How to get rid of hornets without health risks

What can cause more horror on a person than a hornet swarm? Of course, this is the presence next to the hornet housing. These giants (the average individual size reaches 4 centimeters) have a large sting, and their poison is much more dangerous and often causes unpleasant consequences.

how to get rid of hornets
And although these predators bring real benefits to the garden, destroying pests in myriad amounts, I somehow do not want to experience their hunting habits on my own skin. And aggression does not occupy these insects. That is why it is so difficult to fight against hornets.

The situation is complicated by the ability of these amazing creatures to secrete the so-called disturbing pheromone. The death of a relative causes a response from the whole swarm, which violently rushes at the offender. At the same time, insects act in concert, attack together, do not know the fatigue in the pursuit of the victim.

And the death of people from the bites of these predators is not fiction at all. So the worry that the hornet causes is understandable. The nest that the swarm builds on your territory will not resolve itself. Moreover, insects are generally not inclined to abandon their home, on the contrary, they will finish building it, turning it into a larger one.

hornet nest
Therefore, the question of how to get rid of hornets is not an object of idle curiosity. And the surest answer to it is to invite experts. They have reliable products that will surely kill insects. Plus they have professional skills and, importantly, protective clothing. A trained disinfection team will arrive, remove the threat and give recommendations on how to avoid the re-emergence of dangerous neighbors in the future.

Of course, people have accumulated methods on how to get rid of hornets on their own. The principles of struggle are the same as with wasps. Only here the risk is much greater. Wasps are not able to provide serious retaliatory resistance. But the organized blow of a swarm of giants can plunge anyone into flight. Deciding to cope on their own, be extremely careful and careful.

against hornets
An effective way to get rid of hornets involves spraying the nest with carbon disulfide or chlorophos or fumigating with sulfur dioxide. Substances are harmful not only for striped opponents, but also for you. Therefore, a respirator will not interfere. To the place there will be tight clothes, gloves. The procedure must be performed in the evening. Then the activity of insects is less, and almost all individuals gather inside the house. After the death of the enemy, the nest must be removed and burned, and the place of its attachment to the surface should be treated with any chemical agent so that it would be inconvenient for others to settle on it.

It is also believed that it is safer to remove the nest in the fetus when the uterus is just starting to lay it. Or carry out the destruction operation at night. Like, flying residents are sleeping, and therefore you can quietly place their house in a plastic bag, into which to spray the poison.

But if you don’t like getting an extra dose of adrenaline, then turn over the task to professionals to get rid of hornets. They will certainly cope with it without loss.


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