How to clean silver at home to shine?

Silver is a wonderful elegant metal that has been widely used in everyday life. Its discreet gentle shine transforms both cutlery and jewelry. Unfortunately, silver quickly fades, but it is not necessary to be a master of jewelry to restore a pristine beautiful appearance to metal. Remember some simple tips on how to clean silver at home.

How to clean silver at home

Method 1. Tooth Powder

The most common method is to clean the noble metal with toothpaste or toothpaste. This is a very effective way, however, some housewives say: what is good for the teeth, then corrodes the earrings. Put a little powder on a damp sponge and rub the product thoroughly for 1-1.5 minutes. Then rinse it under a stream of clean water.

Method 2. A mixture of chalk and alcohol

Not many people know how to clean silver with ammonia. And this is an effective tool for transforming metal jewelry and utensils. Make a thick enough chalk solution with ammonia and apply in a circular rubbing motion to your cutlery. Small jewelry can simply be soaked in a container with the product. After the mixture dries on the product, take a woolen cloth and wipe the product.

Method 3. Ashes from cigarettes

Some recommend immersing a silver item in tobacco ash for 5 minutes, then wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. This is a little-known method of how to clean silver at home, but, alas, it is most convenient only for smokers.

How to clean silver with ammonia

Method 4. Potato broth

If you still have warm water after cooking the potatoes, put a piece of foil in it and your decoration, which needs to be peeled. After 5 minutes it will sparkle again!

Method 5. Sour milk

Curdled milk removes not only stains of berries from clothes. If you hold rings, earrings or silver cutlery in it, they will again please you with a “marketable” look.

Method 6. Lemon Juice

We will create a very aggressive environment with citric acid (you can use pure juice of this citrus). Hold a spoon in this liquid and get rid of the dark coating. But the scarlet silver will still have black edging, remember that!

Method 7. Soda-salt mixture

Also black with silver can be removed with soda and salt. Pour 1 tablespoon of these components onto the foil and add a little water. From such a washing mixture, the bracelet will sparkle in half an hour. Do not forget to rinse the product in clean water.

How to clear a silver chain
How to clean silver at home, if the decoration with stones?

Be careful when cleaning such products. From some chemicals, precious (and not so) inserts may fade. Thinking about how to clean the chain (silver)? First, make sure that there are no additional stone elements on it. And if they are, use soft means for such metal so as not to spoil the product.

A separate way for the lazy

For some people, of course, it’s easier to buy a bottle of special products in the store than to bother how to clean silver at home. This also has its plus, because professional solutions will not only return the product shine, but also cover it with a protective film. Then it will be extremely rare to remember how to clean silver at home.


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