Spermatogenesis - what is it?

Spermatogenesis is a complex process in a man’s body, during which spermatozoa form from gonocytes (primary germ cells). It is during adolescence that its intensive stage of development begins, and the process continues until old age. A full-fledged separate cycle of sperm development occurs on average once every 3 months.

It is in sperm that the genetic material of a man is found. In addition, any stage in the life of the stronger sex is reflected in its fertility. Therefore, the process by which spermatogenesis cells are formed should be taken seriously.

An interesting fact: every day about 200 million spermatozoa are formed in the testes, and there are half as many viable spermatozoa, which is about 100 million sperm.


spermatogenesis is

This process, so indispensable for the normal functioning of the male body, is usually divided into 3 key phases of spermatogenesis:

  • The initial stage of development is called mitosis. During this period, the multiplication of stem cells located in the sex glands, which are called the testes.
  • During the second stage, a certain proportion of cells are transformed into first-order spermatocytes. Then their number increases, and after a short period they enter the phase of the first meiosis.
  • At the next stage of the process, cells called spermatocytes of the second order arise. Spermatids are formed from them. And already they, as a result of certain changes, turn into sperm.

Sertoli Cell Functions

Spermatogenesis is a process during which cells are in close contact with Sertoli cells, which perform the following functions:

  • create an optimal environment for the development of "tadpoles";
  • secrete a fluid that is involved in the functioning of the testicles;
  • transport oxygen and nutrients to cells;
  • synthesize a binding protein that transfers testosterone to spermatogenesis cells.

In general, the process of spermatogenesis takes quite a long time and is difficult, and its productivity fully depends on the work of the whole organism. If a man is healthy, then he, accordingly, has good sperm. What does this mean? Quality sperm contains a large number of viable sperm.

Another characteristic of spermatogenesis

Chromosome division during this period deserves special attention. When spermatocyte conversion occurs, 46 chromosomes are divided into two parts. Thus, from the chromosomes that parents transmit, 23 of them go to one spermatid cell, and the other half to the other. Accordingly, the future fetus has 50% of the data from the father and 50% from the mother.

Factors that affect spermatogenesis

spermatogenesis cells

Spermatogenesis is a process that depends on environmental influences. It is not surprising that at every stage of development, sperm can be affected by adverse factors.

First of all, the main factors for this unique process are temperature and the influence of the environment, in addition, the lifestyle that a man leads is important.

Acceptable temperature for spermatogenesis is 34 ° C. Interestingly, in the male scrotum, this temperature is maintained mainly due to proper blood flow.

Sometimes, even due to an increased body temperature during a non-serious illness, sperm counts can deteriorate significantly. Experts do not recommend using seat heating in cars, as this can also cause deterioration in sperm quality indicators.

In addition to temperature, other factors also influence sperm vitality.

Stress, antibiotics, steroids, hormonal failure - all this can affect important male function and sperm quality. Therefore, before conceiving a child, it is not recommended to take any medications, be nervous, or use steroids.

What else does spermatogenesis in men depend on?

Even due to polluted air in the atmosphere, the speed of sperm movement can decrease. A prolonged and constant contact with chemicals can be a cause of temporary infertility.

If for a long period the couple cannot conceive a child, then the man is checked first of all. They take sperm from him for analysis, which is called a "spermogram."

Sperm health indicators

during spermatogenesis

With the normal development of the male’s body, the number of sperm per 1 ml of semen should be approximately 20 million. The number of capable sperm should be equal to half of their total number. But even in a healthy body, inactive sperm can be present, which is not a deviation.

Numerous studies have shown that sperm quality often depends on somatic diseases of men. For example, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure and even skin ailments worsen spermatogenesis cells.

Australian scientists have found that daily intimacy affects sperm quality. Those who followed this recommendation found that the level of damaged DNA decreased by 20%. The researchers explained this by the fact that with abstinence, sperm DNA is injured, and with regular sex, such defects were not found.

Although for successful conception, some doctors recommend a few days to refrain from sexual intercourse. This is done in order to increase the concentration of active and viable sperm.

Spermatogenesis stimulation

impaired spermatogenesis

World statistics today is such that the percentage of men suffering from infertility is quite high. Every second individual for a certain period or is constantly barren. And this is a real problem, because even the in vitro fertilization procedure is impossible without sperm. Examination for infertility in men does not take much time, in contrast to the female half of humanity. Do not be afraid of doctors, because the ability to have children depends on this.

Therefore, it is so important to seek medical help on time. The doctor will advise on certain measures aimed at stimulating spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis is a process that is quite difficult to restore. To begin with, a man will have to undergo a full examination by specialists and pass a spermogram - a detailed analysis of the ejaculate, which is used to establish the fertility of a man, detect diseases and hormonal disorders. You can also increase sperm production by observing a certain technique, which includes medical procedures and medications. The latter include gonadotropins - hormones that regulate the function of the sex glands.

The effect of hormones on the body will be described in detail below.

Basic principles of spermatogenesis restoration

It is possible to restore male function by simple methods that do not require costly efforts. Here is some of them:

  • compliance with the optimal temperature regime: do not allow overheating of the testicles;
  • refusal of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • proper nutrition, which eliminates products harmful to the male function;
  • rejection of products that contain additives and flavor enhancers;
  • It is not recommended to work with toxic substances;
  • rejection of antibiotics and antihistamines. And in general, during the recovery period of spermatogenesis, it is better to refrain from using any medications.

What has a positive effect on spermatogenesis? Of course, proper nutrition plays an important role in this process.


spermatogenesis characteristic

Certain foods contain vitamins that help maximize fertility. In particular, they include:

  • Avocado. It contains vitamins E and B6, as well as folic acid. They adjust the hormonal system and increase libido.
  • Green peas and asparagus. Vitamin C, which is found in these foods, increases sperm motility.
  • Tomatoes, red grapefruit, watermelon. Their ingredient is lycopene, which increases the activity of tadpoles.
  • Pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, eggs, oysters, nuts. The zinc they contain increases the amount of sperm.
  • Garlic. Selenium, which is part of it, protects sperm from damage and improves blood circulation.
  • Ginger. It affects the stimulation of sperm production.

Particular attention should be paid to products that contain folic acid. It is indispensable in the process of spermatogenesis. Folic acid is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, beets, pumpkins, corn, lentils, and beans. It turns out that you can adjust your diet so that sperm quality improves over time.

What prevents the normal process of spermatogenesis?

effect on spermatogenesis

Alcohol increases the level of female sex hormones. Therefore, if a man's reproductive function is important, he should refuse to drink alcohol. Smoking also negatively affects sperm formation.

It is not recommended to consume cabbage, wheat bran and cruciferous vegetables, which also contribute to the production of estrogen. Greater danger is fatty foods. Fried meat, mayonnaise, lard, ice cream - these are real enemies for the male reproductive system.

All this can provoke a violation of spermatogenesis.

Interestingly, the number of sperm decreases in the autumn and winter, and in the summer they become more mobile. Therefore, according to statistics, conception takes place more in the summer than in the winter.

Unique Sperm Data

  • With a single ejaculation in a man, approximately half a spoonful of sperm comes out.
  • The sperm head consists of an acrosome. This membrane vesicle contains the strongest chemicals that can dissolve the egg shell to enter it.
  • After ejaculation, sperm can live in a woman's body for up to 7 days.
  • Sperm velocity during ejaculation reaches approximately 70-80 km / h.
  • With IVF (in vitro fertilization), a dead sperm can create a living baby. This is explained by the fact that with such fertilization only the DNA inside it is important.
  • Sperm cells form every day without interruption.
  • “Tadpoles” move against the current due to the spiral “tail”.


spermatogenesis stimulation

In specialized clinics, hormonal stimulation of spermatogenesis is carried out. However, it does not always give a stable and permanent result. Sometimes medication suppresses some congenital processes in the body. Getting hormonal support from the outside, the brain will no longer want to produce its own testosterone. And from this, the characteristic of spermatogenesis will only worsen.

Interestingly, when a man is in love for a long period, his brain begins to produce a huge amount of hormones for the glands, which improves many processes throughout the body, including spermatogenesis. You can advise men to improve their fertility to love their other half more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8398/

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