The best tea bag. Black and green tea: rating

Most of us drink tea every day. This drink does not just win the hearts, but becomes a symbol of family comfort and hospitality. We drink tea simply out of boredom, between work and after a delicious meal, as a dessert, at home and at a party, alone and with company. Doctors warn that the abuse of caffeinated drinks poses a threat to health, but this does not stop anyone. About two billion cups of tea are drunk every day in the world.

Today, the pace of life has accelerated incredibly, so people began to save time on everything. This also affected tea. To make a really tasty drink, you need to sanitize the teapot, pour a little boiling water on the leaves and put it to languish. After 10 minutes, you can add at the rate of water and enjoy the rich taste.

But there is not always time for this. Therefore, manufacturers began to produce tea bags. It is very convenient, especially at work. It turned out a few free minutes - he poured boiling water from the cooler, threw a bag, and the tea is ready. But how does such a reduction in ceremony affect our health? Today we want to talk about this in more detail, and also to find the best tea bag.

best tea bags

Not for true connoisseurs

Those who love tea for its rich taste and aroma, and not just swallow a mug of warm contents at work without looking, will never agree to even the best tea bag. The logic here is simple. Usually, the latter option is cheaper than large-leaf, quality tea.

But if we assume that it is this raw material that is packaged in sachets, then the cost should greatly increase, since the production process is complicated by the apparatus for grinding and packaging each portion. In addition, material is used for filter bags for tea. Why is this so?

filter bags for tea


Only the best tea bags can be considered compliant with quality standards. Below we will talk about specific brands. All the others pack dust in the bags, which remains from the main production. The most unscrupulous manufacturers go even further by adding ordinary grass, dried and shredded, to the volume. Color is achieved through dyes, which also do not add utility. Sometimes a normal leaf is used as raw material, but with an expired shelf life.

But the contents of the bags are only one side of the coin. Filter bags for tea also do not add utility. In the original, it should be silk bags. In our case, paper of unknown quality is usually used. A thread attached with glue is also brewed with it. Agree, a dubious composition. Of course, the best tea bags are very different from the cheapest segment, so you should always pay attention to the brand.

may tea

Fruit, berry and flower

They are more popular than classic varieties. Typically, a flavored beverage does not settle on shelves. He is especially loved by women who want to lose weight and exclude sweets from the diet. In this case, the fruit taste somewhat replaces the candy.

It should be noted that these varieties are mostly harmful. Again, with the exception of the most expensive brands, where dried fruit and berries are used as a flavoring. The rest of the bright taste is achieved solely due to chemical components. This is, in fact, a slow poison that must be avoided by all means. Fruit teas very often cause allergies, increase the acidity of the stomach, and reduce immunity. So if you want to be healthy, avoid them whenever possible.

Chemical analysis

In addition to the fact that lovers of this drink evaluate it by taste, there are also special studies that are conducted in laboratories. To date, there are many works that describe the work carried out, or rather a comparative analysis of the quality of tea of ​​various brands. They allow you to accurately assess what constitutes a tea bag, the benefits and harms that the body receives.

Analyzing the conclusions, we can say that almost all the experimental samples contained a large amount of fluorine. With regular use, such a drink will lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and bone tissue, as well as joints. This is especially dangerous for the elderly and pregnant women. Even a healthy person should not drink such express drinks more than three times a week.

tea bags benefit and harm

Choose a drink to taste

Each popular brand has a fairly wide range of products. The standard set is classic, green, and several types with flavoring additives. Let’s say in a few words who should choose black tea. Opinions on this issue are very different from each other, but the harm and benefit to the body depends solely on the quality of the brewed raw materials and the amount consumed per day. The caffeine contained in the drink has a tonic effect and gives us strength for a busy day. Its use for the prevention of viral infections is known.

Antioxidants protect against colds and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The tannin included in the composition increases immunity, and the presence of fluorine helps strengthen tooth enamel. An excess of it is harmful, but a couple of cups per day will provide the body with the necessary amount. If consumed in reasonable amounts, tea eliminates disorders in the genitourinary system and stimulates brain activity.

But, of course, few people think about it. First of all, black tea, packaged, is used for an unforgettable taste and aroma, rich and rich. It blends particularly well with milk.

tea bag which is better

Light option

It is generally accepted that green tea is more beneficial for the body. It is recommended for women to use during the diet, as well as a tonic drink that can be consumed throughout the day. Few people know that in this case, the source of raw materials is the same tea bush from which black, red and yellow tea is made.

That is, the whole thing is only in sheet processing. Therefore, the properties differ not so radically as it might seem at first glance. In particular, the caffeine content in it is also very high. However, the taste is very different. This drink invigorates and refreshes, perfectly tones and therefore is extremely well suited for the summer season. It is especially good with a slice of lemon, honey or fruit.

black tea bagged

The best black tea bag

Thanks to numerous surveys and studies, there are undoubted leaders who produce a really good product. This is a quality tea bag, the benefits and harms of which will be determined only by the amount drunk. They should not be abused, first of all, because of the caffeine, which is part of the composition. However, let's go directly to the varieties:

  1. Greenfield Magic Yunnan is the winner of many thematic exhibitions, which evaluated applicants for victory by a number of criteria. This is the packaging itself, its safety and reliability, as well as its contents. This is a black, baikhovy grade of tea "bouquet". As a result of brewing, a dark, rich drink with a ruby ​​hue is obtained. The aroma is saturated, “with a smoke” and a touch of prunes. Judging by the reviews, this is a strong tea that is perfectly brewed, very fragrant, but a little tart, for an amateur. Each bag in individual packaging.
  2. Ahmad Tea English Breakfast is another great tea bag. Which is better, it's up to you. It differs from number one at a more affordable price. In individual bags, fine, black tea. This is a blend of strong varieties of Ceylon, Assamese and Kenyan varieties. How do consumers see it? Judging by the reviews, this drink is very tasty, rich, bright and slightly tart. The taste is classic, the bags are made well, do not break when brewing.
  3. Brooke Bond - the highest category is indicated on the package, although, according to laboratory tests, it is assigned to the first grade. This is a blend of Indian and Kenyan tea. It gives a strong infusion with amber color. Tea is neatly packaged; no dust is visible in bags. It has a deep taste and beautiful color. These are the sales leaders who have the best customer reviews.

bag of chamomile tea

Green tea bags

Opens Greenfield Japanese Sencha rating. This is Japanese Sencha tea . It is from this variety that it is recommended to begin acquaintance with green teas. The main advantages are the classic taste without bitterness. The drink is a pale olive color. The aroma is very delicate, invigorating and restrained. The packaging is sealed, very good, does not tear and does not become sap.

In second place according to the results of a survey Lipton Classic Green. It is brewed in a few minutes. The drink has a delicate aroma and a golden hue. The taste is light, medium saturation and astringency. Bitterness is completely absent, which pleases most consumers.

In third place is Ahmad Green Tea bags. This is a Chinese tea with an amazing aroma. One bag is enough for one teapot, that is, about two cups. It is nice to drink it with lemon or honey.

Chamomile tea bags

In fact, this trade name is not entirely true. This is not tea, but an herbal drink. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is also very useful. However, there is one caveat. When buying chamomile tea in bags, you risk greatly degrading the taste and usefulness of the drink. Paper packaging and glue are unlikely to add anything to this noble plant. Therefore, it is better to buy dried grass in a pharmacy. An exception would be chamomile Greenfield, which is of high quality.

Consumer Rating

Large shopping centers often arrange product tastings, in which visitors are invited to try several varieties of tea and determine the best. We will give one example of such a competition, in which "May Tea", "Ahmad", "Greenfield", "Dilma", "Nuri", "Conversation", "Brooke Bond", "Lipton" took part. Visitors were invited to try each of the drinks and rate it on points from 1 to 10.

As a result, far from the most expensive Lipton unexpectedly received the highest marks. In second place was placed the Brooke Bond. Then everything went in tune with the previous study. The third place was shared by Ahmad and Greenfield. The Conversation tea turned out to be the lowest quality; visitors did not like its taste. But inexpensive Nuri tea in bags turned out to be a worthy competitor for elite varieties and took fourth place in the ranking.

It should be noted that laboratory research agrees with the rating of consumers. The only divergence of opinion is May Tea. Customer ratings turned out to be weak, while the quality of the products in the laboratory report is very high.


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