Effective ways to deal with roses aphids

Roses are a real decoration of the garden. If pests appear on them, any gardener wants to protect plants and get rid of insects. There are different ways to deal with aphids on roses. This is the use of chemicals, and alternative methods. It is best to try to choose the most environmentally friendly substance, so as not to pollute the soil of the garden and not harm the plants. In addition, the remedy for aphids on roses should be periodically changed so that pests do not become addictive.

How to deal with aphids on roses
Aphid Remedies

Thinking about how to process roses from aphids, it is worth first of all remembering the tincture of potato tops. You will need about six hundred grams of tops, which you need to cut, put in a container and pour five liters of hot boiled water. After two days, strain the infusion and add half a bar of soap. Spray the infected bush with the resulting mixture, carefully treating all affected areas. After a week, the bush needs to be processed again, repeating the procedure as necessary and in the future. Another way to deal with roses aphids is to use garlic cloves. Peel one hundred grams of garlic and chop finely. Pour it with three liters of water and insist for about three hours. Drain the water and add new garlic, mix and treat all the lesions. Repeat this procedure three to four times. An effective tool in the fight against aphids is tobacco broth. To do this, take four hundred grams of tobacco and nine liters of water. The broth, which needs to be boiled for about half an hour, is infused for two days. Strain the tobacco and add forty grams of soap to the broth.

Remedy for aphids on roses
Sprinkle the roses once or twice until the aphid dies. Finally, you can try the tincture of onions and tomato leaves. You will need 300 grams of onions and 400 grams of tomato leaves, which you need to chop in a meat grinder and pour three liters of water. After five to six hours, soap dissolved in water is added to the solution and seven liters of water are added. The resulting mixture and processed rose bush. If the aphid reappears, treatment must be repeated.

How to deal with aphids on roses without spraying

There is a way to fight infection without the use of decoctions. To do this, just collect all the aphids by hand. This is not as effective as spraying, but it also works. The disadvantage of this method is that small aphids are very difficult to completely assemble by hand. Another way out is not to fight the aphids, but to make friends with its natural enemies.

How to process roses from aphids
This is, first of all, ladybugs, as well as earwigs and lacewings. If there are a lot of such insects in your garden, you won’t have to think about how to deal with roses aphids. Just plant more umbrella plants, yarrow, tansy. They attract ladybugs to the garden. Finally, so that the result of all actions is longer, try to get rid of ants - the main aphid carriers. Find anthills on the plot and fill them with boiling water. After that, they can be covered with a film so that the effect is more complete. You can also use a folk recipe - mix powdered sugar with a baking powder for dough or soda and sprinkle ant trails.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8394/

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