Anti-smoking pills. Smoking tablets "Tabex" - reviews. The best smoking pills

tabex smoking pill reviews
Among people who are addicted to tobacco, but want to get rid of this addiction, anti-smoking pills are especially popular. But it would be too good if in the morning a person took one pill and did not want to smoke again all day. However, such a habit does not give the slightest opportunity to stop quickly. Indeed, for most people, smoking is not a kind of nicotine, but a lifestyle. And from such daily procedures as opening a new pack, searching for matches or lighters, lighting, inhaling smoke, etc., it is quite difficult to break the habit. That is why, first of all, you should psychologically prepare for the abdication of cigarettes, and only then use anti-smoking pills. If you break this sequence, then it will be quite difficult for you to get rid of this addiction.

Types of nicotine substitutes (or drugs for smoking)

In 1983, nicotine began to be actively used in Germany as a medication designed to break the habit of cigarettes. As you know, nicotine replacement therapy occurs due to such means as:

  • special sprays (usually for the nose);
  • nicotine chewing gum;
  • patches against cigarettes (about three degrees of action);
  • inhalers;
  • lollipops that taste almost no different from confectionery;
  • pills, etc.

However, the most popular are regular anti-smoking pills, which can almost always be found in modern pharmacies. It should also be noted that all the methods presented are quite effective compared to placebo. Although you will have to make your own efforts and show willpower.

How are tobacco addiction drugs used?

Smoking pills, reviews of which are very diverse, are used to wean cigarettes by heavy smokers much more often than other nicotine substitutes. As you know, such drugs should not be chewed or swallowed (to a greater extent). They just need to be placed under the tongue, and after 30 minutes they will completely dissolve.

The principle of action of tobacco products

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Absorbable anti-smoking pills are quite effective in combating addiction. Indeed, in the sublingual region there are a lot of vessels through which the released nicotine immediately enters the bloodstream. In this case, psychological factors are not taken into account.

It should be noted that one such pill contains about 2 mg of nicotine. If you are a heavy smoker, then every hour or two you should take two or three tablets, but not more than 40 pieces per day. In the event that you are not so dependent on cigarettes, the dose must be reduced to the first tablet in 120 minutes.

Tabex smoking pills: reviews, principle of action and method of use

Today, there are several types of pills that are used to combat tobacco dependence. One such popular drug is Tabex. In our country, this tool has become available to smokers 20 years ago.

"Tabex" (or the so-called "tabs") - smoking pills, manufacturers of which claim to be exclusively of plant origin. They include such an active active substance as an alkaloid (n-cholinomimetic cytisine), which is obtained from a plant - creeping fungus. According to the principle of action, it is quite similar to nicotine, as it is able to activate the respiratory center, increase blood pressure, adrenaline in the blood and stimulate n-cholinergic receptors.

It should be especially noted that Tabex smoking pills, reviews of which are more positive, are a clear competitor to regular cigarettes. Indeed, cytisine can also bind to biochemical complexes, thereby “closing” the possible attachment to receptors for nicotine. Although at the same time, nicotine does not disappear from the smoker's body. The Tabex effect is based on this. It causes a rather unpleasant sensation from the smoking process itself, and at the same time it seems to “deceive” the body by irritating the corresponding receptors, thereby reducing craving for smoking and relieving withdrawal symptoms.

anti-champix tablets

Take Tabex smoking pills, which are highly controversial, should be taken in two stages. Introductory - designed for 3 days. At this time, the drug is recommended to be used in the first piece 6 times a day (every 120 minutes).

By the way, at the same time as the start of such treatment, the amount of tobacco smoked must be reduced. Indeed, against the background of the use of tablets, active smoking of cigarettes can cause quite strong unpleasant sensations.

If within 3 days Tabex anti-smoking pills do not produce the desired result, it is recommended that you stop taking it and take the next course only after 2 or 3 months. In this case, the drug must be used as follows:

  • from the 1st to the 3rd day - 1 tablet 6 times a day every 120 minutes;
  • from the 4th to the 12th day - 1 piece 5 times a day every 160 minutes;
  • from the 13th to the 16th day - 1 tablet 4 times a day every 180 minutes;
  • from the 17th to the 20th day - 1 piece three times a day every 300 minutes;
  • from the 21st to the 25th day - 1 tablet 1 or 2 times a day every 360-400 minutes.

It should also be noted that during the first 5 days of treatment you will have to give up smoking.

Champix is ​​an effective nicotine replacement?

anti-smoking pills, smoking drugs
What are the best smoking pills? This question interests many people. But to answer it is definitely quite difficult, since completely different drugs can help different smokers.

Champix anti-smoking pills create the same reactions in the human body that occur during smoking. In this, the presented tool is quite similar to Tabex. However, the active ingredient of Champix is ​​varenicline. He and nicotine are antagonists, that is, warring elements. In this regard, if a person takes this drug and then lights a cigarette, then he will certainly have a persistent aversion to it. In this case, the smoker may manifest the following side effects:

  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • high blood pressure;
  • irritability and stuff.

But, despite such a number of side effects, scientists believe that the Champix remedy is a more modern, effective and potent drug than Tabex. By the way, these properties are additionally confirmed by its price. After all, such smoking pills, reviews of which are only positive, are expensive. On average, a pack of Champix medicine costs about 1000-3000 Russian rubles.

The method of use of the drug "Champix"

Absolutely all drugs for smoking should be used to treat addiction only after reading the instructions and before giving up cigarettes. The day when it is necessary to completely abandon the addiction should be on the 7th or 8th day of taking the drug.

tabex smoking pill

The drug "Champix" must be taken as follows:

  • from the 1st to the 3rd day - 1 piece (or 0.5 mg) once a day;
  • from the 4th to the 7th day - 1 piece twice a day;
  • from the 8th day and for 11 weeks - 2 pieces twice a day.

The course of treatment of dependence with this tool is exactly 12 weeks. Tablets should be taken after or during meals, swallowing in general and washed down with one glass of water.

Side effects of the drug "Champix"

In addition to the fact that Champix causes nausea and dizziness from tobacco smoke, taking it can lead to deeper side effects. These include the following:

  1. Nervous system: depression, irritability, insomnia, causeless anger or fear, anxiety, anxiety, problems with concentration, headaches, drowsiness, and marked disturbances in coordination.
  2. Cardiovascular system: a strong heartbeat and high blood pressure.
  3. Organs of vision: discoloration of the sclera, loss of visual fields, eye pain, photophobia, dilated pupils and increased lacrimation.
  4. Respiratory system: cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, swelling of the respiratory tract, sore throat, nasal discharge, and snoring during sleep.
  5. Gastrointestinal tract: frequent nausea, rare vomiting, flatulence, unstable stools, abdominal pain, dry mouth, as well as gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, stomatitis and belching (very rare).
  6. Genitourinary system: frequent urination, in the weaker sex - vaginal discharge, sexual dysfunction and increased menstrual bleeding.

Which nicotine substitutes are the most effective and inexpensive?

“Bullfighting” - smoking pills that help not only get rid of addiction, but also restore lung tissue, which is often affected by heavy smokers. It is also worth noting that the presented tool quickly and noticeably reduces cravings for cigarettes and at the same time avoids weight gain. By the way, the last factor is quite important, since the problem of gaining extra pounds is relevant for many who want to quit smoking.

Impact and method of application of the “Bullfight”

The presented anti-smoking pills, the price of which varies between 120-150 rubles per pack (100 pcs.), Consist only of natural ingredients, namely calamus, ordinary sugar, peppermint and MCC (or cellulose). This product has an integrated approach and combines all modern scientific achievements with traditional medicine. Corrida significantly reduces the craving for smoking and cleanses the body of all toxins.

bullfighting smoking pill

Such a drug is produced in the form of tablets. As a rule, its dosage is determined only from one degree or another of nicotine addiction. It is recommended to take this tool in an amount of not more than 30 pieces per day for 5 weeks. Experts recommend gradually reducing the dose of the drug, as well as increasing the interval between its doses. If the dependence is not very pronounced, then it is enough to use about 10 tablets per day for 7 weeks. After treatment (within 2-3 months), it is advisable to always have such a drug on hand for the timely suppression of the desire to smoke.

Side effects and contraindications funds "Bullfight"

After using smoking pills such as Corrida, the following side effects may occur in a dependent person:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • palpitations
  • rarely protruding cold sweat;
  • regular nausea, rarely leading to vomiting;
  • taste perversion;
  • loss of appetite.

In order to get rid of such discomfort, experts recommend completely stop smoking, as well as take a few deep breaths. After that, it is allowed to take another 1 tablet of “Bullfight”, but at the same time not to return to cigarettes.

As for contraindications, this tool is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. In addition to these, no other objective prohibitions have been identified. If you have manifested individual intolerance to any individual components of the drug "bullfight", then experts advise to reduce the dosage used by 2 or 3 times

Is Brizanthin a good drug?

Anti-smoking pills “Brizanthin” are a combination agent whose action is based on the effect of the antibodies included in it on the brain-specific protein S-100.

The principle of action and indications for the use of "Brizantina"

The complex of active substances that is part of this agent has antihypoxant, antioxidant, membrane-stimulating, anxiolytic, neuroprotective and antidepressant effects. In addition, the presented drug normalizes synaptic transmission in the structures of the brain, glucose and lipid metabolism in cells, and also balances neurotransmitters. All these properties contribute to a significant reduction in craving for psychoactive substances in addictions such as alcoholism and smoking.

Contraindications and method of use "Brizantina"

anti-smoking pills price, bullfight smoking pills

Like all medications, Brizanthin also has its contraindications. These include the following:

  • children's age (namely, people under the age of 18);
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

This tool should be taken on the first tablet (put under the tongue and wait for complete resorption) 2-3 times a day (regardless of food intake). In case of urgent need, "Brizanthin" can be used up to 6 times a day (heavy smokers).

Drug Reviews

All of the above medicines have their pros and cons. Many who use them to fight addiction argue that they are quite effective. Thanks to such drugs, you can quit smoking pretty quickly. But at the same time, most people note that, although pills help them overcome addiction, however, after a while the craving still returns. In this regard, it is impossible to fully rely on such funds. If you really want to give up cigarettes, then these drugs can only serve as an impetus to a healthy lifestyle. For the rest, you should definitely show your willpower and perseverance. After all, without these personal qualities, not a single smoker has quit smoking.


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