How to interest a man: a set of rules

Even if a woman dresses stylishly, confident, has a sense of self-esteem, this does not mean that everything goes well in her personal life, and she knows how to interest a man in order to finally become happy. How to find that one and win his love?

The answer to this question is very simple: you just need to find a way to please a man. If you are desperate for this advice, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules that will help you solve this problem.

So, first of all, in order to interest a man, it is important to understand one thing: women and men are creatures in many ways polar, they are not similar either externally or internally. Therefore, knowing how to please you, do not be so sure that the representative of the opposite sex can be liked as well. Remember that your stylish (as you think) friends or saleswomen in fashion stores may seem to you the embodiment of beauty and grace, and a man will look at them as ridiculous creatures. The main thing - do not listen to anyone's advice (especially these girlfriends), and then you will succeed. And we will help you with this by providing a list of some rules on how to interest a man. All of them are united by one theme: “hunter-victim”. The hunter is naturally, but the victim is you. And not in the literal sense. The fact is that a man likes to conquer, and a woman should provide him with such an opportunity. So:

  1. The first thing a woman should pay attention to is appearance. She should be attractive to your chosen one. Men love with their eyes, and this is a fact. Well, how can he make out a rich inner world if a woman is not interested in him? He simply will not talk and will not understand your subtle mental organization, which is hiding under the guise of a "gray mouse." However, the main thing here is not to go too far. Remember that a charming woman is by no means a vulgar or promiscuous person. Men have a peculiar attitude towards such people, and they do not choose similar ones for serious relations. So, appearance is something that can interest a man at first sight. Moreover, modesty and charm should be harmoniously combined with elegance and seductiveness. Then the man will want to please such a woman again and again and solve it, each time finding interesting features.
  2. It is important to understand that men love ladies who are feminine rather than masculine. That is, a woman should be a true representative of the fair sex. So the answer to the question of how to interest a man in this case is the ability to be weak and constant admiration for the strength of a partner. It is necessary to help him to please you, to protect you. Moreover, this should happen so that the initiative comes from him. And your task is to sincerely thank and admire his resourcefulness. It is important to unobtrusively make a man understand that without him you will disappear and not cope with all the difficulties of the world. But you do not need to do this, constantly resorting to tears. If you do this regularly, the man will simply get tired of your behavior, and he will find another.
  3. The third rule in the question of how to interest a man is that you can not become a witness to his failure or failure. Even if this happened, cheer him up with words like “you did fine, I wouldn’t have succeeded”.
  4. Do not tell a man about money, about your small salary and scarce opportunities. You should admire him, not his income - then you will be provided with expensive gifts and luxurious villas. Conquer him with the purity of his soul, because he needs it most.
  5. Do not be too mysterious and mysterious: speak directly about your claims and addictions. For example, if you like gold, not silver, it’s better to tell him about it right away, so that later there are no ridiculous insults and phrases like “Wasn’t it clear?”

And in conclusion, we say that the game is good only up to a certain point. Building relationships is an art, and each of us knows how to find a suitable line of behavior. Be yourself and everything will work out!


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