The eternal dilemma: on what date to kiss a man?

Goodbye ... What could be nicer for any romance? The first timid attempts to please each other, the amazing magic of incipient love and, of course, the feeling of a spark that skips between a man and a woman ... However, many are tormented by numerous questions regarding how to behave with a person you like. How far can you go on a first date? On what date can you let the object of your love kiss yourself on the cheek or on the lips? Should you be guided by reason or trust your heart? This article is devoted to the answers to these difficult riddles.

what date to kiss

The meaning of a kiss

A kiss is not just a touch on the lips or cheek of another person. In our culture, a kiss has a fairly deep meaning. He says that you trust a person, that you are ready to let him into your personal space, that he is pleasant to you, and you take him seriously enough. Therefore, the question of which date you can kiss kisses almost every woman. At the same time, the first kiss has the deepest meaning - this is a kind of signal that says that the man with whom you decided to go on a date is in your eyes a potential lover, and not a friend or friend. On what date to kiss a man? Let's try to understand this difficult question.

what date can I kiss

First date kiss: taboo or opportunity?

Of course, for our grandmothers the question of which date to kiss on had only one answer. Kissing on a first date was considered unacceptable. Except for the loose ladies who absolutely did not follow their own reputation, they could afford such liberty. However, times have changed, and women have received much greater freedom: nowadays not only a kiss is possible, but also sex on a first date. True, this freedom has made life even more difficult. After all, now thinking about what date you can kiss, a woman can never be sure of the correctness of her own decision. Itโ€™s hard. Perhaps the answer to the question of what date to kiss, psychology allows you to calculate with mathematical precision?

on what date can psychology kiss

Is it worth the rush?

Should I kiss a man on a first date? Each woman must decide this question for herself. Many are afraid to seem too accessible, but why the conventions if your heart is torn to the person with whom you went on a date? If the feeling is mutual, then the man will never decide that you are too accessible and ready to kiss the first comer. If not, then you will find only some disappointment. But after all, any date can leave an unpleasant aftertaste, so if you want to take a chance, why not?

How long should I wait?

Many girls, answering the question of what kind of date to kiss, will say that you need to wait for the third meeting with a young man. Why did you get this opinion? Everything is very simple: the fact is that if you were invited to a third date, then probably the man is interested in developing your relationship. This is true, representatives of the stronger sex rarely spend their time on women for whom they do not feel deep sympathy. A kiss on the third date is the best option for cautious girls who would like to test their feelings and the feelings of the young man they like. In addition, for three meetings, you can pretty well evaluate a man and realize if you really want to kiss him.

on what date is psychology kissing

Sixth Date: The Test of Time

There is an opinion that you need to kiss at least on the sixth, and even on the seventh date. Why is it worth postponing the kiss as long as possible? Everything is very simple: if a man is ready to endure as long as a woman wants it, he will carefully treat your feelings in the future, will never demand what you would not want to do, he will be attentive to the wishes of his other half. Such a check will allow you to learn a lot about the man, because if he โ€œneeds only oneโ€, he will surrender very quickly.

In the question of what date you can kiss, psychology advises taking into account the personality type of a man. Some young people, especially timid and unsure of themselves, may abandon attempts to develop relationships by receiving several times a rebuff in a kiss. This is due solely to the fact that a guy who tries to go a little further and each time gets a refusal may come to the conclusion that the girl does not feel sympathy for him or perceives him only as a good friend. So, you can meet only in a friendly way and look for a woman who wants to give him a kiss ...

what date you can kiss with a man

Heart is the best adviser

If there were universal advice on how to behave in order to build ideal relationships with the opposite sex, psychologists would lose their job. After all, it would be enough to publish a book with detailed recommendations: you can kiss only on the third date, but you can hold hands on the second. Fortunately, life is much more complicated and interesting; it simply cannot fit into a set of dry rules and tips. Therefore, when deciding on which date to kiss, one should be guided only by one's own feelings and intuition. After all, sometimes happy couples decide to go to the registry office after the first meeting ... On what date can I kiss? Psychology does not give an exact answer. Only your own heart will give it.

On what date can I kiss a man? There are no exact recommendations. But you can trust your fate and proceed from the fact that you feel in the company of the person who invited you. And then the kiss will take place at the very moment when both of you will need it.


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