Air suspension on the UAZ Hunter: description, installation, specifications and reviews

Most motorists choose "UAZ Hunter" due to the fact that it has excellent cross-country performance. Not a single SUV can pass where the UAZ passes (even the Niva sometimes loses). Often owners tune their SUVs - install mud tires, lighting equipment and a winch. But the installation of air suspension on the UAZ Patriot and Hunter was no less popular refinement. Judging by the reviews, this is a very useful tuning. Why is such a suspension needed and what are its features? Consider in our article today.


This system is one of the varieties of car suspensions. Initially, it appeared on commercial vehicles. Also, some premium class passenger cars are equipped with similar systems. A distinctive feature of such a system is the ability to adjust the ride height.

air suspension information on UAZ patriot

This allows you to make elastic pneumatic elements. They are usually mounted on bridges and attached to the power part of the body (in the case of UAZ - to the frame). Such a suspension provides a more smooth ride - say reviews. The operation of the air suspension on a UAZ Hunter with a diesel engine differs significantly from spring. The machine overcomes bumps much softer.


The classic air suspension consists of the following elements:

  • Air cylinders (installed in pairs on each axis).
  • Devices for supplying compressed air (in other words, it is a compressor).
  • Airways.
  • Receiver
  • Sensors, valves and system control unit.

Air cylinders are the air suspension actuator. Their purpose is to maintain and adjust the ride height. Correction of clearance is carried out in manual mode thanks to the control panel (it is located in the cabin, near the driver's seat).

air suspension on UAZ patriot

In the case of UAZ, the airbag does not completely replace the springs. This is just an auxiliary suspension. It is installed between the spring sheets and the frame thanks to the metal brackets. The compressor serves to supply air under pressure from the atmosphere to the receiver. The latter is an empty tank, which is usually installed next to the compressor. The element is also equipped with valves and sensors. At the right time, air is supplied to the circuit. As soon as the pressure in the receivers fell below normal (as the pillows filled with part of the air), the compressor switches on. It automatically pumps air in case of shortage.

air suspension in UAZ

As soon as the pressure reaches eight atmospheres, the sensor will work to turn off the device. Some air suspension kits on UAZ Hunter are equipped with a manometer. What is it for? On it, the driver can receive relevant information about the air suspension on the UAZ Patriot and, if necessary, change the pressure through the remote control.

Suspension without compressor

Some say that the compressor is an integral element in the system. But the suspension can work without it. Such kits are also sold at UAZ Hunter. The installation of air suspension is accompanied by the installation of swap nipples. Through them, the driver can deflate or, on the contrary, inflate the pillows. But this is done using a third-party pump. Also in this circuit there is no receiver. Air injection goes directly to the pillows. These suspension kits are the cheapest. But they have a lot of disadvantages:

  • The inability to quickly pump air into the pillows. We have to wait until a weak Chinese compressor pumps it into the system.
  • Lack of pressure control. This information can only be found thanks to a third-party pressure gauge, which is not supplied.

Thus, a compressor is still needed for such a system. But it is included in the work only when there is a need for air injection. According to reviews, this circuit is very inconvenient in operation. Itโ€™s better to overpay for the compressor, but use an already full-fledged, real air suspension.


How much will the air suspension on the UAZ Hunter cost? The final price depends on the type of system selected. So, the simplest, single-circuit one costs about 23 thousand rubles. This is a suspension without a compressor, with nipple pumping. For a kit to increase the working volume of the system (this is a receiver with a compressor) you will have to pay nine thousand rubles. The installation of a dual-circuit system is also proposed. A suspension kit on the front axle with pillows and all valves costs 18.5 thousand rubles. Thus, the total cost of the system will be about 50 and a half thousand rubles.

Among the additional options worth noting:

  • Installation of an automatic clearance control system.
  • Setting the pneumatic signal. It connects to the receiver through a set of pumping wheels.
  • Installation of the control panel. It can be located on the dashboard or between the seats. Allows you to adjust the clearance on the go.
air suspension in UAZ

Also note that this air suspension kit is suitable for several UAZ brands:

  • "Patriot".
  • Patriot Pickup.
  • Hunter.


The air suspension on the UAZ Hunter has the following characteristics:

  • The amount of pillow lift is seven centimeters.
  • The operating pressure of the air spring is from three to eight atmospheres.
  • The lifting characteristic of the kit is 1300 kilograms at maximum pressure.
  • The permissible temperature range is from -30 to +50 degrees Celsius.
  • The service life of air springs is 10 years.


What reviews does this suspension receive? Owners say that with such a system breakdowns of the chassis are excluded even when the car is fully loaded. The load on the standard springs is also reduced.

air suspension on UAZ hunter installation

When crossing irregularities, you can increase the clearance by 7 centimeters. As for the installation of air suspension on the UAZ Hunter pickup (469 4x4), such a system can significantly increase the carrying capacity. The machine does not sag and is well controlled (especially if cylinders are also installed in the front). Another such suspension reduces the effect of buildup at speed.

Air suspension on UAZ Patriot: installation description

Mounting this system is very simple. It is necessary to raise the machine to the lift and draw out the places for installing the brackets. They are mounted on thick bolts. The cylinders themselves have a round metal plate on both sides. On it and the air spring is attached to the bracket. During installation, you should check whether the suspension elements and standard plates of the rear axle bumpers touch the cylinder. Next, you need to lay the air lines. They are laid along the inside of the frame. Hoses are fastened with plastic clamps. Further conclusions are held in the salon. Depending on the configuration, the hoses are connected to the compressor or connected to the swap nipple. In the first case, it is necessary to additionally supply + 12V power. After assembly, check the system for air leaks. This can be done with a soap solution. If the system is tight, you can start operation.

installation of air suspension on UAZ patriot hunter

Please note: the manufacturer does not recommend reducing the pressure in the pillows below one atmosphere. This significantly reduces the life of the air springs.


So, we found out what air suspension is and how it is mounted on the UAZ Hunter. As you can see, this is a very useful system that allows you to instantly adjust the clearance and reduce the buildup of the body on the go. But in order for the system to last for a really long time, it is necessary to periodically wash the pneumatic elements from an abrasive (this is dirt, small stones and sand).


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