- reviews, pay or not, how to make money

Reviews about can be described as mutually exclusive: while some users have been waiting for payments for months, others receive them in full.

The arguments against are based on the lack of contact numbers and email addresses. In addition, the frequency of payments is suspicious. The maximum time that separates one payment from another, according to advanced users, should not exceed 24 hours.

Earning without investments with a daily bonus

The daily dollar bonus is not the only positive difference between the project. User reviews (presumably members of the affiliate program) make this platform attractive only to the eyes of inexperienced freebies. One hundred dollars, which are issued immediately after registration on the site, enhance the effect.

What can a newly minted financial tycoon do with this hundred dollars? According to the participants of one of the thematic forums, money can only be distributed among the financial platforms and options available on the platform. Money should work.

The essence of earnings on Pay or not?

One hundred dollars received during registration, scattered across financial sites, very quickly “grow” with interest. Advanced users consider this to be suspicious, but no one is going to leave the site. Out of curiosity.

While the amounts claimed for withdrawal are “under processing”, experienced specialists are amused by discussing the security system and the level of protection of personal data.

eurous financial affiliate program

The main trump card of “skeptics”, for example, is the absence of the https protocol on the site. The opinion that the money earned by users of the project is unlikely to get into their wallets seems to them to be quite viable.

What is the https protocol?

This is the name of the upgraded version of the http data transfer protocol. It differs from its obsolete prototype in that the information sent from the user computer to the server and back is protected by an advanced cipher.

A site that hasn’t “moved” to https will sooner or later become an easy target for not the most enlightened, but ambitious hacker. Typically, data interception occurs when connecting to public Wi-Fi.

What they say on the Web about the conditions for withdrawing earnings from

A site user will be able to transfer a hundred dollars to his virtual wallet, provided that two hundred “bucks” accumulate in his internal account.

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Someone from the negative-minded members of the forum - participants in the discussion of the topic: "How to make money on" - published their calculations on the Web. Looking through them, it is difficult to disagree with the version of fraud.

It turns out that if the project administrators give each person involved one dollar each day, users can earn without doing anything. They just need to visit the breadwinner site daily.

In anticipation of payments, users who earned several hundred dollars in October last year were unaware of how to quickly withdraw money from According to official information, the withdrawal of earned funds should be done automatically in the last days of each month.

In fact, amounts to be withdrawn for several months were being processed. Whether payments were made, the panelists did not report.

Reverse side of Are there any payments?

While some users waited for months for payment, others (as can be seen from the posts they left) earned money safely. If two such different versions of what is happening safely coexist, this means that the truth, according to the unspoken rule, is somewhere in between.

Persons claiming that the first payments were nevertheless transferred to their wallets admit that perhaps has “everything ahead”: given the age of the project, it can be assumed that it may still “come off” (i.e. stop making payments). But the main reason for doubts is the lack of contact information on the site, using which the user could ask administrators questions directly to him.

Mysteries of the project

The owners of the site strongly do not fit into the already existing image of a “fraudulent project” for one mysterious reason. The site does not have a button "Deposit". It is this fact that prevents the advocates of truth from adding the project to a cohort of online adventurers.

As you know, thanks to the presence of such a button, money of unsuspecting users comes to the accounts of fraudsters. This, of course, is only one of many options, but still ...

The owners of the site could shed light on this riddle if it were not for the lack of the opportunity to contact them. (user reviews of the site - evidence of this) does not encroach on the personal savings of users, but a long list of characteristic signs of fraud has been found on the Internet. At least two points from this list can be blamed for the heroes of such exciting discussions:

  • The offer is drawn up “foggy”. For example, it does not contain information about whether the owners of the site will be held liable if the expectations of users are not met.
    eurous net
  • The request of the administration to bring new defendants to the project indicates the opacity of the financial scheme.

How to identify scammers operating online?

The most common form of fraud on the Internet is the so-called financial pyramid scheme. Promising investors incredible interest and guaranteeing high returns, the “pioneers” of this type of financial scam calculated only with a small group of investors. They were calculated by money contributed by other investors.

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The promised millions could be earned by one of the first to register in the system. Today, from the former "business" there was only the slogan - "Whoever ran first, he got rich ...". Classic financial pyramids have long been history.

Modern financial fraudsters prefer to disappear with the money of others, without sharing with anyone. Therefore, today it doesn’t matter which of the depositors “ran” earlier, and which later. Everyone will be the loser.

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A characteristic feature of the classical financial pyramid is that everything is "based" on logic and simple, but effective "mechanisms." In some cases, the organizers of the pyramid do not hide from their potential participants their true intentions, focusing on the opportunities that opened up with the advent of the World Wide Web. However, the vast majority of online scammers prefer to keep silent about the true essence of the business they run.

Now lovers to live at someone else's expense like to play microfinance. For example, they are represented by non-profit (or vice versa, commercial) organizations with the right to issue loans, network companies, enterprise managers and virtual casinos.

Often a pyramid is veiled by an investment holding. The effect is enhanced by loud signs like: "Investment project of a new sample." In addition to investments, such enterprises exist through the sale of bonds and other securities.

Another common “portrait” of a fraudster is a quasi-professional financier, “versed in the structuring of the financial market” (or vice versa, a former unemployed person who “went up” in sales), eager to share his experience with everyone who wants to learn how to trade on Forex (or do something yet).

As for the reviews of, users themselves admit that the administration does not even have a hint of a desire to seize other people's money. Although the feedback from users who were not able to get “gifts” from Eurous is full of indignation, the actions of the organizers of the project are more like an innocent rally or trick, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired result.

Interesting details

The feedback from users of the site who joined the Eurous financial partnership program suggests that the project under discussion is a kind of training site, upon registration, future business “sharks” will gain experience in the foreign exchange markets and exchange platforms.

According to information found on one of the affiliate blogs, the project unselfishly supplies each person involved with the necessary tools and tools to work with the goal of helping users increase their income.

eurous net payments

Let's remember how the usual withdrawal of funds on the Internet. As a rule, this integral attribute of fraud is made out in the form of commissions that the user must pay for the withdrawal of earned funds. Pay out of your pocket! More precisely, transfer from a personal online wallet.

The lack of the opportunity to replenish the account on the site under discussion, of course, discouraged active users ... But not for long. After some deliberation, the search for the missing “puzzle” for the picture entitled “ is it a divorce or not?” still crowned with success. The only selfish goal that can be attributed to the project is the desire to receive free traffic.

So is it worth it to work?

The fact that the project is a scam does not doubt the majority of users who have the status of "active" (actively working inside the site). All of them are dollar millionaires. True, only as long as they are on the site. Applications for withdrawal, issued several months ago, are still being processed ...

eurous net reviews

However, it’s still difficult to blame owners for fraud - they didn’t take other people's money, and not give their own money is not a crime.


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