once, the costs can be divided into parts. The cost depends on what kind of sports equipment a person wants to purchase, its quantity is also important. But the main thing here is that a well-equipped gym in a residential building will certainly be profitable, given the cost of a monthly subscription, which amounts to several thousand rubles.

Barbell and track

The most beneficial are annual subscriptions, but not everyone is able to pay the entire amount at once. Location also matters - pricing varies greatly depending on the region in which the gym opens. At home, a person is engaged alone. This allows him to save money by refusing to purchase subscriptions in fitness clubs, as well as time and money costs for traveling to them.

Lack of support

When planning to open a gym, you need to consider what this idea has and a number of shortcomings. First of all, it’s training without any insurance if someone invites another family member or friend to attend classes.

Doing exercises yourself requires great caution, especially with regard to stress with increasing weight. A beginner can easily make mistakes, and the consequences are not very pleasant. In the end, you have to temporarily abandon the gym at home to heal any injuries.


Another minus - there may be a problem with motivation. Paradoxically, the proximity of exercise equipment can adversely affect it. You can start to postpone the trip to the gym at home, explaining this by the need to watch the match on TV soon.


Another problem may concern the quantity and quality of equipment. Too few simulators sometimes makes the process routine, but the situation gets even worse if they have poor quality. Very cheap equipment can lead to dangerous situations and not give the desired result.

Creating your own training space is more suitable for people who already have some experience. It’s easier for them to choose the right simulators, because they know their body and its performance.

What you need to open a gym

It is better for beginners to head to the club in order to determine a development plan and see what tedious physical exercises they will like under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Step by Step Creation

Creating your own gym at home is not difficult, but it requires a good plan. Of course, you should not start with the purchase of equipment, for this you first need to prepare the appropriate free space.

Before you open the gym, you will need to choose where it will be. Selecting a place is the first step. In the most favorable position here are people living in a private house, since it is not difficult to allocate one free room. Ideally, if a person is now building a house and choosing a house project with the provided gym premises.

The apartment is less suitable not only because of the footage, but also because of acoustic inconvenience for neighbors, for example, when lowering the bar. Due to the fact that each training should be carried out in comfortable conditions, without affecting the furniture, at least 2.5 x 3 m of free space is required. We are talking about the minimum size of the room, of course, the more space for the gym at home, the better. It is also recommended that you use a separate room so that you do not have to constantly move the simulators or pull them out from under the bed or closet. Aesthetic issues are also important. The stepper in the bedroom or in the living room, of course, will not add charm to the interior, in addition, it will negatively affect the design concept of the room.


It is very important that the flooring in such a place has special characteristics: strength, impact resistance. You can use a carpet made of polyester fiber or rubber, special linings are well suited. You need to keep in mind: it is quite difficult to completely eliminate the noise when lowering the bar or exercises with a skipping rope, which can cause some discomfort for other households.

House project with gym


The gym at home should have good ventilation, since intense exercise significantly increases oxygen consumption, and its lack accelerates the body's fatigue, and in extreme cases this can lead to loss of consciousness.

A simple window will be missed. In winter, training with open windows is not recommended. The influx of cold air into the very hot, sweaty bodies can lead to illness.

Therefore, air conditioning or fans are needed, they will provide a constant flow of fresh air without the need to open windows.


Sound insulation is a good idea, the color scheme is a secondary issue, although any red accents can give motivation. Large mirrors are undoubtedly useful, which help you to observe yourself during the exercise in order to make possible adjustments. It is also necessary to provide adequate lighting so that the training is completely safe.


The selection of suitable tools depends both on the area of ​​the premises and on financial capabilities. Even in a relatively small room, you can train using dumbbells, a stepper and simple simulators.

In a large room, attention should be paid to training groups. The fixtures are heavy, besides they have large dimensions. Therefore, they should be placed in such a way as to have free space for a warm-up or exercise with a skipping rope. Some people decide to independently manufacture some devices from concrete and metal pipes.

Ladies who begin their strength training can even use two-liter water bottles instead of dumbbells. Of course, this will save a large amount, however, the purchase of equipment in the store gives a guarantee of security, and this is also important.

If you need savings, first you can buy some simple and inexpensive accessories, which at the same time do not take up much space. And the leaders in this list are dumbbells.

Sports equipment

They do not take up much space. Regular exercises with dumbbells strengthen the upper body and build muscle mass of the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs.

Gym in a private house

It is better for ladies to start with cast-iron dumbbells with a vinyl coating, which are sold, as a rule, in very bright different colors and weigh from 0.5 to 5 kg. A set of this type of dumbbell costs from 2 thousand rubles. Men's dumbbells, for example, 20 kg each, can cost more. If such shells are not affordable, you can always buy used equipment. You can find it on the relevant sites. Of course, these are the minimum prices, because you can buy equipment from well-known manufacturers, for which you need to spend several hundred dollars. Much depends on the materials.

Exercise mat

The cost of such a rug should not be high. It can cost both 1 thousand rubles and 10 thousand. You need to pay attention to the parameters of anti-slip mats, so that they effectively protect against the possibility of injury. It is also important that these products do not absorb moisture, because otherwise they quickly start to smell bad. More expensive varieties will certainly be of better quality and can be used for several years of intense training. Importantly, the rug can be folded, so it does not take up much space. Such a product is perfect for exercises on the lower parts of the muscles.

Power bench

It is best to choose a model that has a length adjustment and is suitable for anyone. The cheapest models can be bought for 20 thousand rubles, it is not too expensive. You can find used options. Some buy rods mounted on a ceiling or wall. The reliability of fastening is very important, since the safety of a person engaged in a bar depends on this.

Gym in the basement of the house

Jump rope

This is another element that you do not need to spend money on, and there are a lot of benefits from exercises with it. During training, all muscle groups are involved, both upper and lower, while the cardiovascular system is simultaneously stimulated. A skipping rope will help to take care not only of the figure, but also of health. When buying, you should pay attention to the length of the rope, its choice depends on the height of the person. No less important will be the material of manufacture. There is probably nothing more annoying than a constantly confused skipping rope, which is difficult to unravel. The cheapest models will cost about 600 rubles, but jump ropes from the best materials will cost several thousand rubles.

Twister for waist

This equipment is very easy to use, but at the same time light and small. Systematic exercises with a twister allow you to form a waist and develop oblique muscles of the abdomen, so they are chosen by ladies with pleasure. Its cost is about 600 rubles, if you choose the simplest model.

Exercise bike

This is a fantastic option for aerobic exercise. And for them, there should always be a place in the gym at home. The cheapest stationary bikes can be bought for about 5 thousand rubles. Moreover, they are folding.


Excellent equipment to improve physical fitness and get rid of extra pounds, but also more consumption. It is necessary to count on the cost of not less than 30 thousand rubles. And some models cost about 300 thousand rubles. It is better to choose a quality simulator in order to engage in comfort and not abandon this business.

Thus, this equipment is the minimum necessary to open a gym at home.


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